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Everything to know about voting / votes


Legendary Pika
Nov 25, 2023
on this page I'll address every detail about voting and every problem/bugs you may face and how to prevent them.
if I do not mention smth. tell me and I'll update this post.

these are the vote links with reset time ( server time )

05:00 am​
24h reset
05:00 am​
12:00 am
12:00 am
05:00 am​

12:00 am

what's Vote 2 24H reset ? :

the 2nd link doesn't have a specific reset time. if you vote today at thursday 9:51 pm. you can vote again tomorrow at the same time friday 9:51pm

  • Votes Rewards

Votes does reset every month and there's a reward for top voters. you can compete with voting by your in game username and get rewarded
The top 5 voters at the end of the month will receive PikaNetwork gold :gold: which they can use ingame with /goldshop command
Top voters payouts
  • 🎖️ Top 1 - 6,500 Pika Gold
  • 🥈 Top 2 - 5,000 Pika Gold
  • 🥉 Top 3 - 3,750 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 4 - 2,500 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 5 - 1,250 Pika Gold

Don't worry if you can't catsh up with top voters list you can get 500 iron for every 50 votes you get. using /vote command in game you can claim your reward

However this is not the only way you can get PikaNetwork Iron

To get rewarded using discord you have to link your discord account with your in game account, here's how :
  1. Join PikaNetwork Discord Server
  2. Join
  3. Go to any gamemode (other than lobby)
  4. Execute the /linkaccount command in chat
  5. Copy the given TOKEN
  6. Go back to Discord Commands Text Channel and type /linkaccount TOKEN

By voting to PikaNetwork Stats discord bot you will receive 1000 PikaNetwork Iron after reaching 40 Votes

Here'e the Discord Bot Vote Link

informations you might need to know
  • You can evey 12 hours. meaning twice a day. so you can reach 40 votes in 20 days
  • if your dm's are enabled when you vote you will receive a dm from the pikaanetwork stats bot contains : Progress : x/40 votes . and some informations you have to read (if you don't receive this dm the bot maybe oflline.)
  • every vote you get it will expire after 30 days
  • you will receive iron directly after reaching 40 votes on the in game account you have liked your discord account with
  • you can check iron expiring time using /goldshop and hover mouse on the iron item

Talking About expiring iron let's address the most popular issues
and one of them is :

  • Expiring Iron​

YES! Iron does Expire
In Minigames mode like bedwars. Iron does expire after 7 days
in other gamemodes like survival iron does expire after 14 days
Competetions payouts (suck as /island top), iron does expire after 7 days
(this doesn't contain the iron you get from crate bcz some of them 24hours limited)

to check your iron expiring date join a random gamemode and use /goldshop command. Hover over the iron ingot and you will see the iron you have. and in which gamemode you have and the expiring date

  • Sorry, not a valid playername. (none-premium account)​

you might face this error by voting for PikaNetwork using the 7th vote link. this happen because this website does not allow cracked usernames vote. so if you don't have a premium Minecraft Account unfortunately you can not vote on this link
  • I have a premium account and it's still says Not a premium account​

If you have a minecraft premuim account and you still getting the same error. This how to fix it here's what to do
  1. Go to this link: https://namemc.com/claim-your-profile to validate your username
  2. Complete steps 1 and 2, which instruct you to join the server and use the command /namemc.
  3. You will receive a link in chat. Copy it and paste it into your browser.
  4. You will then have the option to create an account on that website, Create an account and you are done.
it might work at the same time mostly but for some usernames may take up to 7 days
  • My Vote has not been registered​

this problem may happen and most likely happens if you are in some gamemode or in lobby. so my advice is when you want to vote disconnect from the game and finish voting then relogin

  • I can't Upgrade my rank from VIP to ELITE

When you start voting and you reach 50 and 100 and 150 do not claim the 500 iron rewards cause it's gonna disappear after 7 days. and do not open crate keys. wait till the end of the month and claim the 200 vote or 150 vote rewards (if you can't reach 200). and start opening vote crates. if you get the Free Trial VIP 30 day from crates since you already have VIP rank that trial will give you 500 iron instead. so you might be lucky getting more than one in that time. and if you don't calculate the voting for the PikaNetwork Stats bo. start voting from day 7 and keep voting for the bot and also using the 7 vote links. this is how you make sure you will get the upgrade 100%.
Last edited:


