Make custom enchants In Opfactions2
Detailed description:
Add custom enchants so it makes PvP better
U can add enchants to like base building
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
Now in Opfactions Gear breaks realy fast and its all abaut ho has more p15 sets and pots. but u guys cood make it mor fun by adding more enchants to battle
Add like hardend lifesteal overload and alot others that maybe can help u in battle
For bases u cud make like an explosive so it digs a bigger space
Make them that u can get them for levels like t3-100xp t2-60xp t1-40xp levels it will make peaple grind
Make custom enchants In Opfactions2
Detailed description:
Add custom enchants so it makes PvP better
U can add enchants to like base building
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
Now in Opfactions Gear breaks realy fast and its all abaut ho has more p15 sets and pots. but u guys cood make it mor fun by adding more enchants to battle
Add like hardend lifesteal overload and alot others that maybe can help u in battle
For bases u cud make like an explosive so it digs a bigger space
Make them that u can get them for levels like t3-100xp t2-60xp t1-40xp levels it will make peaple grind