The Imprisoning War taking place before A Link to the Past was the first time in the series that Ganon's history was explained. It was later revealed to stem from events that occurred in Ocarina of Time. It was a conflict that ensued after Ganondorf the Demon Thief entered the Sacred Realm, also...
Yamato can mean different things: The most popular example of "Yamato" is the famous Japanese war-ship that was eventually sunk by the Great USA during operation Ten-Go, in my original message's context I was referring to the Yamato sword wielded by Vergil in the Devil May Cry franchise. In...
spash: If you find a Metal Gear Rising: REVENGEANCE player who says Sam is too hard to beat on revengeance difficulty, you spotted someone who doesn't know how to push forward and X at the same time despite having still somehow beaten Blade Dog and Monsoon.
he returned to the afterlife, but he gave me his sword and before going with that weird and old witch he uttered the words "become the next italian samurai"
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