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Denied Global Suggestion: Fix what you have instead of taking new suggestions

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Pika Lover
Feb 27, 2016
Fix what you have instead of taking new suggestions

Detailed description:
Can pika please fix the problems prison already faces instead of trying to make new gamemodes/pushing players to a entirely different server?

Many issues need fixing.

1. Mob spawns in free are so weak. I have literally sat in free at a farm for an hour and only gotten 8 mob spawns total. All of the mobs in the protected zone around /warp spawn are taking up spawn slots and we can't kill them.

#1 fix? Put a command block under /warp free building that does a kill mobs command for all mobs within the protected zone.

#1a Fix? make a game rule that friendly mobs can't spawn inside the protected area, just like hostile mobs (this should be much easier than a command block, since there is already a rule for no hostile mobs)

#1 Fix part 2 RAISE The spawn slot limit!!!!!!! Mobs in prison free world aren't what cause PikaLag™

#2 Portal traps exist, STOP THIS. There is NO excuse that players can be trapped in a portal.

#2 Fix? Stop portals from being created, there is no Nether, so there is ABSOLUTELY NO reason to allow portal creation, it only allows traps to be made, which are against server rules. NO ONE thinks a Portal is a "cool" decoration, only those that plan to use it to trap. You removed /suicide from prison for much less reason, GET RID of portals. You have item frames disabled, you remove paintings, minecarts, and minecart chests inside mineshafts at clear lag, there's no reason to allow portals to be made.

#3 WHERE THE PECK ARE THE VILLAGERS AND WHY DID YOU REMOVE THEM???!!!! Think about this one minute, Dutch once said "for villager stuff use /ah" WTF does that even mean???? The only thing /ah can do is allow players to buy and sell things they can already get. Then I hear "Use /warp shop" Shop is UNFINISHED, and has been for OVER a YEAR! Where are we supposed to get Glowstone blocks? There's no reason to make 3 glowstone dust cost SO much xp just because it's in the "brewing section" Where are players supposed to get Chainmail armor? This has always been a status armor in prison because you had to find or breed a villager and THEN hide and protect it from others in /warp free to get chain. Where are people supposed to get slimeballs, there's NOTHING in the redstone section for slime, and mobs don't spawn in free world, HOW are we supposed to make sticky pistons? If prison was factions or skyblock, the shop would be MUCH bigger, but no one cares about prison it seems.

#3 fix? Read it, FIX /warp shop. bring back villagers, fix mob spawns.

#4 Don't expect players to have to prove to you they are portal trapped, this goes with #2, if a player tells you they are portal trapped at "X-persons plot" go there, see the portal trap, ban the player the plot belongs to, delete the plot, end of story. there's no reason someone has 3 portals in a line inside an enclosed box, other than to trap players. Also, check the trusted members on the plot, and check their plot as well. IF the trusted members have the portal trapper trusted, OFC it's THEIR alt. I understand anyone can trust anyone on their plot to frame them, but why would the other person trust them back?

#5 STOP RESETTING everytime there is a bug, learn to make a proper back up and learn to use rollback. There's no reason everyone should suffer because some jackass learned how to break bedrock, ban that person, do a rollback, and be done. If you cared more about prison server, you would know when the bugs/glitches were starting to be abused, and be able to take appropriate action THEN, not 3 weeks later without notice.

TL;DR= I spent the time to type it, YOU should spend the time to read it.

Server/Place suggestion is intended:


I have been begging to get pika prison fixed since april/may of last year when someone fudged the configs. The only thing that ever happens is everything gets reset with the same bugs in place.

We don't need a new prison, we don't need another reset for the 10th time in a month, we just need the bugs fixed.

Read any of my support tickets since april of last year, oh wait, forgot, "the database" got "hacked" and everything was lost.

How about play prison for yourself for once, and see.


Pika Lover
Feb 27, 2016
What the hell happened to prison plots?

I submit a suggestion about how to fix prison, but instead of fixing the things wrong, Prison gets broken EVEN MORE?


MANY people's plots were griefed by @DutchminerHD , He deleted chestshops, storage chests, brewing stands, ALL KINDS OF GRIEF!

Is the owner really trying to get rid of prison? Every time I have a suggestion about how to fix things, something else gets broken instead.

Notice how this thread is a few days old and not response, even from the "post padders" that post pointless bullshit just to make their post count higher. Even though many threads created after this one had the same.

This has been an ongoing problem since april/may of last year. Do we need to build a wall around prison and make the admins pay for it? #whateverittakestomakepikaprisongreatagain
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