JerryMine this topic is for opfactions improvements , most likely you play creative so please go and comment on a topic that is relevant for creative .
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Add more factions rules.
Detailed description:
This season opfactions was a mess.People were using those gen buckets to make pillars outside the base , so nobody can raid them. This thing is very annoying and it can be counted as an extention to the...
Bruh they are barely resetting opfactions once a year and you want to merge factions with opfactions so there will be only one season per year instead of two....
As they said it will increase the numbers of the donators who hack but the staff team has to trust the community.A hacker would hack either way even if the bans are reduced or not .
In my opinion this isnt a must . Reducing the other punishments such as spam negative behaviour etc , now lets be...
+1 Factions and OpFactions shouldn't be ignored .When bedwars and sky wars were not updated factions/opfactions were the servers with the most players online. #Reset #Factions
+1 They should add warp fps back because it was an effective map. It was a big arena that boosted the fps.In the soccer arena most of the people are lagging.
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