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Just a Thanks To The Staff Team

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Rare Pika
Feb 26, 2016
All the staff are great.
Thry make sure everyone is safe and keep the server clean of hackers and cheaters. All the spammers and tp killers. Gone.

Special Staff That I Really Like (I like all staff but these are my favorite)

@DutchminerHD (Owner)
@Thav01 (I remember when you where a baby mod :3. On botb days you where promoted I was their)
@KayleeeSea (Mah cutie kaylee <3)
@Destruct (I met you once ingame and a lot in forums so :3 i fen)
@DirkieXP (you where a baby mod :3)
@Boy4Life (your a boy 4 life)
@Slendyy (my fellow derp)

I love all staff though even though I dont know them as much.

Im not part of the staff team, but I feel like like im in the large pika family.
I wuv you guys and your hard work

OP Staff:
@NexiousPlayz @ZeroGiven @DutchminerHD they work really hard.


Feb 26, 2016
For me itd have to be
@DutchminerHD - because without him id be bored everyday. No minecraft to play lol
@Thav01- Such a kind staff member,really nice to me on survival and he does epic events so much.
@DirkieXP- i remember when you were a mod, you were really nice to me when i first started on ts3 and forums and your very active on survival forum to.
@Harshhc_returns because youve been a great friend and given me so many oppurtunities on survival.
@Whysomad- Whysofunny?
@Skittlez - Such a nice and kind guy, really supportive of me ingame and on forums
@CWO - first staff i ever met i got really angry that day but then he helped me out when i was about to be tp killed. thanks.
@KayleeSea- So nice ingame and she is funny on forums.
@Slendyy- like last year he was so nice to me before staff and gave me so much opportunity and he still helps me now.
@coco040326 and @Drummaster1995- Both work at my warp in survival and they are very good and close friends also each of them has taught me stuff and helped me out ;)
@Fangston- he is helped me out so much on survival like banning the bad people since he joined staff - also he is really friendly
Now i know i have a lot of faviourte staff but these guys ive meant at least more than once ingame and i also talk to on the forums so thanks.
But all staff do super hard work and i like every single staff memeber(except for 1, but i wont say(dont want to start arguments).
Also small thanks to @PizzaMC AND @NexiousPlayz AND @ZeroGiven and @Teun for their work on the forums. inorming us and creating it in the first place.
Also big thanks to @ Destruct for helping me out on the old forums and helping me improve as a person.
But big thanks to all staff . if i didnt mention you its because i dont know you that well or we havent really met and talked. Dont feel bad tho xD


Feb 24, 2016
lmao tyy :)

fun fact, I won most comedic in school :D
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