Hello Fellow Pika-Network.
I thing Vader to Chembacca need a Chat Colour such Vader; Dark Blue Chat Colour,SkyWalker:Green Chat Colour and Chewbacca:Red or Purple Colour Chat.I also thing that the Vault for Vader:4(remain the same),
Skywalker:5 and Chewbacca:6.
How about Vader -...
Hello fellow Pika-Network,
I feel that cannot join Galactix Faction because it full.At least Developer put the slot to 1/200 players.
I hope it added more slot.
Please 'Lock' after it been Add.Thank you
Well,I can say something spiritual word for your father.
May Peace in his live in heaven look that what he done the past and May God peace in him and give faith
Shall we get 5000-20000 Claim Block back.
I will say Yes but staff still thinking about it.
Reason:I want the survival will be more fun and it have more player so that player will not get bored with it.:rolleyes:
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