Great Reporter
Aug 28, 2024
on this page I'll address every detail about voting and every problem/bugs you may face and how to prevent them.
if I do not mention smth. tell me and I'll update this post.

these are the vote links with reset time ( server time )

05:00 am​
24h reset
05:00 am​
12:00 am
12:00 am
05:00 am​

12:00 am

what's Vote 2 24H reset ? :

the 2nd link doesn't have a specific reset time. if you vote today at thursday 9:51 pm. you can vote again tomorrow at the same time friday 9:51pm

  • Votes Rewards

Votes does reset every month and there's a reward for top voters. you can compete with voting by your in game username and get rewarded
The top 5 voters at the end of the month will receive PikaNetwork gold :gold: which they can use ingame with /goldshop command
Top voters payouts
  • 🎖️ Top 1 - 6,500 Pika Gold
  • 🥈 Top 2 - 5,000 Pika Gold
  • 🥉 Top 3 - 3,750 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 4 - 2,500 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 5 - 1,250 Pika Gold

Don't worry if you can't catsh up with top voters list you can get 500 iron for every 50 votes you get. using /vote command in game you can claim your reward

However this is not the only way you can get PikaNetwork Iron

To get rewarded using discord you have to link your discord account with your in game account, here's how :
  1. Join PikaNetwork Discord Server
  2. Join
  3. Go to any gamemode (other than lobby)
  4. Execute the /linkaccount command in chat
  5. Copy the given TOKEN
  6. Go back to Discord Commands Text Channel and type /linkaccount TOKEN

By voting to PikaNetwork Stats discord bot you will receive 1000 PikaNetwork Iron after reaching 40 Votes

Here'e the Discord Bot Vote Link

informations you might need to know
  • You can evey 12 hours. meaning twice a day. so you can reach 40 votes in 20 days
  • if your dm's are enabled when you vote you will receive a dm from the pikaanetwork stats bot contains : Progress : x/40 votes . and some informations you have to read (if you don't receive this dm the bot maybe oflline.)
  • every vote you get it will expire after 30 days
  • you will receive iron directly after reaching 40 votes on the in game account you have liked your discord account with
  • you can check iron expiring time using /goldshop and hover mouse on the iron item

Talking About expiring iron let's address the most popular issues
and one of them is :

  • Expiring Iron​

YES! Iron does Expire
In Minigames mode like bedwars. Iron does expire after 7 days
in other gamemodes like survival iron does expire after 14 days
Competetions payouts (suck as /island top), iron does expire after 7 days
(this doesn't contain the iron you get from crate bcz some of them 24hours limited)

to check your iron expiring date join a random gamemode and use /goldshop command. Hover over the iron ingot and you will see the iron you have. and in which gamemode you have and the expiring date

  • Sorry, not a valid playername. (none-premium account)​

you might face this error by voting for PikaNetwork using the 7th vote link. this happen because this website does not allow cracked usernames vote. so if you don't have a premium Minecraft Account unfortunately you can not vote on this link
  • I have a premium account and it's still says Not a premium account​

If you have a minecraft premuim account and you still getting the same error. This how to fix it here's what to do
  1. Go to this link: https://namemc.com/claim-your-profile to validate your username
  2. Complete steps 1 and 2, which instruct you to join the server and use the command /namemc.
  3. You will receive a link in chat. Copy it and paste it into your browser.
  4. You will then have the option to create an account on that website, Create an account and you are done.
it might work at the same time mostly but for some usernames may take up to 7 days
  • My Vote has not been registered​

this problem may happen and most likely happens if you are in some gamemode or in lobby. so my advice is when you want to vote disconnect from the game and finish voting then relogin

  • I can't Upgrade my rank from VIP to ELITE

When you start voting and you reach 50 and 100 and 150 do not claim the 500 iron rewards cause it's gonna disappear after 7 days. and do not open crate keys. wait till the end of the month and claim the 200 vote or 150 vote rewards (if you can't reach 200). and start opening vote crates. if you get the Free Trial VIP 30 day from crates since you already have VIP rank that trial will give you 500 iron instead. so you might be lucky getting more than one in that time. and if you don't calculate the voting for the PikaNetwork Stats bo. start voting from day 7 and keep voting for the bot and also using the 7 vote links. this is how you make sure you will get the upgrade 100%.
W guide, absolutly loved this, thanks ieoub for making this!


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
Despite having a cracked account I can vote on 7th link
Cracked players can vote on 7th link what u on bro?


