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Update OpPrison - Reset | May the 22nd 2021

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Staff Member
May 30, 2016

OpPrison - PikaNetwork 2021
May 22nd 2021, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Hello, dear PikaNetwork Players.

A new OpPrison season has arrived! Along with this new season, some major improvements have been made in order to ensure you all undergo a better experience and have more fun whilst playing this game mode. Multiple bugs were reported on the previous season, some of these bugs having a heavy negative impact against your gameplay, though we have made sure to fix these bugs, and some of the most important bug fixes will be stated below.

Adding to what has been stated above, we've made sure to improve the additions of the map, as well as the game mode's performance, something you will notice the more you play throughout this season. We've also made sure to properly balance the features added so you will be able to notice multiple additions, changes, and improvements made to this season!

Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The update will be released this May 22nd 2021.

May 22nd 2021

18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


๐ŸŽŠ Giveaways
If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end of season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rankups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on opprison and have fun!


The most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and functions are the following:

๐Ÿ›๏ธ New! Buildings
A new season should always come with newer and better aesthetic improvements, therefore we've revamped the spawn, and we will be going with a Disco-themed map!

โ›๏ธ New! Pickaxe Prestiges
One of our focuses this season is making sure that gameplay is fresh and exciting throughout the season with a constant grind. In order to improve progression, we are introducing Pickaxe prestige, a feature intended to prevent players from having maxed pickaxes within 1 week.
At the start, enchants will have initially lower level limits. In order to access the higher levels, you must prestige your pickaxe! There is however one catch to prestiging your pickaxe! We have put certain requirements in a place for example "Mine x amount of blocks and have x amount of levels unlocked before you can prestige your pickaxe".
  • Example: Prestige 0 pickaxes can have a max of fortune 500, when you prestige your pickaxe you can have a maximum of 1000 fortune, prestige your pickaxe again and you can have 1500 fortune and prestige for the third time and you can have fortune 2000, this is done for almost every enchantment.
  • Each prestige will reset all the levels except fortune and efficiency haste speed and night-vision.

    Do you think you will reach the highest level?
๐Ÿ’Ž Updated! Player Prestiges
As we are currently speaking about prestiges, I will continue with the topic, we have not only added pickaxe prestiges, but we have also re-worked the player prestige.
We have added a currency that you need to prestige last season that should encourage and motivate players to spend time at the PvP mine.
In return for risking your life within the PvP area, you will be rewarded, as we are introducing prestige mines in this season with great sell prices!
๐Ÿ’ฃ New! Prestige Mines
Prestiging needed to become more rewarding, more profitable, and most importantly, it should serve a purpose for a bigger and better economy, prestiging has not been such a rewarding activity, though that will change this season! We have decided to implement prestige mines for the following prestige reached; 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 350, 500.

๐Ÿ’Ž New! Pickaxe Gems
Gems can be applied to your pickaxes in order to improve them, as of now, pickaxe enchantments have a % chance of taking effect within the mine, by applying these gems, you would increase its chance, meaning you'd be improving the enchantment. For example, if explosive has a 40% chance to get activated, a 5% explosive gem will make your pickaxe have 45% chances to make the enchantment work.
  • You are able to add a maximum amount of 5 gems to each pickaxe.
  • Gems can be found by mining blocks, every x amount of blocks mined will get you a mystery gembox, these mystery gemboxes have different tiers.
The higher the mystery box tier is, the more % you will get out of their content.
25,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Common Gem Box
75,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Rare Gem Box
150,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Ultimate Gem Box
400,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Legendary Gem Box

๐Ÿช™ New! MinePoints
Once again, we want to introduce a brand new currency called MinePoints. The MinePoints are a currency value for you and your gang, which will contribute to your Gang's buffs and/or value. The main purpose of being part of a gang, or owning one, is to compete against the other gangs along with your friends, and with the introduction of this new currency, it will become quite more interesting. Each gang member can mine blocks for their gang and whenever they mine x raw blocks, your gang will receive a MinePoint.
MinePoints can be spent on the following upgrades for your gang.
  • Smuggler: Decreases your gang shop item's costs.
  • Income Boost: Increase the base money made from selling items.
  • Luck: Increases process chance for all pickaxe enchants.
  • Gang Value: You can spend MinePoints directly on the gang shop to increase your gang's value.

