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Staff members and their reaction scores


Sr Mod & SS Manager
Staff Member
Sr Mod
Jul 25, 2022

1) Max
- 1,535+ reaction score
2) voodootje0 - 276+ reaction score
Total: 1,811+

1) Arrly
- 3,895+ reaction score
Total: 3,895+


1) _iGhostly - 522+ reaction score
2) xDeleted - 453+ reaction score
3) TTHM - 441+ reaction score
4) Thijme01 - 260+ reaction score
4) _Starrly - 138+ reaction score

Total: 1,814+

Sr Mod
1) aeserior - 893+ reaction score
2) Hellific - 551+ reaction score
3) Stormidity - 295+ reaction score
4) Freez - 217+ reaction score

5) Ungluecklicher - 209+ reaction score
6) MrGownz - 111+ reaction score

7) Empror_OP - 75+ reaction score
8) Wonderfied - 47+ reaction score
9) deSitterSpace - 38+ reaction score
10) Ehtne - 33+ reaction score

Total: 2,469+

1) Klausly
- 231+ reaction score
2) Surbate - 198+ reaction score
3) DeadOrigin - 196+ reaction score
4) SgtTox - 183+ reaction score

5) _ImSiwan - 147+ reaction score
6) ABDMK12413 - 139+ reaction score
7) BarBarasco - 98+ reaction score
8) Cyb0rgMan - 87+ reaction score
9) CreeperDxD - 69+ reaction score
10) Batmlk - 55+ reaction score
11) Sanified - 54+ reaction score
12) Florinyo - 52+ reaction score

13) zNqtix - 49+ reaction score
Total: 1,558+

1) NCStylezX
- 177+ reaction score
2) notziny - 66+ reaction score
3) DrReds - 65+ reaction score
4) Adlless - 58+ reaction score
5) Cradlless - 55+ reaction score
6) WookiesRPpl2_ - 36+ reaction score
7) Schemist - 31+ reaction score

8) GAMBL3T - 27+ reaction score
9) CrimsonMonarch - 4+ reaction score
10) vqnky - 3+ reaction score
11) LoxPlayz - 3+ reaction score

Total: 525+

1) ElementalMCR
- 55+ reaction score
2) osps - 7+ reaction score
3) notax6uuu - 5+ reaction score
4) sweetvicky - 1+ reaction score
5) xKrampuS_ - 0+ reaction score
Total: 68+


This Thread will be updated every month. Staff changes will be changed in the thread within 24 hours. - Requested by @Arrly