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
• The votetop payouts have been discontinued since December indefinitely, we don't know when it would resume.

If possible, add on how to upgrade Elite rank to Titan rank with just iron.
After gaining Elite rank, you have to farm a minimum of 450 vote keys on minigames[it's good enough trust, requires 2 months of voting] 2000 iron from regular voting, 1000 iron from top.gg. Now you have 3k iron & you need 1.5k more iron to buy an elite to Titan Rankup. For 1.5k more iron currency, all you gotta do is open vote crates on minigames and get 3x VIP Rank[31d]. Each Vip rank [31d] gives you 500 iron, and such 3 will give you enough iron [4500 iron in total] for an elite to Titan rankup.


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
on this page I'll address every detail about voting and every problem/bugs you may face and how to prevent them.
if I do not mention smth. tell me and I'll update this post.

these are the vote links with reset time ( server time )

05:00 am​
24h reset
05:00 am​
12:00 am
12:00 am
05:00 am​

12:00 am

what's Vote 2 24H reset ? :

the 2nd link doesn't have a specific reset time. if you vote today at thursday 9:51 pm. you can vote again tomorrow at the same time friday 9:51pm

  • Votes Rewards

Votes does reset every month and there's a reward for top voters. you can compete with voting by your in game username and get rewarded
The top 5 voters at the end of the month will receive PikaNetwork gold :gold: which they can use ingame with /goldshop command
Top voters payouts
  • 🎖️ Top 1 - 6,500 Pika Gold
  • 🥈 Top 2 - 5,000 Pika Gold
  • 🥉 Top 3 - 3,750 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 4 - 2,500 Pika Gold
  • 🌟 Top 5 - 1,250 Pika Gold

Don't worry if you can't catsh up with top voters list you can get 500 iron for every 50 votes you get. using /vote command in game you can claim your reward

However this is not the only way you can get PikaNetwork Iron

To get rewarded using discord you have to link your discord account with your in game account, here's how :
  1. Join PikaNetwork Discord Server
  2. Join
  3. Go to any gamemode (other than lobby)
  4. Execute the /linkaccount command in chat
  5. Copy the given TOKEN
  6. Go back to Discord Commands Text Channel and type /linkaccount TOKEN

By voting to PikaNetwork Stats discord bot you will receive 1000 PikaNetwork Iron after reaching 40 Votes

Here'e the Discord Bot Vote Link

informations you might need to know
  • You can evey 12 hours. meaning twice a day. so you can reach 40 votes in 20 days
  • if your dm's are enabled when you vote you will receive a dm from the pikaanetwork stats bot contains : Progress : x/40 votes . and some informations you have to read (if you don't receive this dm the bot maybe oflline.)
  • every vote you get it will expire after 30 days
  • you will receive iron directly after reaching 40 votes on the in game account you have liked your discord account with
  • you can check iron expiring time using /goldshop and hover mouse on the iron item

Talking About expiring iron let's address the most popular issues
and one of them is :

  • Expiring Iron​

YES! Iron does Expire
In Minigames mode like bedwars. Iron does expire after 7 days
in other gamemodes like survival iron does expire after 14 days
Competetions payouts (suck as /island top), iron does expire after 7 days
(this doesn't contain the iron you get from crate bcz some of them 24hours limited)

to check your iron expiring date join a random gamemode and use /goldshop command. Hover over the iron ingot and you will see the iron you have. and in which gamemode you have and the expiring date

  • Sorry, not a valid playername. (none-premium account)​

you might face this error by voting for PikaNetwork using the 7th vote link. this happen because this website does not allow cracked usernames vote. so if you don't have a premium Minecraft Account unfortunately you can not vote on this link
  • I have a premium account and it's still says Not a premium account​

If you have a minecraft premuim account and you still getting the same error. This how to fix it here's what to do
  1. Go to this link: https://namemc.com/claim-your-profile to validate your username
  2. Complete steps 1 and 2, which instruct you to join the server and use the command /namemc.
  3. You will receive a link in chat. Copy it and paste it into your browser.
  4. You will then have the option to create an account on that website, Create an account and you are done.
it might work at the same time mostly but for some usernames may take up to 7 days
  • My Vote has not been registered​

this problem may happen and most likely happens if you are in some gamemode or in lobby. so my advice is when you want to vote disconnect from the game and finish voting then relogin

