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Recent content by notMadMax

  1. notMadMax

    Denied BedWars Use hwid ban

    Minecraft has no "HWID ban" and it would be impossible to implement for Pika. Even if it existed, it could just as easily be bypassed as anything else.
  2. notMadMax

    Pika name change premium

    Still, transferring any other data is not possible. And you will not be accepted when applying for staff just to get your ranks transferred.
  3. notMadMax

    Pika name change premium

    Your ranks are not transferred besides your staff rank. Also any stats, for example on practice and minigames, will stay on the original account.
  4. notMadMax

    Pika name change premium

    That's not true. You will lose all progress regardless.
  5. notMadMax

    Top 10 best pika bedwars player?

    Please avoid bumping year-old threads. Create a new one instead or use private messaging.
  6. notMadMax

    Accepted Discord Updating the list of commands listed.

    Hey JustSuperiorr, I'm glad to tell you that your suggestion was accepted and has been added to PikaNetwork! Thank you for your interest in making a suggestion for PikaNetwork. Have fun playing.
  7. notMadMax

    Closed Account erasure request

    Your account has been deleted.
  8. notMadMax

    There you go, 2300

    There you go, 2300
  9. notMadMax

    Closed Account erasure request

    Hello, Could you please state your in-game usernames for which you want your data erased if you have any? Your forum account will be deleted after you respond or if you do not reply.
  10. notMadMax

    Denied Website Add Eyes reaction

    Hey NitinHGamer, Unfortunately, your suggestion was denied. The reaction itself would have no meaning and get spammed under posts. It fits better on platforms like Discord but has no application on the forums. You can use the thread search feature to look for (similar) already made...
  11. notMadMax

    Denied Lobby Pls add 1.7.10

    Hey _ItzReejus_, Unfortunately, your suggestion was denied. We have no plans to support 1.7.10 or earlier versions. You can use the thread search feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead. Make sure to also read our suggestion guidelines and avoid having...
  12. notMadMax

    Very Irresponsible Staff And Management

    The answer is given, locking the thread.
  13. notMadMax

    Accepted Discord Add #looking-to-play channel

    Hey Arrly, I'm glad to tell you that your suggestion was accepted and has been added to PikaNetwork! Thank you for your interest in making a suggestion for PikaNetwork. Have fun playing.
  14. notMadMax

    Denied Global Prize for player reports( 100% efficient method of keeping server clean)

    Hey lastlegend50, Unfortunately, your suggestion was denied. We encourage players to help us enforce our rules and keep the server clean, however, a reward besides Great Reporter does not exist on purpose. While reporting rule breakers is a good thing, we do not want to make it competitive in...
  15. notMadMax

    Denied Website Bans page report change

    Hey slil, Unfortunately, your suggestion was denied. Not possible and won't be considered. You can still privately view your own accepted or denied reports in the player reports section. You can use the thread search feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them...