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Recent content by realoneness

  1. realoneness

    new safe cheats???

    so earlier i was playing, i was actually camping in a safe against a player named 'nvxq_' so i was basically above the pressure plate which obviously keeps the door closed, and he was camping at the door, waiting for me to come out... after about 10 seconds, i suddenly got tp'ed off the pressure...
  2. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    thats exactly wht im saying in my previous comments, i've been on this server for 8+ years, and the management is almost the same. They can't think of implementing a division on staff that works on a specific gamemode? :cautious:
  3. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    first of all, most of the players who do experienced encountering cheaters DO report in forums, they complain about how it took them a long time to respond to their reports, second of all, i do believe that his point of hiring active players to be a staff is just blatantly stupid since it...
  4. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    if those factors you have mentioned above have no relevancy on the thread, why are you even mentioning it. You are really trying to sugarcoat the situation and making it seem "less" bad than what it really is by pointing out an irrelevant factors. smh
  5. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    ??? WDYM BY NO IDEA, im literally saying no idea TO whom youre replying NOT the context, that alone indicates on how you're delusional. After reading your reply, it really seems like you're a pika network shill, you only talk about your OWN experience when most kit-pvp players have so many...
  6. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    also i am not sure whether youre talking about me or the original thread, but my first and second point still stands.
  7. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    you're just contradicting all of your points, you are AWARE they are volunteered players which means they should have commitment in to helping the server BECAUSE thats what volunteerism is, you CHOOSE to involve yourself in such activity... second of all, i don't know how you got "forcing" staff...
  8. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    not everyone have the same opportunity as you, like the player mentioned above, he is getting 20 fps when recording, how is that playable? even 60 is really bad, so imagine 20.
  9. realoneness

    The problem with Kit-PvP at the moment

    wht are you on about? how do we work to get cheaters banned besides recording? You do realize it takes the staff team minimum of A DAY to respond to your report but thats if you're lucky because all i know from experience that it takes them a while for to respond. Even then the cheater would...
  10. realoneness

    Using alt accounts to safe log

    i dont see the point of this post.
  11. realoneness


    message me whoever is interested to buy this totally real omega rank voucher! sponsored by JustThiemo HAHAHAHHAHAHA
  12. realoneness

    Denied Regarding Ranks

    OR they could add a rank higher than baron but lower than omega so in between a rank for players that is purchasable in store and has some of the omega rank's cool features to spice up the content and cosmetics on kitpvp
  13. realoneness

    Denied Regarding Ranks

    if they could implement that on kit-pvp, it would be nice
  14. realoneness

    Denied Regarding Ranks

    no as long as they put it a reasonable price, that would be enough to keep its value
  15. realoneness

    Denied Regarding Ranks

    i understand where u coming from but if u compare kitpvp to opskyblock or opfactions, they added a new rank in which is also included in the store so the question is why it does not apply to kitpvp?