So, today I was playing a good game of galactix you know just a normal player so the server yeah it crashed mhmm not making up stuff I was going for the supply drop I was midair getting set to drop and yes I crashed. So I relogged back into the game knowing all my seriously good gear seriously overpowered sword that I newly created talking sharp 5 unbr 3 fire 2 vamp 3 confusion 4 and wither 5 and boom I joined back the server like a good guy and falling down you know thinking I wouldn't take fall damage like usual dropping from spawn and wow I died. I was sweating like hell I respawned flew back there couldn't find it and of course getting sliced by a guy and yes im tilted so hard this was on June 11 2016 around 8-9:30 pm in my timezone and my daily reward also got resetted which is yeah bad I guess its not my day im not asking for anything im just warning everyone else when the server suddenly crashes and you're midair just I dont know you have no choice but to get sliced by the floor without 1v1'ing it