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  1. qHadz

    petition diamond rank able to fly

    Diamond cannot fly in pr lobby? That is weird, they really need to add that
  2. qHadz

    Login Problem

    Did you forget your password or is it a connection issue? A screenshot would for sure be helpful
  3. qHadz

    I Hit 20,000 Kills

    Congrats brother! Very well played
  4. qHadz

    Practive absurd stats system.

    I agree with code, nothing will change im guessing and the only thing you can do is apply for a VPN or something like that to fix the lagg issues
  5. qHadz


    this is still going on? 😭
  6. qHadz

    Banning For no Reason !

    Nice, the anticheat just doesnt like you i guess
  7. qHadz


    Makes sense, I do not really agree with it but i see your point
  8. qHadz

    Banning For no Reason !

    Using forge is normal. I prefer forge because I can add whatever I want, especially mods that I don't see on most cracked clients, or normal clients in general. Getting 20 kills a game is also pretty normal if you are good or if you are clutching a sweaty game, I have gotten a few games with...
  9. qHadz

    this hacker dude

    If you encounter a hacker make sure to report them at https://pika-network.net/report/ with valid proof such as a recording of them cheating
  10. qHadz

    Do You Disrespect Archers?

    Bow spamming requires less skill as you can just build like a skybase, camp your gen the whole game and there is nothing that the enemy can do.
  11. qHadz

    Lagg issues

    It isnt, other servers are fine+ many other people are experiencing this from what I've heard!
  12. qHadz

    Practice pvp

    Correction, you cannot obtain it from vote creates only from the gold shop and challanger keys
  13. qHadz

    Winstreak doesn't decrease?

    Hello, if you encounter a bug report it at: https://pika-network.net/bug-report/ with this video as proof
  14. qHadz

    How to identify hackers using their ign

    The dots are for bedrock players i belive yes, but because for some reason if you play on bedrock the anticheat just ignores you, it is a good way to identify blatant hackers
  15. qHadz


    Is it really flooding? It was just 2 messages (even if they were "spam like") , and not even in a public channel, but in a private 1v1 game where nobody else could see it? Does that really deserve a 30 day mute for flooding?
  16. qHadz

    i am saying hello to you homosapiens

    what is that? And hello there!
  17. qHadz

    Lagg issues

    I might be crazy but practice seems way more laggy than other servers. My blocks dissapear more often, I lagg back a lot and sometimes everything just freezes and I or my enemy just randomly gets teleported away. Is there anything that can be done about this it is really frustrating and I've...
  18. qHadz

    Bedwars broke lmao

    This place is just gonna turn into a place where people share recipes with eachother xD
  19. qHadz

    Bedwars broke lmao

    yea man this is the place for that
  20. qHadz

    50 wlr in the bridge!

    Im a bit late but congrats