25th June: creation of this thread.
26th June: NxqL has changed his name to Remake.
27th June: EnmityEE has changed his name to Ehtne.
27th June: KamerPlant has been removed from this thread.
28th June: DrRedDragon has been promoted to helper.
3th July: zNqtix has been promoted to Helper.
5th July: SgtBordem has changed his name to Limy.
8th July: zireb & Calzano has been removed from this thread.
10th July: Pink246 has been promoted to helper.
10th July: TeKkaTi has been removed from this thread.
14th July: jayvci has been promoted to helper.
14th July: ChickenDinnr has been removed from this thread.
16th July: FIKOZ has been removed from this thread.
17th July: Florinyo has been promoted to helper.
19th July: Anuly has changed her name to Astrospeh.
19th July: zMqrcc has changed his name to Marcify.
21 July: Starhopper87 has been promoted to helper.
21th July: Ryancertified has been removed from the thread.
25th July: deSitterSpace has been removed from this thread.
26th July: notziny, KillerMS & crazysteve79 has been added to this thread.
27th July: updated reaction score count.
28th July: KillerMS has been removed from this thread.
28th July: removed qq92 from this thread.
29th July: removed CaptainGeoGR from this thread.
30th July: added TTHM to the thread.
31th July: DrRedDragon has changed his name to DrReds.
4th August: removed SgtTox from this thread.
4th August: Gods_Plan_ has been promoted to helper.
6th August: Olygo & vqnky has been added to the thread.
10th August: Empror_OP & Levaniii has been promoted to Sr Mod.
10th August: Ehtne, Freez, M7Games_HD, ABDMK12413 & Wonderfied has been promoted to Moderator.
13th August: DarkVenom7 has been added to the thread.
14th August: Aeqlian, _iGhostly & jayvci has been removed from this thread.
14th August: Apo2xd has been promoted to Admin.
23rd August: ElementalMCR has been removed from this thread.
24th August: Subvalent, Remake & Pink246 has been removed from this thread.
28th August: Regretfull has been removed from the thread.
28th August: bearNA has renamed to Velanoir.
28th August: ProSkillz404, Luckyint & MsLae has been added to the thread.
28th August: notziny has been promoted to helper.
28th August: Velanoir has been removed from the thread.
29th August: Ungluecklicher has been added to the thread.
30th August: Apo2xd has been removed from the thread.
1st September: updated reaction scores.
1st September: Crni_ has been removed from this thread.
1st September: Starhopper87 has renamed to _Starrly.
1st September: deSitterSpace has been added to this thread.
3rd September: Olygo & MsLae has been promoted to helper.
7th September: Nikki99 has been promoted to Administrator.
7th September: zNqtix, Surbate, JustSuperiorr & _Starrly has been promoted to Moderator.
7th September: NCStylezX has been added to the thread.
7th September: gorgaw has been removed from the thread.
7th September: MrGownz has been promoted to Sr Mod.
11th September: Aeqlian has been added to the thread.
11th September: Gods_Plan_ has renamed to hxml.
14th September: ProSkillz404 has renamed to ProSkillz404PvP.
21th September: jayvci has been added to the thread.
28th September: added CrimsonMonarch, ogizy & BarBarasco to the thread.
28th September: hxml has been removed from the thread.
28th September: Luckyint has been promoted to helper.
28th September: updated reaction score.
3rd October: ProSkillz404PvP has been promoted to Helper.
5th October: sh0zu has been removed from this thread.
5th October: zireb has been added to the thread.
5th October: BarBarasco has been promoted to Helper.
6th October DanielT_ has been removed from this thread.
7th October: zireb & jayvci has been removed from this thread.
13th October: mwmmy & LoxPlayz has been added to the thread.
19th October: Limy & Paotzyyy has been removed from the thread.
19th October: BubblyBlake, BloodLetterG, _iGhostly, notknown876 & xViirus has been added to the thread.
19th October: mwmmy has changed their name to asilya.
19th October: MsLae has changed their name to Limxt_
20th October: BubblyBlake has been removed from the thread.
21th October: Luckyint has been removed from the thread.
23th October: crazysteve79 & _Nikki99 has been removed from the thread.
26th October: Kaisel__ & Sanified has been removed from the thread.
26th October: Cyb0rgMan, deSitterSpace, Florinyo & Limxt_ has been promoted to Moderator.
26th Octobber: Freez, Ehtne & Wonderfied has been promoted to Sr Mod.
26th October: xDeleted, Thijme01 & _iGhostly has been promoted to Admin.
26th October: updated reaction score count.
27th October: BloodLetterG has been removed from the thread.
27th October: JustSuperiorr has changed their username to aeserior.
28th October: Surbate has been remoed from the thread.
29th October: ogizy has been promoted to helper.
4th November: DeadOrigin & mlk713 has been added to the thread.
9th November: arnav_18 has been added to the thread.
10th November: GhostyyCatt has been added to the thread.
16th November: Limy has been added to the thread.
17th November: Hellific has been added to the thread.
18th November: GhostyyCatt has changed their name to jayvci.
19th November: asilya has been removed from the thread.
24th November: Limxt_ has been removed from the thread.
28th November: Surbate has been added to the thread.
28th November: mlk713 has been promoted to Helper.
28th November: mlk713 has changed his name to Batmlk.
29th November: DeadOrigin has been promoted to Helper.
30th November: Astrospeh has been removed from the thread.
30th November: updated reaction score count.
3rd December: LoxPlayz has been promoted to Helper.
3rd December: Stormidity has been added to the thread.
4th December: SgtTox has been added to the thread.
4th December: ogizy has been removed from the thread.
6th December: xViiRuS has been removed from the thread.
7th December: vqnky has been promoted to helper.
7th December: CreeperDxD, BarBarasco, DarkVenom7 & svjeziluk has been promoted to Moderator.
7th December: _Starrly has been promoted to Sr Mod.
8th December: Olygo changed his name to Chemist.
10th December: Aeqlian has been removed from the thread.
13th December: Cristina_____, Adlless & Cradlless has been added to the thread.
18th December: CrimsonMonarch has been promoted to helper.
20th December: Pink246 has been added to the thread.
25th December: svjeziluk has been removed from the thread.
27th December: Reputational has been removed from the thread.
28th December: Cristina_____ has changed her name to crisyhx.
28th December: updated reaction score count.
2nd January: Marcify has been removed from the thread.
4th January: gorgaw has been added to the thread.
5th January: Proskillz404PvP has changed their name to WookiesRPpl2_
5th January: arnav_18 has been removed from the thread.
7th January: jayvci has been removed from the thread.
8th January: Limy & notknown876 have been removed from this thread.
9th January: DarkVenom7 & crisyhx have been removed from this thread.
18th January: gorgaw has been removed from this thread.
24th January: Levaniii has been removed from this thread.
1st February: Pink246 has been removed from this thread.
1st February: Batmlk & DeadOrigin have been promoted to Moderator.
1st February: aeserior, Hellific & deSitterSpace have been promoted to Sr Mod.
1st February: updated reaction score count.
4th February: Klausly & ElementalMCR have been added to the thread.
7th February: Adlless has been promoted to Helper.
8th February: sweetvicky & notax6uuu has been added to the thread.
11th February: Cradlless has been promoted to Helper.
18th February: _Starrly has been promoted to Admin.
21th February: xKrampuS_ has been added to the thread.
21th February: M7Games_HD has been removed from this thread.
22th February: updated reaction score count.

