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Recent content by Ov3rpowered

  1. Ov3rpowered

    Buy my friend Master_WinduAlt a 30euro unban for a sh 20 axe and 76bill and 5p5s and 5sh 18 axes ;d

    do it lol breh im rich do it or u broke
  2. Ov3rpowered

    im master_windu does this make it beter yxay?

    im master_windu does this make it beter yxay?
  3. Ov3rpowered

    god at pvp im gored

    god at pvp im gored
  4. Ov3rpowered

    Denied OP Factions Make first bans for hacks not perm

    Minecraft Username: Master_WinduAlt Suggestion: Make first bans for hacks not perm Detailed description: I think Bans should be more easy instead of perm for each ban. For an example the person should get 3 times. First is 7days second 1month and the 3rd Perm. Reason(s): To give the...
  5. Ov3rpowered

    Accepted Disabling Blazes' Fly and Damage

    Suggestion: Disabling Blazes' Fly and Damage Detailed description: If you disable the fly and maybe also damage or blazes, it would make things so much easier during grinding. My blaze grinder is really big so all of the blazes just fly up and stack on the upper parts of my farm, making it so...
  6. Ov3rpowered

    Forum Game (ゲム) - Your personal thoughts on the user above you

    the little kid above me is a no life weeb who sucks at MC :3
  7. Ov3rpowered

    Rank Transfer

    Oh ok, you know the tags for any admins/veterns and could you tag them for me? Been a while since I played this server and don't know many people :L
  8. Ov3rpowered

    Rank Transfer

    Hey guys I was wondering if I could transfer my VIP rank in ClassicSB to ClassicFactions. It's 5 Euros so I would probably get the Pro rank on Facs?
  9. Ov3rpowered

    Denied SkyBlock OP SkyBlock Suggestion: SB Suggestion: Robots

    Suggestion: SB Suggestion: Robots Detailed description: An NPC that essentially mines 3-6 blocks out in any direction you place it. Useful for automatic cobblestone generators, farms, and mob grinding! To add on, they should also have a built-in inventory that can pick up the things they...
  10. Ov3rpowered

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Improve Build-UHC

    Good point. TBH 15 is a little high. 6-7 is perfect tho.
  11. Ov3rpowered

    im bored

    im bored
  12. Ov3rpowered

    Denied Website Suggestion: Rewards form reports

    You just said report tho. Are you trying to say that any reports that help staff in banning a playing will be rewarded or all. Because then people could just report randoms for no reason and get like Ultimate+ in factions xD
  13. Ov3rpowered

    Denied Practice Suggestion: Improve Build-UHC

    Suggestion: Improve Build-UHC Detailed description: I think you should make a build limit of around 15 at most. Also, I think you should make it so we can actually pick up water/lava . Last, being able to mine and pick up blocks would be nice. Oh, also can you fix a bug where the...
  14. Ov3rpowered

    i got 600 kills in 3days :>

    nice dude! and I don't play kit-pvp but that sounds really good
  15. Ov3rpowered


    I have no idea. someone gave me the link