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Denied OP SkyBlock Private Mine


Pika Lover
Nov 27, 2021
Minecraft username:

Private Mine​

Detailed description:
What is a Private Mine?
A Private Mine (pmine) is a mine that gives exclusive access to it’s owner (and other player that are given permission). With the growing importance of mining and e-ores within the OpSkyblock economy and mostly island top, I believe that adding pmines would be a great addition.

How can Pmines be acquired?
Pmine can be bought in the goldshop or within seasonal keys/lootcrates. The player will receive a token (similair to the infinite chest) that can be claimed to acquire the pmine.

How does it work?
The mine can be accessed using a command like /pm go or /pm visit. It will have a default layout that’s smaller then the mines in /warp mine. This is needed in order to keep it balanced.

Using /pm settings different things can be changed about the mine. These need to be unlocked by upgrading the pmine. When claimed, the pmine won’t have any upgrades. These upgrades can be bought using e-ore blocks. This block is currently very underused and doesn’t really have a place in the economy, same can be said for minions, which are the main way of obtaining them. Using e-ore blocks as the way of upgrades will make minions more important in the economy, making more use of a feature which is currently almost forgotten about.

Features in /pm settings and their upgrades:
*All prices are just indications. When the suggestion is implemented, these can be changed to make it balanced within the economy.*

The ability to set the e-ores of the mine as:
- Tourmaline: unlocked by default.
- Silver: 50 silver blocks
- Topaz: 100 topaz blocks
- Sapphire: 200 sapphire blocks
- Ruby: 400 ruby blocks
- Aquamarine: 600 aquamarine blocks
- Jade: 800 jade blocks
- Opal: 1000 opal blocks

Respawn speed of e-ores (percentage is taken of the respawn speed in the normal mine).
The speed should be upgraded for each individual sort of e-ore. This can be made within the same menu as unlocking it. So the first “upgrade” is unlocking it, after that you can upgrade it’s respawn speed. This way players have to actually mine a certain e-ore to level it, instead of just mining one sort of e-ore to upgrade them all. Upgrade prices:
- 50% speed: unlocked by default.
- 60% speed: 100 blocks
- 70% speed: 200 blocks
- 80% speed 400 blocks
- 90% speed: 800 blocks
- 100% Speed: 1600 blocks

Respawn speed of mine mobs (percentage is taken of the respawn speed in the normal mine).
This percentage should have the option to still lower it once it’s upgraded. So upgrading it to a percentage just give you the option to use it. Each mob should be upgraded with it’s corresponding e-ore (example: Snow Creepers are unlocked with Silver, the e-ore in the corresponding mine). The mob that spawns is automatically changed depending on the currently chosen e-ore. Upgrade prices:
- 50% default speed: unlocked by default.
- 60% speed: 50 blocks
- 70% speed: 100 blocks
- 80% speed 200 blocks
- 90% speed: 400 blocks
- 100% Speed: 800 blocks

Bosses shouldn’t spawn automatically with a timer, since that could be unbalanced. The owner would have all the bossed for himself without doing anything. They should only spawn when the kill requirement is completed within the pmine (same requirement as /bosstimer). I believe this to be balanced as very few players have acces to the mine and will have to kill all the mobs, so it won’t be easy to spawn a boss. If the e-ore in the mine is changed, the requirement could just reset, since different bosses require different amounts of kills and converting this would be difficult.

Adding other players.
The owner can give other players access to his pmine using /pm add [name]. These players will then be able to visit the mine using /pm visit [name of owner]. When the status of the pmine is at Private, only the owner and added players can visit it. The mine can also be set to Public. Then every player can visit it. Using the command /pm list every player can see a list of all the public pmines.

The owner can set a Tax on his mine. When any player (except the owner himself) mines, the tax will automatically be transfered to the owner. The owner can claim this using a command like /tax claim. There should be an option to get the e-ores in your inventory, or to directly store them in the crystal.

Different tax percentages are unlocked by buying upgrades. The owner should be able to select the percentage (also lower ones, not just the highest unlocked). The upgrade prices:
- 0% Tax: unlocked by default.
- 2% Tax: 1000 taurmaline blocks
- 4% Tax: 1000 silver blocks
- 6% Tax: 1000 topaz blocks
- 8% Tax: 1000 sapphire blocks
- 10% Tax: 1000 ruby blocks
- 15% Tax: 1000 aquamarine blocks
- 20% Tax: 1000 jade blocks
- 25% Tax: 1000 opal blocks

*It should not be allowed to set your pmine to public, if the island you are in is competing for island top, for the same reason public grinders aren’t allowed (a form of boosting). For competing players, it should only be allowed to add island members to their pmine, no other players.*​

What is the benefit of adding Pmines?
I think this will make the overall mining experience a lot more enjoyable and island top even more competetive. With how important e-ores are for island top, it’s almost always full. Especially since seasonal pickaxes like veinmeiner were added, the mines just end up being nearly empty with no ores in it, leaving barely anything for players to mine. This makes mining more a game of patience, and is an indirect nerf to the good pickaxes since they get less time to shine.
I think this suggestion has benefits over just simply increasing the amount of e-ores / their spawnrate in the current mine, since that could make the economy unbalanced for the moments that the amount of players in the mines is less. Pmines would also add another layer of customization in your strategy, aswell as making minions a more used feature as mentioned before.