No milestone has been achieved in June, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in July, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in August, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in September, 2024.
Congrats Marcify for reaching a reaction score of 1,000!
No milestone has been achieved in November, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in December, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in January, 2025.
No milestone has been achieved in February, 2025.
Last edited:


Great Reporter
Jan 19, 2020
why dosnt the manager have 1) Arrly , he must be feeling left out


Legendary Pika
Jul 12, 2023

1) Max
- 1,468+ reaction score
2) voodootje0 - 274+ reaction score
Total: 1,742+

1) Arrly
- 3,534+ reaction score
Total: 3,534+

1) Marcify
- 821+ reaction score
2) TTHM - 326+ reaction score

3) sh0zu - 253+ reaction score
4) Limy - 119+ reaction score
Total: 2,116+

Sr Mod
1) _Nikki99 - 882+ reaction score

2) Astrospeh - 790+ reaction score
3) Crni_ - 329+ reaction score
4 xDeleted - 259+ reaction score
5) Thijme01 - 237+ reaction score
6) Ungluecklicher - 154+ reaction score

7) Levaniii - 101+ reaction score
8) Empror_OP - 72+ reaction score

Total: 4,806+

1) _ImSiwan - 128+ reaction score

2) ABDMK12413 - 116+ reaction score
3) MrGownz - 111+ reaction score
4) Freez - 99+ reaction score
5) DanielT_ - 88+ reaction score
6) Paotzyyy - 68+ reaction score
7) Sanified - 68+ reaction score
8) M7Games_HD - 36+ reaction score

9) Wonderfied - 18+ reaction score
10) Ehtne - 8+ reaction score

Total: 773+

1) DarkVenom7 - 1,013+ reaction score

2) JustSuperiorr - 747+ reaction score
3) Starhopper87 - 74+ reaction score
4) Surbate - 72+ reaction score
5) Cyb0rgMan - 62+ reaction score
6) notziny - 55+ reaction score

7) zNqtix - 36+ reaction score
8) Florinyo - 35+ reaction score

9) GAMBL3T - 25+ reaction score
10) Gods_Plan_ - 21+ reaction score
11) gorgaw - 20+ reaction score
12) CreeperDxD - 19+ reaction score

13) DrReds - 7+ reaction score
14) svjeziluk - 3+ reaction score
Total: 1,460+

1) crazysteve79
- 223+ reaction score
2) Mslae - 220+ reaction score
3) Luckyint - 71+ reaction score
4) Proskillz404 - 8+ reaction score

5) Olygo - 2+ reaction score
6) vqnky - 1+ reaction score

Total: 281+


This Thread will be updated every month. Staff changes will be changed in the thread within 24 hours. - Requested by @Arrly

25th June: creation of this thread.
26th June: NxqL has changed his name to Remake.
27th June: EnmityEE has changed his name to Ehtne.
27th June: KamerPlant has been removed from this thread.
28th June: DrRedDragon has been promoted to helper.

