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  1. JerryMine

    i am very bad pls teach me how to pvp

    its disadvantage lmao imagine getting banned by console
  2. JerryMine

    Accepted OP Factions Rule suggestion

    not really my fault for that to happen anyway, and stop blaming me for stating out the read before posting thread. Since a developer has already liked your comment I think it can be accepted
  3. JerryMine

    Accepted OP Factions Rule suggestion

    you literally wrote suggestion about rules lmao that leads to instant denial and every rules have their reason to exist
  4. JerryMine

    Denied Global Asia ip (pls)

    Yo Yo YOoo IT's Yat Rat BOi HiDIng beHInd THe M0usE hOle FindIng SOmeThing NeW: - wow trial ya rat boi signing out
  5. JerryMine

    Accepted OP Factions Rule suggestion

    Fact #1: https://pika-network.net/threads/read-before-posting.103683/
  6. JerryMine


    Yeos yeos YeOoosS Its Ya RAt BOi Here WIth AnOthER PosT fARmIng! - yzogei rat boi signing out
  7. JerryMine


    yo yO YO Its Ya RaT bO1 hIdiNg beHInD thE mOusE HoLe cHEcKinG oUt sOmeThinG: - yzogei ya boi signing out
  8. JerryMine

    new pfp idots

    new pfp idots
  9. JerryMine

    Speedrunning On Bedwars...

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eTYQ93BqpQ
  10. JerryMine

    Remove hypixel maps

    i actually prefer the old fps-based maps before reset
  11. JerryMine

    Denied Global Change the AntiCheat's killaura detection method.

    anything related about anticheat is an instant deny, as you don't know how hard it is to code.
  12. JerryMine

    you got banned for Mobaura and stuff the server thought you are afk farming in an illegal way

    you got banned for Mobaura and stuff the server thought you are afk farming in an illegal way
  13. JerryMine

    Denied Global Change the AntiCheat's killaura detection method.

    Fact #1 read this before posting
  14. JerryMine


  15. JerryMine

    "_Sxi is a hacker", they said.

    idk i got into mood and play some very random practice and end up having combos with 6cps by luck and get called hacks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  16. JerryMine

    Thread Title

    I mean we don't really know since we don't have a case of person banned for using net limiter, vpn is also a software or app that isn't mod for mc but still bannable so yeah it flushes everything
  17. JerryMine

    make this thread #1 replied/viewed

  18. JerryMine

    More Painnn

  19. JerryMine

    This is serious problem.

    gonna give up