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Survival needs a Change

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Pika Lover
Jan 21, 2017
I love and appreciate all the work you guys at staff put into survival for us but I think we've taken a wrong turn.

With the /shop thing, money is embarrassingly easy to make... a small farm could turn 100,00 a day without much problem. Also, nothing is rare anymore... almost anything we want is available instantly from /shop so why bother hunting for it?

I think the current setup makes survival more like just creative... everything is available at any time with very little effort needed. Survival will suffer from a "who cares" mentality soon since everything is so easy.

Most of what's going on in survival is just fine, but the /shop really needs to go or at the very least be shrunk down drastically to a small selection of basic items. You have no need to make an effort when it's all right there for you.

Old Jestyr

** I understand that this is a lost cause... feel free to delete the thread... it has no point
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