3th July: zNqtix has been promoted to Helper.
5th July: SgtBordem has changed his name to Limy.
8th July: zireb & Calzano has been removed from this thread.
10th July: Pink246 has been promoted to helper.
10th July: TeKkaTi has been removed from this thread.
14th July: jayvci has been promoted to helper.
14th July: ChickenDinnr has been removed from this thread.
16th July: FIKOZ has been removed from this thread.
17th July: Florinyo has been promoted to helper.
19th July: Anuly has changed her name to Astrospeh.
19th July: zMqrcc has changed his name to Marcify.
21 July: Starhopper87 has been promoted to helper.
21th July: Ryancertified has been removed from the thread.
25th July: deSitterSpace has been removed from this thread.
26th July: notziny, KillerMS & crazysteve79 has been added to this thread.
27th July: updated reaction score count.
28th July: KillerMS has been removed from this thread.
28th July: removed qq92 from this thread.
29th July: removed CaptainGeoGR from this thread.
30th July: added TTHM to the thread.
31th July: DrRedDragon has changed his name to DrReds.
4th August: removed SgtTox from this thread.
4th August: Gods_Plan_ has been promoted to helper.
6th August: Olygo & vqnky has been added to the thread.
10th August: Empror_OP & Levaniii has been promoted to Sr Mod.
10th August: Ehtne, Freez, M7Games_HD, ABDMK12413 & Wonderfied has been promoted to Moderator.
13th August: DarkVenom7 has been added to the thread.
14th August: Aeqlian, _iGhostly & jayvci has been removed from this thread.
14th August: Apo2xd has been promoted to Admin.
23rd August: ElementalMCR has been removed from this thread.
24th August: Subvalent, Remake & Pink246 has been removed from this thread.
28th August: Regretfull has been removed from the thread.
28th August: bearNA has renamed to Velanoir.
28th August: ProSkillz404, Luckyint & MsLae has been added to the thread.
28th August: notziny has been promoted to helper.
28th August: Velanoir has been removed from the thread.
29th August: Ungluecklicher has been added to the thread.
30th August: Apo2xd has been removed from the thread.

No milestone has been achieved in June, 2024.

No milestone has been achieved in July, 2024.
I didn't even know we have staff with below 10 reaction score before I saw this thread.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jul 29, 2019
Responding to this so they could prob reply.


Great Reporter
Aug 28, 2024

1) Max
- 1,506+ reaction score
2) voodootje0 - 275+ reaction score
Total: 1,784+

1) Arrly
- 3,689+ reaction score
Total: 3,689+

1) Marcify
- 1,006+ reaction score
2) _iGhostly - 475+ reaction score
3) TTHM - 353+ reaction score
4) xDeleted - 324+ reaction score
5) Thijme01 - 242+ reaction score

Total: 2,400+

Sr Mod
1) Astrospeh - 794+ reaction score

2) Ungluecklicher - 180+ reaction score
3) Freez - 158+ reaction score
4) Aeqlian - 149+ reaction score

5) Levaniii - 114+ reaction score
6) MrGownz - 111+ reaction score
7) Empror_OP - 74+ reaction score
9) Ehtne - 26+ reaction score
10) Wonerfied - 24+ reaction score

Total: 1,630+

1) JustSuperiorr
- 832+ reaction score
2) Limxt_ - 237+ reaction score
3) Surbate - 145+ reaction score
4) _ImSiwan - 142+ reaction score
5) ABDMK12413 - 123+ reaction score
6) _Starrly - 103+ reaction score
7) Cyb0rgMan - 86+ reaction score

8) zNqtix - 44+ reaction score
9) Florinyo - 43+ reaction score
10) M7Games_HD - 41+ reaction score
11) deSitterSpace - 33+ reaction score

Total: 1,763+

1) DarkVenom7 - 1,026+ reaction score

2) NCStylezX - 143+ reaction score
3) BarBarasco - 76+ reaction score
4) notziny - 59+ reaction score
5) DrReds - 40+ reaction score

6) GAMBL3T - 26+ reaction score
7) CreeperDxD - 21+ reaction score
8) ProSkillz404PvP - 20+ reaction score
9) Olygo - 10+ reaction score

10) svjeziluk - 8+ reaction score
Total: 1,429+

1) asilya
- 186+ reaction score
2) notknown876 - 37+ reaction score
3) xViiRuS - 28+ reaction score
4) ogizy - 8+ reaction score
5) CrimsonMonarch - 4+ reaction score
6) LoxPlayz - 3+ reaction score

7) vqnky - 1+ reaction score
8) BloodLetterG - 1+ reaction score

Total: 268+


This Thread will be updated every month. Staff changes will be changed in the thread within 24 hours. - Requested by @Arrly

