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I recommend you to renew your knowledge before asking others to do so 👍
I don't think the suggestion was just about wrong verdicts where u started ur suggestion by telling indirectly how the staff is incompetent and they can't impose all rules properly.
About first part, not everyone has English as their first language, and learn punctuation before asking others to learn grammar as you are lacking in it as well.
Also, I also added link to staff feedback in my message and not just staff applications.
English isn't my first language either haha! What I'm saying is not that staff is incompetent but moreso the regulations given to them are outdated or not matching what the server needs!
English isn't your first language, ok. But you should know that before pointing out others mistake, you should be able to do that task perfectly.
Also, management knows which regulations are necessary and offending and which are not.
Was wondering if you could message me either here on discord so I could chat to you regarding a specific issue, cheers :)
kind regards
If it really needs to be me, I can contact you through forum conversations, although I'd much prefer handling it via support tickets if some other staff can help.
It's rather something more personal :) I wouldn't trust anyone else. Let me know how I can contact you and I'll do it like that as message isn't showing up.
when can i purchase christmas brackets which date will it be available this year
Nobody knows the exact date.
<3 server but indian scammas r here especially skymines server is 50/50 real and non real peoples just by playing I could tell its fake da evidence got deleted my chat and commands proof is gone but is okay can u look into 4 me or someone cos sus stuffs is happenin especially DanutKZ and Parva etc