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Recent content by maduagain

  1. M


    I'm sorry, I'm confused about how to use this site. anyways, tbh i didnt want to hurt you or disrespect your religion. I did the post because the symbol seemed like an attempt to offend (and offended my best friend). i'm a girl and I know what it's like to feel bad playing with people online, so...
  2. M


    just to get the attention of the staff and the players. I thought one of them was using hack but I can't prove it, but I left the tag there because I wanted to draw attention and I think it's a subject as important as hackers on the server
  3. M


    Todo mundo estava fazendo isso. Eu explodi um e dois deles o reconstruíram. Ficou lá a partida inteira e ninguém do time azul o destruiu. Não tenho mais evidências, mas tenho certeza que o fazem em outras partidas também. A equipe só precisa se interessar e exigir respeito de todos que atuam lá...
  4. M


    Everyone was doing it. I blew one up and two of them rebuilt it. It was there the whole match and nobody of the blue team destroyed it. I don't have more evidences but I'm sure they do it in other matches too. The staff just need to be interested and demand respect from everyone who plays there. :)
  5. M


    Yes i made a report but i cant attached the screenshot
  6. M


    So, me and my friends were playing on the server (we play there every day) and those people made two Swastikas in the game. One of my friends is black and it was a disrespectful moment. We can't find how to report so I decided to post here. We will not play on the server until they are banned. I...