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Recent content by Awrixel_

  1. Awrixel_

    grats kobi

    grats kobi
  2. Awrixel_

    Denied Factions List of improvements for Factions

    Minecraft username: Awrixel Suggestion: List of improvements for Factions Detailed description: •Remove golden apple cooldown. •Fix sand. •Fix damage, even with sharpness 3 you deal alot dmg. •Reduce wardens health, they don’t die to fall dmg. •Add 10min pots - strenght II, Fire...
  3. Awrixel_

    Accepted OP Factions Make it 15c buffers 20h shield

    I agree also, 6hrs is alot. Upvote!
  4. Awrixel_


    You can use /chunkinfo command
  5. Awrixel_

    Cuz he is comentating profile of everyone

    Cuz he is comentating profile of everyone
  6. Awrixel_

    give me rankupgrade or i gona die >:

    Buy it by urself pooron .
  7. Awrixel_

    When is the reset?

    Staff doesn't answer in here so yea.. And you don't have to comment everything i do.
  8. Awrixel_

    When is the reset?

    Only owners know stuff about reset.
  9. Awrixel_

    Denied Factions Add store back

    Do it then. z z z
  10. Awrixel_

    make this thread #1 replied/viewed

  11. Awrixel_

    How to get axeman gkit?

    You can get them from store.
  12. Awrixel_

    Denied Factions Add store back

    Username: Awrixel Suggestion: Add store back Detailed description: Simply I just suggesting to add store back to this gamemode. Reason(s): Reasons: - some players are still playing - they want to buy something Example(s): So we will be allowed to do /buy and buy gold,ranks,etc
  13. Awrixel_

    make this thread #1 replied/viewed

    5 4 3 9
  14. Awrixel_

    Denied OP Factions more expensive.

    I agree, but it should rather be like before. No silverfish spawners only pigmans, igs, villagers. *adding more expensive spawners earning more value will make it even worse
  15. Awrixel_

    stay positive thanks for the reply whoever has it <3 ;D

    Only owners do, so keep playing and good luck!