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OP Factions Summer Map / Winter Map (20 MANS)


Rare Pika
Feb 28, 2016
Minecraft username:

Summer Map / Winter Map (20 MANS)​

Detailed description:
Hey everyone, I’d like to propose/suggest a ' 20 mans roster in (Op-Factions) , Every Summer / Winter MAP.​

Having more players on the roster means more opportunities to experiment with different strategies, roles, and tactics. It will be more fun to:

By expanding to a 20-man roster, you'll not only increase your faction’s survivability and strength, but also create a more dynamic and organized group that can take on the challenges of the Summer Map with ease. With more players, you'll be better positioned to dominate the server, engage in large-scale raids, and defend your faction more effectively. it would be fun as summer map.​

10-man roster:
In a faction with 10 members, if several players are from different timezones or have varying schedules, you may find that you don’t have enough active members online at critical times, leaving your base or raids unprotected. This could lead to missed opportunities and weaker defenses at crucial moments.

20-man roster:
With a larger roster, you’ll have more flexibility in terms of online activity. More players mean you can cover different timezones and ensure that your faction remains active 24/7. For example:

Players from North America can log in during their prime hours, while players from Europe or Asia can cover other times of the day.

You can always have a group of active defenders during peak hours, and you can organize raids outpost without worrying about being understaffed.​