  • I can't Upgrade my rank from VIP to ELITE

When you start voting and you reach 50 and 100 and 150 do not claim the 500 iron rewards cause it's gonna disappear after 7 days. and do not open crate keys. wait till the end of the month and claim the 200 vote or 150 vote rewards (if you can't reach 200). and start opening vote crates. if you get the Free Trial VIP 30 day from crates since you already have VIP rank that trial will give you 500 iron instead. so you might be lucky getting more than one in that time. and if you don't calculate the voting for the PikaNetwork Stats bo. start voting from day 7 and keep voting for the bot and also using the 7 vote links. this is how you make sure you will get the upgrade 100%.
I would request you to rectify the typos, and other things mentioned above then it would look like a professional post, you can't be telling people to vote because they could get the vote rewards by the end of the month when the reward distribution has stopped from 3 months.


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
how ?
please tell me if u know hoe to
Brudda you just have to vote by entering your IGN it's simple as that. Also, ieoub, please do not mislead players of PikaNetwork if you do not have complete knowledge about it, rather verify with someone who knows. I'm not a pika main btw I was simply looking what players suggest on pika.


Epic Pika
Dec 31, 2024
Brudda you just have to vote by entering your IGN it's simple as that. Also, ieoub, please do not mislead players of PikaNetwork if you do not have complete knowledge about it, rather verify with someone who knows. I'm not a pika main btw I was simply looking what players suggest on pika.
When we try to vote in 7th link. Its says none premium account


Pika Lover
Mar 22, 2024

I tried with my old cracked account darknexusyt and it worked.
Bro fr go to minecraft usernames availability and check for the names if it says already taken then you can vote on the site
Anyone can take a premium id and log in it tlauncher and login to pika network


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
Bro fr go to minecraft usernames availability and check for the names if it says already taken then you can vote on the site
Anyone can take a premium id and log in it tlauncher and login to pika network.
What are you tryna prove lil bro? 😭 that cracked players cannot vote? There is no Premium account with the same name as my old cracked account [alt] darknexusyt, yet I'm able to vote without any issues.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
May 24, 2023
What are you tryna prove lil bro? 😭 that cracked players cannot vote? There is no Premium account with the same name as my old cracked account [alt] darknexusyt, yet I'm able to vote without any issues.
they are correct infact, u cant just go around calling out the players who have tried multiple times to vote on site 7 and failed, site 7 does NOT allow non premium accounts to vote, and yes, there are players ( like me ) who's account is cracked and still vote on site 7 ( like u ), but my ign is a premium one ( meaning theres someone else who bought minecraft under the same username as me ), which is the only reason im able to vote for site 7, players like @Aguilar_20 here, has a cracked account, and the ign is also cracked, meaning site 7 doesnt allow him to vote


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
they are correct infact, u cant just go around calling out the players who have tried multiple times to vote on site 7 and failed, site 7 does NOT allow non premium accounts to vote, and yes, there are players ( like me ) who's account is cracked and still vote on site 7 ( like u ), but my ign is a premium one ( meaning theres someone else who bought minecraft under the same username as me ), which is the only reason im able to vote for site 7, players like @Aguilar_20 here, has a cracked account, and the ign is also cracked, meaning site 7 doesnt allow him to vote
Buddy no one has bought a premium account with the same name as my cracked account I have checked


Legendary Pika
Jun 19, 2023
they are correct infact, u cant just go around calling out the players who have tried multiple times to vote on site 7 and failed, site 7 does NOT allow non premium accounts to vote, and yes, there are players ( like me ) who's account is cracked and still vote on site 7 ( like u ), but my ign is a premium one ( meaning theres someone else who bought minecraft under the same username as me ), which is the only reason im able to vote for site 7, players like @Aguilar_20 here, has a cracked account, and the ign is also cracked, meaning site 7 doesnt allow him to vote
Based on my experience, I was able to vote on link #7 even before I had a premium account. Some cracked players had issues voting on link #7, while others didn’t. It seems that having a premium account or a premium account username isn’t the key factor. Though this is just what I've observed.


Pika Member
Oct 8, 2023
Based on my experience, I was able to vote on link #7 even before I had a premium account. Some cracked players had issues voting on link #7, while others didn’t. It seems that having a premium account or a premium account username isn’t the key factor. Though this is just what I've observed.
Exactly bro I was able to vote with my cracked ign in the old days and now as well, the key factor might be aura which they don't have