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  1. NitinHGamer

    Discussing skywars

    LOL interesting I'm thinking when you'll come back
  2. NitinHGamer


    Good luck mate Don't forget to read rules too
  3. NitinHGamer

    Denied SkyWars forging kit

    It's rare when you need them , it isn't rare when you don't care about them
  4. NitinHGamer


  5. NitinHGamer


  6. NitinHGamer


    Hello xplode Im Nitin aka NitinHGamer Nice to meet you <3
  7. NitinHGamer

    Discussing skywars

    Do you guys enjoy skywars? Don't you? Share your experiences about skywars moment and share that what you think what next update gonna be? { sorry if my English hurt you D: }
  8. NitinHGamer

    Denied SkyWars forging kit

    No need tho Pika maps have anvil and bottle of xp too
  9. NitinHGamer

    Duck fan! 🦆

    Duck fan! 🦆
  10. NitinHGamer

    Accepted Randomized Kill message cosmetics

    +1 This should be add Enter more than 6 words
  11. NitinHGamer


  12. NitinHGamer


  13. NitinHGamer

    what's your favourite gamemode and why

    Skywars for lifetime
  14. NitinHGamer

    Introducing the small YouTuber who have 255 subs on YT

    Welcome Toby My name is Nitin Nice to meet you
  15. NitinHGamer

    Explain your issue

    Explain your issue
  16. NitinHGamer

    Accepted Global Make Rank Upgrades possible with gold.

    there is! Enter more than 6 words
  17. NitinHGamer

    Denied Bridge egg

    Already suggested and got denied Enter more than 6 words
  18. NitinHGamer

    Denied BedWars Invisibility Pots and pop-up towers

    They are already suggested and got denied Don't suggest already suggested things..
  19. NitinHGamer

    Denied BedWars Replay system and /report

    Do not spam suggestions Enter more than 6 words
  20. NitinHGamer

    Denied BedWars Replay system and /report

    Already suggested and denied Enter more than 6 words