Fly In Plot Worlds
Detailed description:
I think fly in plot worlds would be nice! Everyone can build their ideas easily.
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
The players want to build something big and they can not do this easily because they do not have fly access in plot worlds. They can build but it is pain in the back side.
When we go to /warp plot is a button which gives fly access for only plots. And when we teleport the fly access disappears. I hope I can explain. I love your server.
Fly In Plot Worlds
Detailed description:
I think fly in plot worlds would be nice! Everyone can build their ideas easily.
Server/Place suggestion is intended:
The players want to build something big and they can not do this easily because they do not have fly access in plot worlds. They can build but it is pain in the back side.
When we go to /warp plot is a button which gives fly access for only plots. And when we teleport the fly access disappears. I hope I can explain. I love your server.