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Important OP Factions Rules Explanations

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Feb 22, 2016
OP Factions Rules Explanations

In this thread, you will find an explanation of every OP Factions-specific rule. Breaking these rules in most cases will result in faction punishments (strikes). Each amount of strikes results in a different faction punishment. Note that even inactive strikes count to the faction disqualification when reaching 10 strikes.

Strike punishments
  • 2 Strikes - 24 hours /f raid ban
  • 3 Strikes - 10% value reduction
  • 4 Strikes - 12 hours no /f shield
  • 5 Strikes - 48 hours /f raid ban
  • 6 Strikes - 20% value reduction
  • 7 Strikes - 18 hours no /f shield
  • 8 Strikes - 30% value reduction
  • 10 Strikes - Disqualification from Factions Top
Team Factions is a team which handles OP Factions reports and hands out punishments. The team is run by experienced staff members who played OP Factions in the past, so they have high knowledge of the game mode. Feel free to make a support ticket HERE in case you have any questions about OP Factions and one of the Team Factions members will reply to it as soon as possible. However, please do not ask them to check your ticket as they may be busy.

Payout eligibility requirements
  • Your spawners must be base claimed (/f setbase) 3 days before the final payout.
  • Your spawners must be placed 3 days before the final payout
  • The base claim must be at least 3x3 chunks in size.
  • Your value box must be at least 55 blocks tall.
  • Your base's roof must be at Y = 255.
  • Your faction must be at least 2 weeks old (does not apply to the first bi-weekly payout).
  • All value spawners (Iron Golems, Zombie Pigmen, Villagers and Silverfishes) should be obtainable without having to breach y=190 or lower.


Abusing Faction Shield
Claiming with an alt faction inside of your buffer with the intent to give more than 20 hours of shield to your base is not allowed. Using claims with shield to protect your cannon box also falls under this rule.

Punishment Tree:
4 strikes, 5 days
5 strikes, 7 days
6 strikes, 14 days

Abusing Raid Timer
Alternative / allied factions cannot be used to trigger timers on your faction with the intent of gaining grace period. Furthermore, factions must not activate another faction’s raid timer unless they have the intention to raid the faction.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 3 days
3 strikes, 6 days
4 strikes, 9 days

Anti-Nukes are not allowed as defenses.

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Barrel Claim Rules
Your barrel claim must be connected to your raid claim and can only be 12 chunks long at maximum. Barrels cannot float into wilderness and they cannot be more than 1 chunk wide (i.e. 12x2 chunk barrel claim is not allowed).

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Bot Related
Bot accounts may not have any sort of vanish trackers, world scanners, player trackers, or any type of movement / combat modules. If a bot is seen to be moving / flying there is enough reason to screenshare the bot account / account owner for bot related punishments. Claiming playtime rewards on a mass amount of bots will also count towards this rule.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Buffer Counter Defenses
You are allowed to have a maximum of 5 chunks of walls (40 walls) on your buffer counter. Oceans are not allowed to be used as defenses for buffer counters.

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Buffer Counter Limit
You are not allowed to have more than 1 buffer counter per side of your base.

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Buffer Limit
Your buffer count starts from the exterior of your base shell. The buffer limit is 15 chunks (120 walls). Going past this number will lead to strikes. Skipping chunks and generating more walls will also count towards your buffer size. Having even 1 extra chunk of buffer can get your faction punished.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Claim Hindering
Claiming in the path of another faction’s buffer during grace period is not allowed. This rule does not apply to traps.

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Destroying Spawners
You may not mine, creeper egg, or chunkbust spawners while you are being raided. Players may mine spawners freely while on safety break or shield.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Economy Scripts
Using software / an external tool to automate the farming crops is not allowed. This rule includes breaking crops with the printer break feature and using alternative / bot accounts to capture outposts.

Punishment Tree:
3 strikes, 5 days
4 strikes, 7 days
5 strikes, 14 days

Faction Wide Cheating
Having 2 players banned from your faction for cheating or related offenses will lead to strikes. This includes all screenshare bans, bug abuse, cheating, flyboosting, ban evading, and any expired bans. 2 new bans are required to move on to the next offense.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 14 days
3 strikes, 14 days
5 strikes, 21 days

Illegal Cannons
Cannons are allowed to shoot a maximum of 3500 TNT per shot and create a maximum of a 5 wide nuke on a watered wall.
The following cannons are disallowed:
  • Reverse Nukes
  • Push Nukes
  • u-Fusions
  • Horizontal Nukes
  • Multiple Wall One-Shots
  • Mid Airs
  • Corner Nukes
  • Wall Removers
  • Left / Right Shooters
  • Worms
  • Chimneys
  • Roof Cannons
  • Auto Adjust Cannons
  • Cannons faster than 3 seconds (Unless shooting below y10)

