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Recent content by Frankiespeo

  1. Frankiespeo

    you could watch your match recapped?

    well got the link to watch it after winning a game and nothing happened there was nothing🙃🙃
  2. Frankiespeo

    just normal cps :)

    ngl if you are playing combo with autoclickers then you're dead but anything but combo you can pretty much beat autoclickers like with build uhc
  3. Frankiespeo

    just normal cps :)

    Man thanks bro that helped bro can is it possible to combine it with Lunar?
  4. Frankiespeo

    just normal cps :)

    what client is this that allows you to see hearts on the opponents
  5. Frankiespeo

    Another Morning Live Stream

    hello can you tell me how you go so much coins
  6. Frankiespeo

    Another Morning Live Stream

    wait you're not on the leaderboards tho
  7. Frankiespeo

    Another Morning Live Stream

    pc specs?
  8. Frankiespeo


    not gonna lie they really got quiet about this XD, didnt realise i was playing both servers that came from the same owners like how many other servers do they own 💀. nah the owners need to show themselves they've been really quiet XD these days.
  9. Frankiespeo

    coolcozmogamer99 and me forgot i had this a long time ago XD

    Yeah he ended up destroying me after this, i didnt even have chance to hit him lol, but i guess i was a noob at that time
  10. Frankiespeo

    CoolCozmosGamer99??where are they

    hello cool cosmos game you said the coins would automatically be put into my account from the crates but check this is didnt https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/781516923/privacy
  11. Frankiespeo


    can someone tell me exactly what each role of the staff does etc what does the Trial do?
  12. Frankiespeo

    Hit register not registering

    thanks bro i only play sumo becuase its easy to kill and get on the leaderboards faster but it seems like have to swap to a knew one now:cry:
  13. Frankiespeo

    Hit register not registering

    hello staff i am crying and depressed i cant take it anymore my hits arent registering alot on sumo and many people are also complaining im losing my winstreaks alot becuase of this im not enjoying this right now please fix it i beg of you my k/d is aint gonna be good
  14. Frankiespeo

    leaderboards glitch?

    Hello their staff please all everytime when i get to the praactice leaderboards and try to toggle to weekly or monthly leaderboards it doesnt show anything but when i get to skywars it does. i really wanna see rank in the weekly practice leadersboards but it just stays at all time leaderboard...