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  1. Jace9

    Why isn't this punishable?

    Read my last reply here ty https://pika-network.net/threads/punish-for-offences-in-dms.139483/
  2. Jace9

    Accepted Double XP weekend?

    so detailed omg this definitely deserves +1
  3. Jace9

    Global Bedwars/Skywars event.

    Yeah I know but it isn't that detailed
  4. Jace9

    Plz check this out ty. https://pika-network.net/threads/punish-for-offences-in-dms.139483/

    Plz check this out ty. https://pika-network.net/threads/punish-for-offences-in-dms.139483/
  5. Jace9

    Accepted Practice Practice improvement

    Already suggested and the height limit was already lowered. If they are camping, then report them here because it is bannable.
  6. Jace9

    Denied SkyWars Double Jumps

    +1, double jump is so broken. You just don't die without it. If we try to kill somebody he either keeps running or flying after hit in the void. Maybe set a timer for it or give a specific number of double jump uses?
  7. Jace9

    Global Bedwars/Skywars event.

    It can be possible and just a bedwars event isn't hypi* copy. But do really announce it, give more detailed information as Lt_Hammerman said
  8. Jace9

    I paid and didn't get my stuff

    Yeah he isn't kidding, he also gave proof.
  9. Jace9

    Nice. Good luck and have fun!

    Nice. Good luck and have fun!
  10. Jace9

    Go sleep

    Go sleep
  11. Jace9


  12. Jace9

    How much cps can yall reach

    If I'm pvping then I can go till like 15 or 16, sometimes 18 but that's too hard. If I am not pvping and just clicking then I can reach 17 easily, once also reached 20 but never went there again XD
  13. Jace9

    Ohhhh. Gib me too

    Ohhhh. Gib me too
  14. Jace9

    Nice pfp...

    Nice pfp...
  15. Jace9

    Nice pfp sexy sxi. Where tf do you get them though

    Nice pfp sexy sxi. Where tf do you get them though
  16. Jace9


  17. Jace9

    Accepted BedWars make a bedwars streak leaderboards

    90% of the time hackers get kicked? Bro seriously anticheat is laughing at you rn.
  18. Jace9

    LYY <3

    LYY <3
  19. Jace9

    Why isn't this punishable?

    Please check out tozz's suggestion ty.
  20. Jace9

    How to get good

    I S tap and W tap too lol.