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
4 strikes, 7 days
6 strikes, 14 days

Illegal Countering
Back countering and bordering countering another faction's raid / side cannons are not allowed. Front countering and side countering are fine as long as side claims are used.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Illegal Patching
Players may not patch using Sandbots, Printer, or Genblocks while on an active raid timer or within 5 minutes of the last shot on their cannon box.
Furthermore, the following blocks are disallowed to patch with:
  • Slime Blocks
  • Cobwebs
  • Enchantment Tables
  • Banners
  • Levers
  • Cactus
  • Anvils
  • Chests / Enderchests
  • More... (Team Factions Discretion)

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Illegal Spawner Placement
All value spawners should be obtainable when breaching a base box at y=190 or higher. Spawners cannot be surrounded in Obsidian, water, or hidden in reverse layers / in between walls.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Inviting Players Mid-Raid
Players are not allowed to join your faction if a raid has been started. The exception to this rule is if they are already within the factions roster and used the rotate function. A raid starts once the timer has started.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Multiple Cannons
You are not allowed to have more than 1 active cannon in a cannon box or in a cannon claim. The same goes for counter cannons and their claims.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Multiple Corner Claims
Your faction can have only 1 corner claimed. Factions cannot claim multiple corners on alternative accounts.

Punishment Tree:
1 strike, 5 days
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days

Ocean Limit
You are only allowed to have 1 chunk (16 blocks) of ocean in width per side of your base. Having multiple oceans add up to 1 chunk is not allowed.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Overstacker Limit
You are allowed to overstack a maximum of 6 blocks above barrel height. Your overstacker should not create a hole larger than 5-wide on a watered wall.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Placing Spawners in Normal Claims
Placing spawners in normal claims hides them from faction top, this is not allowed.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 7 days
3 strikes, 14 days
4 strikes, 21 days

Raid Box Defenses
Raid claims cannot exceed 15x15 chunks in size. Players cannot extend their raid claim unless needed for their barrel using barrel claims. Players are not allowed to have more than 3 chunks of walls (24 walls) per side of their raid box. Furthermore, they are not allowed to use anti-nuke walls or oceans on their raid box. Slabs are not allowed on raiding or side cannons.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Raid Detector Bots
You may not have bot accounts constantly AFKing on walls, even if they have no raid detector function.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Raid Interfering
When another faction is raiding you cannot hit them, block them, counter them, etc. Players involved may be banned. Shooting a faction while they are already being raided may also lead to strikes (Team Factions Discretion)

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days + 2d ipban
3 strikes, 7 days + 7d ipban
4 strikes, 14 days + 14d ipban

Raiding Without Raid Claims
When attempting a faction's base you are REQUIRED to use raid claims before and after building and shooting your cannon.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Server Abuse
The rule includes, but is not limited to: Players crashing the server, duping, or abusing a severe bug. This rule is 100% Team Factions discretion and even if only one player from the faction breaks this rule, the whole faction may be punished.

Punishment Tree:
5 strikes, 14 days
10 strikes, 1 month and 19 days

Side Counter Rules
Side counter claims cannot be bigger than 5x5 chunks. Counters in these claims can only have 12 walls defending them.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Sharing Value
Sharing value which influences the position of the top 3 factions is not allowed and will be punished through a disqualification. (Team Factions Discretion)

Punishment Tree:
10 strikes

Shooting Multiple Counters
You can only shoot one counter cannon at a raid box at a time. This includes buffer, side, and front counters. Players must wait 5 minutes before shooting from a different side.

Punishment Tree:
2 strikes, 5 days
3 strikes, 7 days
4 strikes, 14 days

Strike Evasion
Disbanding, recreating, or joining a new faction to evade strikes on an existing faction is not allowed.

Punishment Tree:
10 strikes, 50 days

Insiding Policy

Under no circumstance will value be reimbursed in the case of an inside. This is because insiding is 100% preventable through faction permissions and proper account security. Your account security is your responsibility, various measures can be used to ensure no one has the opportunity to inside, for example, two-factor authentication (/2fa). Furthermore, do not share passwords with people who you do not trust.

Some examples are, if a faction member mines or destroys spawners and then leaves they will be punished for insiding, however value will not be refunded. If your base gets chunkbusted, no matter when, the value will not get rolled back, but the player will be punished. Once again, this is because insiding is completely preventable.

  • If you are interested in knowing who from your faction broke a rule (and are the leader of the faction), DM a Team Factions member on Discord.
  • Include /f show of the faction/player you are reporting in your player reports. Otherwise, your report might get denied.
  • Not knowing the rules is considered ignorance on your part and you will suffer the consequences regardless.
  • The faction leader is responsible for the actions of their members. If one of them breaks the rules, the entire faction gets punished.
  • You can report people who break these rules HERE with valid video evidence.
If you have any questions, please make a support ticket HERE.
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