I expect complains of this suggestion supporting Pay-2-Win. However, I think that this addition would also help free-to-play greatly, since this would reduce the amount of players in the mine. Most e-ores are mined by players competing for island top using seasonal pickaxes. These players will also be most likely to purchase a pmine. This will make the ‘normal mines’ less full, leaving more space for free-to-play players to mine.​

Examples for upgrade prices given within the description. These can be deviated from with the implementation.​


Epic Pika
Feb 5, 2021
OpPrison is about mining but opskyblock is about grinding.

Pm are too broken for the gamemode itself.
The "Grinding" no longer applicable after first week of the season. The top competition will literally ends up to mining after getting 10k+ spawners, and with the addition of "Private mine" will help most of the competitive island to mine without interference with other players from the Public mine. As what solon stated above, the "Private mine" wouldn't be the same as Public mine to balance the economy.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
May 28, 2022
The "Grinding" no longer applicable after first week of the season. The top competition will literally ends up to mining after getting 10k+ spawners, and with the addition of "Private mine" will help most of the competitive island to mine without interference with other players from the Public mine. As what solon stated above, the "Private mine" wouldn't be the same as Public mine to balance the economy.
As Solon said about f2p complaining,

Just think for a moment why do f2p players mine eores ??

Do they do this for their island ? No they donot! They instead sell eores.

Rn eores sell for a lot like 22b/ea .

If there were pmines no one will be willing to buy for such rates and we will be back to 30m/ea.

Then it's actually loss for f2p players as a part of their mining goes to mine owner and they wouldn't be able to earn that much money.

Also the money they make also goes back to comp islands as they sell skips (not saying comp gets free money back ) but somehow at some cost they get in the circulation of money .

Skips are important commodity and selling them for cheap won't be anyone's 1st priority (as economy will be lowered)

That's my only issue right here.

In short:-
  • Pmines come into existence, comp islands don't buy eores as much as rn.
  • F2p don't earn money as much as rn
  • F2p works more for less rewards compared to rn.
  • F2p struggle for everything.
  • Poverty visible and create disparity.
  • Grind all season and still sad 😿


Ultimate Legendary Pika
May 28, 2022
That's my only concern and else Everything is fine,
But a quick question does your pmine is for an individual player (like in opp) or one per island ?


Epic Pika
Feb 5, 2021
As Solon said about f2p complaining,

Just think for a moment why do f2p players mine eores ??

Do they do this for their island ? No they donot! They instead sell eores.

Rn eores sell for a lot like 22b/ea .

If there were pmines no one will be willing to buy for such rates and we will be back to 30m/ea.

Then it's actually loss for f2p players as a part of their mining goes to mine owner and they wouldn't be able to earn that much money.

Also the money they make also goes back to comp islands as they sell skips (not saying comp gets free money back ) but somehow at some cost they get in the circulation of money .

Skips are important commodity and selling them for cheap won't be anyone's 1st priority (as economy will be lowered)

That's my only issue right here.

In short:-
  • Pmines come into existence, comp islands don't buy eores as much as rn.
  • F2p don't earn money as much as rn
  • F2p works more for less rewards compared to rn.
  • F2p struggle for everything.
  • Poverty visible and create disparity.
  • Grind all season and still sad 😿
You're basically spouting nonsense at this point. Private Mine's addition wont lower the prices of eores just because top islands has their own mining area. There's no point of keeping quad money and not buy eores at high price, and FYI, F2p players does all the mining to do their levels and it's their choice whether they're gonna place it on their crystal or sell them. And, don't make it sound like it's top competitors fault that F2P players are poor, when we also do grinding and daily quota to ensure of getting the needs for ourselves. With all that f2p talk, I've been playing as a F2P Player since I started pika, and there are more plenty ways of overcoming being poor than before.
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Epic Pika
Feb 5, 2021
That's my only concern and else Everything is fine,
But a quick question does your pmine is for an individual player (like in opp) or one per island ?
I don't think Solonious mentioned that one, but I'd recommend of 1 private mine per island


Jun 17, 2022
Hello Solonious3568,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  1. First of all, special pickaxes are already extremely p2w as the "special abilities" are quite overpowered compared to normal pickaxes, so there is no need to add something that is even more p2w unless it's not as rare and easier to obtain (which it most likely won't). Since if you were only able to obtain these pmine "tokens" through seasonal crates and lootcrates, it would completely eliminate the chance of any f2p or less p2w islands from competing, as e-ores are ultimately the deciding factor for /island top.
  2. Second of all, private mines would pose an issue in detecting cheaters. Since it is a private mine, other players can't see who's mining where, and there is a possibility of islands/members using alts or hiring nukers to mine in their pmine, without being detected. Although it is still possible for staff to detect them, there is a way higher chance of nukers/autominers going undetected. Even in previous seasons, players have used illegal modifications in public mines, so there is an extremely high chance of players using illegal mods in these private mines if they were to be added.
  3. Finally, even if opening them to the public is disallowed, there is still a possibility of top islands inviting non-island members to mine for them for cheaper than directly buying e-ores. Many top islands have been disqualified for boosting before, so it is highly likely that it will continue to happen, regardless of what new features are being added.

For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
I hope you understand the reasons stated above. Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!