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  • Hey Dude help i will report the aggelos987 she's scammer! report please
    Don't report him here underneed my profile, Report him underneed the correct section instead
    As you may know i'm am the Custom rank on Op Faction, I have been for along time. I just recently got back from being hacked and now that I've got it back I still have the prefix Custom but I don't have gmc fly or anything like that. I don't even show up on the Tab-List.
    beste kamerplant,

    ik snap niet dat ik gebannen ben. Het enigste wat ik heb gedaan is hackers reporten. Ik krijg niet eens de kans het uit te leggen vandaar via de post. Wou alleen laten weten dat ik een leuke tijd heb gehad op jullie server alleen jammer dat dit voorbij is. Maarja dat doet er niet meer toe. :( het ga je goed!

    Groeten Kaneblocks
    Je had meer dan 3 gebande accounts op je ip, dat is niet toegestaan
    ik heb jongere broertjes die leuk vinden om te gaan hacken maar zo ben ik niet! vraag het olma21 en de rest van de gamers maar. ik ben niet zo dat ik ga hacken. Ik helpte iedereen met stuf en speciale blokken van kit skypaladin.
    Hi i forgot my pika pass. I did support ticket but nobody reply. Do you remember what was my last pass? U changed it last time. I remember for the first 2 characters but not clear the last 4. Thx
    robin........ today i talk to smash and i said to unban my acc but he said he needs ur permission so pls robin accept my ban appeal and i really miss my acc i pay for that god rank. pls i really dont hack pls believe on me im actually doing the right thing pls thx
    Hi Robin, can u read my staff app and tell me what did i do wrong, i dont understand TheBearKingHD, he told that my app isnt proper. Can u read it please and tell me what did i do wrong?
    Hi Robin, I login to the server and when I press minigame the server crashes! A black screen appears and a window reporting game crush, sorry for the inconvenience appears! Could you pls help me ?
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