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Recent content by MehagaXD

  1. M

    Accepted OP Prison dissenchanter for am

    jackhammer is op ngl i have jackhammer lvl around 1.2k and its soo good for tokens
  2. M

    Accepted OP Prison dissenchanter for am

    Minecraft Username: MehagaXD_ Suggestion: dissenchanter for am Detailed description: command like /amdissenchant to dissenchant wrong enchant from am's pickaxe. I think it would be awesome! Reason(s): to remove mistake
  3. M

    Accepted OP Prison sound

    Minecraft Username: MehagaXD_ Suggestion: sound Detailed description: i dont speak english too good but i wish yall add sound when task complited https://prnt.sc/1ruyiu5 Reason(s):
  4. M

    Are yall getting banned perm too? :(

    i got banned for reason i never lied but why are u guys banning people PERM cant i just get a 7 day ban? TekkaTI everyone hates u
  5. M

    unjustly banned Tekkati.

    DUDE SAME! i got permed banned atleast that bish could give me ban for 7 days not fking perm ban :((( or him idk gae