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  • Losing my identity, wondering have I gone insane? To find the truth in front of me, I must climb this mountain range. Looking downward from this deadly height while never realizing why I fight...
    Standing here, I realize you are just like me, trying to make history. But who's to judge the right from wrong? When our guard is down I think we'll both agree that violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way. I carved my own path, you followed your wrath, but maybe we're both the same... The world has turned, so many have burned, but nobody is to blame. Yet staring across this barren wasted land I feel new life will be born beneath the blood stained sand... beneath the blood stained sand.
    I am waiting for my appeal to be reviewed
    Keep waiting and I'm sure it'll be reviewed eventually.
    hey arrly! i hope you are doing well. i have a problem When I enter the /level command, nothing happens, and it doesn't open anything
    Hi, you can submit a bug report about it HERE.
    Hey Arrly! I hope you are doing well. Can i ask what "inappropriate behaviour" implies in your response to my application. this is by no reason to contest your decision, it is just something that i will keep in mind and make sure that it does not repeat henceforth. thank you
    It means that you were rude towards someone on the server and/or that you used words which are not appropriate for an aspiring staff member to say.
    8x^2 + 2x - 2 *(x - 9) + 46 - 1/4x = 2x * (4x - 5) + 4 - 9/8
    Solve the equation for free tonkotsu ramen and Pho bowls!
    x= -163/26
    Sorry, but I don't like maths.
    @Otherside that is correct, and as for lt karenman i shall get my belt
    can I get YouTube rank with 3 videos pls
    • Like
    Reactions: Sekiro
    Read the rules first

    Hey arrly bro thank you for accepting my application for the YouTube rank but I can’t see it what to do and also I sent you a message on discord my discord tag is Aayush#0445
    You were told to contact me on Discord after getting accepted (which is what you did). Your rank may be assigned at the end of the process.
    Raiden get Sundowner! - Boris
    Snake!? What happened!? Snake!? SNAAAAKE! - Campbell
    He's all yours Sam! - Sundowner
    Mind if I cut in? - Sam/weakest brazilian male
    I think it's time for Jack... to let 'er RIP! - Jack/Raiden
    I think it's time for Jack to get some drip. - Senator Armstrong
    I think it's time for Jack to get some b*tches. - Senator Armstrong (again)
    Making the mother of all omelettes here Jack. Can't frett over every egg! - Senator Armstrong (again x2)
    Memes, the DNA of the soul. - Monsoon
    Your memes end here. - Jack/Raiden (again)
    Forget it, we've both heard enough speaches about higher causes by now. - Sam/weakest brazilian male (again)
    Seriously now Raiden, isn't this all a bit too much? - Sam/weakest brazilian male (again x2)
    What the hell are you? - Sam/weakest brazilian male (again x3)
    Why don't you stick around and find out? - Senator Armstrong (again x3)
    Leo The Musician
    i may have made the f*ck up 2 quotes but all the other quotes are actually in Metal Gear Rising: REVENGEANCE (except the snake one of course, that one's in Metal Gear Solid)
    hi Arrly thank you for accepting my yt rank but how am I can I talk to you on discord i tried adding you and it says
    your not accepting friend request
    You can DM me directly if you're part of PikaNetwork's Discord server.
    Hay Arrly can you do me a favor. Just reply with : "killedbynoob>XILK", after you done replying, I will edit my comment to "Who's better killedbynoob or XILK?".
    I just want to make my friend angry cause why not. He may believe that you really said this.
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