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  1. Daniel Dethmers

    Is that good or bad?

    Is that good or bad?
  2. Daniel Dethmers

    Final Good bye to the server!

    Never met you mate, but farewell, enjoy your time off of the server. Sincerely- Dan
  3. Daniel Dethmers

    Denied Token Enchantment Suggestion

    I think this would be pretty neat, I think they should add the others except "Lucky Finder" into survival tbh, but that would kinda be wierd since it's vanilla survival, But cool idea none-the-less.
  4. Daniel Dethmers

    All about keys

    I think the prices are pretty good, If I was more active on OP skyblock I would prob buy some.
  5. Daniel Dethmers

    Ive been Hacked. :(

    I am pretty sure there is a form you can submit to get the password reset, but i'm not 100% sure. Hope you are able to get your account back. Sincerely, Dan
  6. Daniel Dethmers

    mention party \0/ (2016)

    I don't think anyone really knows me/I don't really know anyone so riiip.
  7. Daniel Dethmers

    Denied Suggestion: A reward for those who report hackers

    +1 I think this could work pretty well, maybe make it so everytime someone reported and got a hacker BANNED they would get a reward based on whatever server they are on; Survival: Adventure Key, Skyblock: Rare Key. I think that or Diamond, or emerald rewards also could work perhaps?
  8. Daniel Dethmers

    Denied Suggestion: Solo Egg wars

    I think that it would definitely be interesting.
  9. Daniel Dethmers

    Its Time.

    Farewell, Never met you but I wish you the best from this day foward.
  10. Daniel Dethmers

    How To Claim Vote Reward??

    ^ correct, when you vote you should automatically always get some sort of reward regardless of what it is. Maybe you are just really laggy?
  11. Daniel Dethmers

    Small OPSB Event | Lava Run

    Sad I missed it, sounded like a lot of fun. How many people showed up? and when will the next one be?(if one will happen again.)
  12. Daniel Dethmers


    I agree, I like pika as well.
  13. Daniel Dethmers

    Hello :D

    Hi man, hope you enjoy your stay!
  14. Daniel Dethmers

    I got ban While Raiding

    What did you do to get banned?(if you don't mind me asking) did you do something against the rules? lol. Hope you get this sorted out.
  15. Daniel Dethmers

    Hey, I'm back and need help

    Welcome back! and I hope you are able to get this figured out bud!
  16. Daniel Dethmers


    The struggle is real, I guess I can learn from your mistakes?!
  17. Daniel Dethmers

    Fun TIMES (with xDjBzX) :D

    Vewry Nice, I really like seeing progress like this.
  18. Daniel Dethmers

    Pika-Network games not showing correct amount of people.

    Lately i've been realising that the individual games on the server aren't showing the true amount of players that are in that game. I am not sure what causes this but I thought I should put it up here. (I don't know if this is the correct section, if not please notify me and ill change.)
  19. Daniel Dethmers

    My Introduction to this forum.

    Thank you, I've been playing on pika for a while now, but I just joined the forums yesterday.