๐Ÿ“ŠChange! Rankup rebalances
The most important part is making sure that the rankup feels right. We have completely redone all rankup prices. This should make it a fun, fast-paced process without losing the grinding experience. The main reason to rebalance the rankup prices was to motivate the players to spend more time playing the game-mode they enjoy, as they will be able to see progress being made easier and more frequently.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Updated! Autominer Enchanting
A major update and improvement were made to the enchantments system the previous season. It used to be quite a time consumer to upgrade your pickaxe's level by thousands every time your balance allowed you to do so, though this was no longer an issue in the past season. However, you did still have to go through this process for your autominer. We have updated the autominer pickaxe enchanting, therefore you are now able to upgrade your items by x1, x5, x100, and as many tokens as you are able to spend.
๐Ÿ“Š Updated! Auctionhouse
Due to people performing a vast amount of trades in exchange for tokens, we've decided to implement the tokens into the auction house, meaning you are now able to sell and purchase items on the auction house for tokens!
๐Ÿ›’ Updated! Shop
The option to buy 1 unstackable item from the /shop has been removed, and new blocks have been added from this suggestion: https://pika-network.net/threads/expanding-shop.134274/

๐Ÿ“ฌ Misc. Updates & Changes
Here's a list of some of the smaller things that have been added with this update.
  • Made the omnitool enchantment work properly during mining.
  • Allowed killcounter scrolls on swords.
  • Fixed the multiple boosters being able to be on at the same time.
  • Made all mines on 1 page for the command /pm setblock.
  • /pm reset with a cooldown is added.
  • Buffed the disenchanter.
  • Fixed slimes randomly despawning.
  • Added a setting to disable particles/animations for pickaxes.
  • Gang boosters are added within crates.
  • Keepinventory is enabled within cells.
  • Updated the explosive pickaxe boxes.
  • Buffed mystery crates.
  • Add small boosters to the vote and epic crates.
  • Money rewards within crates are buffed.
  • Boosters from the booster class will no longer expire.
  • You no longer need to go through all ranks after prestiging.
  • A new seasonal crate has been added.
  • Updated all plugins.
  • Updated leaderboards so you can toggle between monthly weekly and all time.
These are only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced! That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!
Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.


โ“Question and Answers
Main Question here?
Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all cells, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks
What will I lose?
  • Your cells
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks


We hope to see you on our new OpPrison server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Epic Pika
Jan 6, 2021
New update announced since minutes.
In Twitter and Instagram go for all who will receive keys and rank.

Notice I've noticed this photo of reset.


Jun 10, 2019
Looks nice, but I think it won't be very competitive with no payouts :/


Epic Pika
Jul 22, 2020
Nerf the gang missions since it usually requires 200k+ blocks which is a high amount and don't make it limited to just mining. Maybe add a few more tasks (in /g mission) such as fishing, planting drugs, etc. to make Prison more enjoyable. I just hope they will listen to community feedbacks/suggestions before the reset and will refer to this thread https://pika-network.net/threads/just-a-few-op-prison-suggestions.133115/#post-484713
Last edited:


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
Wow Awesome

1234 5678 9123 4567 8912 3456 7891


The Pika
Dec 4, 2020

OpPrison - PikaNetwork 2021
May 22nd 2021, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Hello, dear PikaNetwork Players.

A new OpPrison season has arrived! Along with this new season, some major improvements have been made in order to ensure you all undergo a better experience and have more fun whilst playing this game mode. Multiple bugs were reported on the previous season, some of these bugs having a heavy negative impact against your gameplay, though we have made sure to fix these bugs, and some of the most important bug fixes will be stated below.

Adding to what has been stated above, we've made sure to improve the additions of the map, as well as the game mode's performance, something you will notice the more you play throughout this season. We've also made sure to properly balance the features added so you will be able to notice multiple additions, changes, and improvements made to this season!

Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The update will be released this May 22nd 2021.

May 22nd 2021

18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 PST

Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end of season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rankups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on opprison and have fun!


The most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and functions are the following:

๐Ÿ›๏ธ New! Buildings
A new season should always come with newer and better aesthetic improvements, therefore we've revamped the spawn, and we will be going with a Disco-themed map!

โ›๏ธ New! Pickaxe Prestiges
One of our focuses this season is making sure that gameplay is fresh and exciting throughout the season with a constant grind. In order to improve progression, we are introducing Pickaxe prestige, a feature intended to prevent players from having maxed pickaxes within 1 week.
At the start, enchants will have initially lower level limits. In order to access the higher levels, you must prestige your pickaxe! There is however one catch to prestiging your pickaxe! We have put certain requirements in a place for example "Mine x amount of blocks and have x amount of levels unlocked before you can prestige your pickaxe".
  • Example: Prestige 0 pickaxes can have a max of fortune 500, when you prestige your pickaxe you can have a maximum of 1000 fortune, prestige your pickaxe again and you can have 1500 fortune and prestige for the third time and you can have fortune 2000, this is done for almost every enchantment.
  • Each prestige will reset all the levels except fortune and efficiency haste speed and night-vision.

