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Denied OP SkyBlock Update /Level

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Aug 25, 2018

Update /Level​

Detailed description:
(Update Level)

we are tired of placing block and mining ore levels.
so I suggest adding a new quest in /level

Remove: Some of Placing and Break Block Task
Reason: Too Boring, Some of Player Didn't Like It

[+] Add: Fishing Task, like ordering the player to fish 10 - 50x.
it would be great if you add a fishpond in /spawn or in /warp mine
Reason: we want more fun missions

[+] Add: Parkour Task, complete parkour 1 - 5x.
it would be great if you made a parkour spot in /spawn or in /warp mine
some players really like parkour

[+] Add: craft tools/armor to complete this Level
we also want to do easy missions

[+] Add:
Find/Bring Rune At /Rune for example (find Sweeper X) (find Golden VIII)
Reason: a lot of runes were wasted when making gswords and gsets

[+] Add:
Win in /Duel 1 - 10x to complete this Level
Reason: /Duel Kinda useless if no one use it

[+] Add: Make Potions 1 - 10 (Strength potions/Speed Potions/Poison Potions etc)
Reason: idk,but it looks fun i guess

[+] Add: You Must Top 1 - 10 At /Even 1 - 5x to complete this Level
Reason: /events are fun, but it will be more fun if you add some new events

[+] Add:
Find/Bring Bosses Loot Like 1 - 10 DreadLord Feather to complete this Level
Reason: Some Bosses Loot Really Useless, we can only exchange
it at npc in mine other than that it's useless.

[+] Add:
Level Up Your Pets and Minions to complete this Level
Reason: Not Sure About This but Well We Just Wanted New Task

[+] Renew Bosses Task:

~ You must be top 1 - 5 Dealing Damage at Bosses
~ Kill Goblin Boss 1 - 5x, Kill Taurus Boss1 - 5x, Kill Dreadlord Boss 1 - 5x and etc
~ Summon Bosses 1 - 10x at inside /warp mine or wherever is it
~ Evo The Bosses 1 - 10x (must kill the boss to complete)
Reason: Bosses Are So Much Fun! especially when we do it with friends :3

~Thats All From me ( ^ w ^)/​

UpVote If You Agree, if no u bald.
jk lmao ;3

and once again it's okay if this is rejected, because I'm sure pika network will always give the best.
Just Enjoy The Game And Have Fun!


Pika Lover
Nov 27, 2021
(Update Level)
I agree that some changes to level can be made to improve it.
[-] Remove: Some of Placing and Break Block Task
Reason: Too Boring, Some of Player Didn't Like It
+1 These levels are extremly boring and don't require any skill, just a waste of time
[+] Add: Fishing Task, like ordering the player to fish 10 - 50x.
Fishing seems very boring, so -1 for me, but if its only 10x its not to bad
[+] Add: Parkour Task, complete parkour 1 - 5x
This seems hard to implement. If theres only 1 parkour, it gets repetetive fast. Making multiple parkour takes a lot of time for staff.
[+] Add: craft tools/armor to complete this Level
Neutral on this one, depends on how it in implemented
[+] Add: Win in /Duel 1 - 10x to complete this Level
-1, this just encourages alt killing since it can be frustrating to find an actual enemy
[+] Add: Make Potions 1 - 10
Seems very easy but can be fun for a change ig
[+] Add: You Must Top 1 - 10 At /Even 1 - 5x to complete this Level
While I like this idea, this might be a problem since some players with for example low CPS will have a really hard time finishing top 10. So it might be better to just make it so you need to complete an event 10 times instead of finishing top 10.
[+] Add: Find/Bring Bosses Loot Like 1 - 10 DreadLord Feather to complete this Level
This can give a good use to some drops that are currently useless, but it can be annoying since RNG will play a big factor
[+] Add: Level Up Your Pets and Minions to complete this Level
Seems fine
~ Summon Bosses 1 - 10x at inside /warp mine or wherever is it
~ Evo The Bosses 1 - 10x (must kill the boss to complete)
I dont think this is good since f2p players can't really get boss spawners / evolvers


Ultimate Legendary Pika
May 28, 2022
I agree that some changes to level can be made to improve it.

+1 These levels are extremly boring and don't require any skill, just a waste of time

Fishing seems very boring, so -1 for me, but if its only 10x its not to bad

This seems hard to implement. If theres only 1 parkour, it gets repetetive fast. Making multiple parkour takes a lot of time for staff.

Neutral on this one, depends on how it in implemented

-1, this just encourages alt killing since it can be frustrating to find an actual enemy

Seems very easy but can be fun for a change ig

While I like this idea, this might be a problem since some players with for example low CPS will have a really hard time finishing top 10. So it might be better to just make it so you need to complete an event 10 times instead of finishing top 10.

This can give a good use to some drops that are currently useless, but it can be annoying since RNG will play a big factor

Seems fine

I dont think this is good since f2p players can't really get boss spawners / evolvers
You made all valid points but f2p can easily get spawn eggs from crates like dungeon ones .

Bosses spawn naturally also.


The Pika
Apr 10, 2020
Hello ImRealDains7,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Will make levels too easy to acquire.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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