25th June: creation of this thread.
26th June: NxqL has changed his name to Remake.
27th June: EnmityEE has changed his name to Ehtne.
27th June: KamerPlant has been removed from this thread.
28th June: DrRedDragon has been promoted to helper.
3th July: zNqtix has been promoted to Helper.
5th July: SgtBordem has changed his name to Limy.
8th July: zireb & Calzano has been removed from this thread.
10th July: Pink246 has been promoted to helper.
10th July: TeKkaTi has been removed from this thread.
14th July: jayvci has been promoted to helper.
14th July: ChickenDinnr has been removed from this thread.
16th July: FIKOZ has been removed from this thread.
17th July: Florinyo has been promoted to helper.
19th July: Anuly has changed her name to Astrospeh.
19th July: zMqrcc has changed his name to Marcify.
21 July: Starhopper87 has been promoted to helper.
21th July: Ryancertified has been removed from the thread.
25th July: deSitterSpace has been removed from this thread.
26th July: notziny, KillerMS & crazysteve79 has been added to this thread.
27th July: updated reaction score count.
28th July: KillerMS has been removed from this thread.
28th July: removed qq92 from this thread.
29th July: removed CaptainGeoGR from this thread.
30th July: added TTHM to the thread.
31th July: DrRedDragon has changed his name to DrReds.
4th August: removed SgtTox from this thread.
4th August: Gods_Plan_ has been promoted to helper.
6th August: Olygo & vqnky has been added to the thread.
10th August: Empror_OP & Levaniii has been promoted to Sr Mod.
10th August: Ehtne, Freez, M7Games_HD, ABDMK12413 & Wonderfied has been promoted to Moderator.
13th August: DarkVenom7 has been added to the thread.
14th August: Aeqlian, _iGhostly & jayvci has been removed from this thread.
14th August: Apo2xd has been promoted to Admin.
23rd August: ElementalMCR has been removed from this thread.
24th August: Subvalent, Remake & Pink246 has been removed from this thread.
28th August: Regretfull has been removed from the thread.
28th August: bearNA has renamed to Velanoir.
28th August: ProSkillz404, Luckyint & MsLae has been added to the thread.
28th August: notziny has been promoted to helper.
28th August: Velanoir has been removed from the thread.
29th August: Ungluecklicher has been added to the thread.
30th August: Apo2xd has been removed from the thread.
1st September: updated reaction scores.
1st September: Crni_ has been removed from this thread.
1st September: Starhopper87 has renamed to _Starrly.
1st September: deSitterSpace has been added to this thread.
3rd September: Olygo & MsLae has been promoted to helper.
7th September: Nikki99 has been promoted to Administrator.
7th September: zNqtix, Surbate, JustSuperiorr & _Starrly has been promoted to Moderator.
7th September: NCStylezX has been added to the thread.
7th September: gorgaw has been removed from the thread.
7th September: MrGownz has been promoted to Sr Mod.
11th September: Aeqlian has been added to the thread.
11th September: Gods_Plan_ has renamed to hxml.
14th September: ProSkillz404 has renamed to ProSkillz404PvP.
21th September: jayvci has been added to the thread.
28th September: added CrimsonMonarch, ogizy & BarBarasco to the thread.
28th September: hxml has been removed from the thread.
28th September: Luckyint has been promoted to helper.
28th September: updated reaction score.
3rd October: ProSkillz404PvP has been promoted to Helper.
5th October: sh0zu has been removed from this thread.
5th October: zireb has been added to the thread.
5th October: BarBarasco has been promoted to Helper.
6th October DanielT_ has been removed from this thread.
7th October: zireb & jayvci has been removed from this thread.
13th October: mwmmy & LoxPlayz has been added to the thread.
19th October: Limy & Paotzyyy has been removed from the thread.
19th October: BubblyBlake, BloodLetterG, _iGhostly, notknown876 & xViirus has been added to the thread.
19th October: mwmmy has changed their name to asilya.
19th October: MsLae has changed their name to Limxt_
20th October: BubblyBlake has been removed from the thread.
21th October: Luckyint has been removed from the thread.
23th October: crazysteve79 & _Nikki99 has been removed from the thread.
26th October: Kaisel__ & Sanified has been removed from the thread.
26th October: Cyb0rgMan, deSitterSpace, Florinyo & Limxt_ has been promoted to Moderator.
26th Octobber: Freez, Ehtne & Wonderfied has been promoted to Sr Mod.
26th October: xDeleted, Thijme01 & _iGhostly has been promoted to Admin.
26th October: updated reaction score count.

No milestone has been achieved in June, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in July, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in August, 2024.
No milestone has been achieved in August, 2024.
Congrats Marcify for reaching a reaction score of 1,000!
Crazy how i got more reaction score than 4 trials combined.;