It's not as easy as flipping the back of a hand. With new anticheat, there'll be a lot of testing required especially since the bedwars game has a lot of features that modify players kb such as fireball. Even tnt jumping could be an issue in the latter if the anticheat isn't thoroughly tested...
When VPN was disallowed, it helped a bit on preventing hackers to make new alts in the server with the only drawback of having staff to focus on bot filter channel on discord. Now that VPN is fully allowed, staff has no longer need to focus on the channel. But the drawback of it is that hackers...
Um not really. Most of the features in bedwars are very similar to other server. And with each updates pika is making (e.g blast proof glass, wood skins), it seems that they don't mind whether the idea is original or not.
I agree... But people did try to defend pika's originality when others were suggesting blast proof glass until pika decided to implement it themselves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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