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  1. Sh4r1m


    Bedwars is amazing not gonna lie!!!
  2. Sh4r1m

    Denied SkyWars Add Veteran boots

    I changed it. Resistance 1 now.
  3. Sh4r1m

    Denied Survival Readdition of speed effects and water in Survival

    I have never played PVP before so like OK???
  4. Sh4r1m

    Denied SkyWars Add Veteran boots

    Ok thanks so much for this message!!!!
  5. Sh4r1m

    Accepted BedWars Make it so a person cannot buy the same sword twice

    -1 Because Buying 2 swords are actually useful when you put one on ender chest and then if you died and your bed wasn't destroyed. Then you can use the SAME QUALITY SWORD that was PLACED ON YOUR ENDER CHEST!!!!
  6. Sh4r1m

    Accepted BedWars Shopkeeper buying system

    +1 Please this change happens soon!!!
  7. Sh4r1m

    Denied Survival Readdition of speed effects and water in Survival

    -1 because you can block players using blocks making them slower no need. But nice suggestion indeed.
  8. Sh4r1m

    Denied SkyWars Add Veteran boots

    Username: Sh4r1m Suggestion: Add Veteran boots Detailed description: I want veteran boots. Veteran boots would give you resistance 1 when wearing it and make it only obtainable by rumble boxes or VERY rare middle chests. Reason(s): Veteran boots would be really useful as bouncy or speedy...
  9. Sh4r1m

    Best thing on skywars

    Please vote for this! Thanks so much!!!
  10. Sh4r1m

    New person here!

    Hello Pigman or Newroliser. Thanks for commenting me
  11. Sh4r1m

    New person here!

    Hello ked. Thanks for the comment
  12. Sh4r1m

    Denied SkyWars Make beds in Skywars explode

    Username: Sh4r1m Suggestion: Make beds in Skywars explode Detailed description: I want beds to explode after you place it on a player just as normally when going to the nether or the end. Reason(s): It will make skywars much fun, making it more better than before! Example(s): If...
  13. Sh4r1m

    Denied Lobby Add more vote links

    Thanks for telling me by the way tho :) .
  14. Sh4r1m

    Denied Lobby Add more vote links

    Not actually. It doesn't happen with me :( .
  15. Sh4r1m

    New person here!

    Hi! I am Sh4r1m. Nice to meet you!
  16. Sh4r1m

    Denied Lobby Add more vote links

    Username: Sh4r1m Suggestion: Add more vote links Detailed description: I want more voting links because I am not able to vote more than 5 times. Some people are voting like 8 times a day! Reason(s): To get some rewards like a community update :) .