    Do you think you will reach the highest level?
๐Ÿ’Ž Updated! Player Prestiges
As we are currently speaking about prestiges, I will continue with the topic, we have not only added pickaxe prestiges, but we have also re-worked the player prestige.
We have added a currency that you need to prestige last season that should encourage and motivate players to spend time at the PvP mine.
In return for risking your life within the PvP area, you will be rewarded, as we are introducing prestige mines in this season with great sell prices!
๐Ÿ’ฃ New! Prestige Mines
Prestiging needed to become more rewarding, more profitable, and most importantly, it should serve a purpose for a bigger and better economy, prestiging has not been such a rewarding activity, though that will change this season! We have decided to implement prestige mines for the following prestige reached; 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 350, 500.

๐Ÿ’Ž New! Pickaxe Gems
Gems can be applied to your pickaxes in order to improve them, as of now, pickaxe enchantments have a % chance of taking effect within the mine, by applying these gems, you would increase its chance, meaning you'd be improving the enchantment. For example, if explosive has a 40% chance to get activated, a 5% explosive gem will make your pickaxe have 45% chances to make the enchantment work.
  • You are able to add a maximum amount of 5 gems to each pickaxe.
  • Gems can be found by mining blocks, every x amount of blocks mined will get you a mystery gembox, these mystery gemboxes have different tiers.
The higher the mystery box tier is, the more % you will get out of their content.
25,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Common Gem Box
75,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Rare Gem Box
150,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Ultimate Gem Box
400,000 Blocks Mined
x1 Legendary Gem Box

๐Ÿช™ New! MinePoints
Once again, we want to introduce a brand new currency called MinePoints. The MinePoints are a currency value for you and your gang, which will contribute to your Gang's buffs and/or value. The main purpose of being part of a gang, or owning one, is to compete against the other gangs along with your friends, and with the introduction of this new currency, it will become quite more interesting. Each gang member can mine blocks for their gang and whenever they mine x raw blocks, your gang will receive a MinePoint.
MinePoints can be spent on the following upgrades for your gang.
  • Smuggler: Decreases your gang shop item's costs.
  • Income Boost: Increase the base money made from selling items.
  • Luck: Increases process chance for all pickaxe enchants.
  • Gang Value: You can spend MinePoints directly on the gang shop to increase your gang's value.

๐Ÿ“ŠChange! Rankup rebalances
The most important part is making sure that the rankup feels right. We have completely redone all rankup prices. This should make it a fun, fast-paced process without losing the grinding experience. The main reason to rebalance the rankup prices was to motivate the players to spend more time playing the game-mode they enjoy, as they will be able to see progress being made easier and more frequently.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Updated! Autominer Enchanting
A major update and improvement were made to the enchantments system the previous season. It used to be quite a time consumer to upgrade your pickaxe's level by thousands every time your balance allowed you to do so, though this was no longer an issue in the past season. However, you did still have to go through this process for your autominer. We have updated the autominer pickaxe enchanting, therefore you are now able to upgrade your items by x1, x5, x100, and as many tokens as you are able to spend.
๐Ÿ“Š Updated! Auctionhouse
Due to people performing a vast amount of trades in exchange for tokens, we've decided to implement the tokens into the auction house, meaning you are now able to sell and purchase items on the auction house for tokens!
๐Ÿ›’ Updated! Shop
The option to buy 1 unstackable item from the /shop has been removed, and new blocks have been added from this suggestion: https://pika-network.net/threads/expanding-shop.134274/

๐Ÿ“ฌ Misc. Updates & Changes
Here's a list of some of the smaller things that have been added with this update.
  • Made the omnitool enchantment work properly during mining.
  • Allowed killcounter scrolls on swords.
  • Fixed the multiple boosters being able to be on at the same time.
  • Made all mines on 1 page for the command /pm setblock.
  • /pm reset with a cooldown is added.
  • Buffed the disenchanter.
  • Fixed slimes randomly despawning.
  • Added a setting to disable particles/animations for pickaxes.
  • Gang boosters are added within crates.
  • Keepinventory is enabled within cells.
  • Updated the explosive pickaxe boxes.
  • Buffed mystery crates.
  • Add small boosters to the vote and epic crates.
  • Money rewards within crates are buffed.
  • Boosters from the booster class will no longer expire.
  • You no longer need to go through all ranks after prestiging.
  • A new seasonal crate has been added.
  • Updated all plugins.
  • Updated leaderboards so you can toggle between monthly weekly and all time.
These are only a few of the additions we will be implementing into the new server. You'll need to play to find out more! Stay tuned for some upcoming Sales. Soon to be announced! That's about it from our end, and a big thanks to you all for being so patient!
Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.


โ“Question and Answers
Main Question here?
Prison is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all cells, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kind of gameplay, and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks
What will I lose?
  • Your cells
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks


We hope to see you on our new OpPrison server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
op prison reset lets goo
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