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staff abuse

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Feb 28, 2016
As of right now, this servers staff has gotten on my very last nerve,

Slendyy / Skittlezz to be exact.

I was in /warp pvp for quite some time just goofing off, when out of nowhere i get jumped by 3 hackers (as usual since staff are never on for any length of time)
I said ' stupid faggot hackers' or something like that, and was immediately warned for 'Racism' by slendyy.

I then stated 'really? TF? ' etc, and then skittlez comes out of no where and says 'dont worry im going to mute him for swearing'



I go on Teamspeak and the kid has the audacity to act like he did nothing wrong.
'Faggot' is not a swear word, it is and was used in a derogatory statement just like 'STFU NOOB' 'GO AWAY STUPID.'

Not only that but almost every player says that exact same thing every day and im the only one that ever gets warned or muted for it and it is ridiculous.

I have witnessed players saying 'come down pussy' repeating it several times while staff are on and never get warned for it, and yes i have checked in the ban management page several times.


Slendyy stated that i had said 'NIGGA' but that word has never even been typed from me ingame ever LMAO.

NOT ONLY THAT, my last warn for 'swearing' or anything of the like, was wayy more than a month ago, and skittlez stated this ->
<05:53:03> "Skittlez": Your history is garbage, and so is your attitude

The child is legit never on factions to do it any good, and the funny thing is right after he mutes me for the most idiotic thing ever, he doesnt even ban the hackers. He just says this, after i get done talking to him on teamspeak, ranting that he was being petty af.

<06:07:25> "Skittlez": I'm assuming you don't need any help so goodnight

If your going to even come on do something useful for once.

This is ridiculous and needs to be looked into, your staff has extreme prejudice against me and im done with it lmao.

They warn me for the stupidest things, and not only that but slenddyy decided to warn me for something nonexistent..


Feb 26, 2016
Be nice with everyone (Even your enemies) And staff will like you but if you always swear and disrespect staff you will get hated by everyone.


Feb 24, 2016
What skittlez said there isnt right, when you are in ts3 he needs to help you. I have faced the same problem much more times then he ever did becasue im 24/7 on ts3. I had people that were ip-banned/perm banned and were complaining that it wasnt right, his job as an admin is to explaing everything what happened and why they punish you, even when hes 100% right that it was a right punishment, but here idk the full story and didnt hear it from there side so I cant say anything that could be right but if I look to this I guess they needed to be more carefull and more patient. When I was staff I said to everyone staff member which was doing like ''I''ll mute you or bye hacker make your last words'' that it wasnt right, he could say ''please cooldown'' instead of saying that and with that you could avoid more problems between staff and players


Feb 24, 2016
Epic like you said you don't know the full story and of course it's all sugar coated by Rayne.
In no way was this staff abuse, You said "TAZ_JCS you hack faggot" (http://imgur.com/BNr57yE)
Your excuse was that "faggot" isn't a swear word, and that you only used it as you would words like "noob", yet you can't even justify that due to the fact that you used the word "faggot" as your predicate to the players name. That's the same as saying
"<name> you hack <racial slur,swear,derrogatory term>". In NO way was what you did right and if you can't see that than maybe you need a realization. Go google how many people have depression and issues from people saying stuff like you said to them. In no way am I defending what Slendyy did because I didn't see you say "nigga" either nor can I justify his warn but I'm not aware of a screenshot so if you wanna do something about that then go for it. But everything that I did was justified and those warns weren't the reason you got muted for the extended period. It was for the fact that you were MUTED previously, not the warns. I saw that the warns were from a month ago and wasn't going to extend it but than I saw that you had a mute previously for the same reason and if you aren't already well aware of punishments for swearing [Warn>4h Mute>1day Mute>1day Ban>PermBan]
If your going to even come on do something useful for once.
As for this? I was on banning hackers on another server and came onto Factions later that day (Today), go ask Jasper or Loller, or S1LENCE, or anyone else who pvp's in factions.
I have faced the same problem much more times then he ever did becasue im 24/7 on ts3.
I am on TS 24/7 if you wanna check go ahead and ask Jasper who see's me on all the time.


Feb 24, 2016
I am on TS 24/7 if you wanna check go ahead and ask Jasper who see's me on all the time.

I dont talk about now, Jasper said you are active ATM, before when you was mod and helper you wasnt online on ts much, although its great that you are much online. As I expected again a donor story which is not right lel.

Ps, dont say your decisions in global chat like "' ill mute you or ban you''


Feb 26, 2016
As of right now, this servers staff has gotten on my very last nerve,

Slendyy / Skittlezz to be exact.
Sorry Rayne but staff do their best Skittlez and Slendyy actually for me are some of the best staff on the server. They are very active.they explain to you what you did wrong and they ban fairly. From other posts your attitude has been shown quite bad towards the server i mean these people helped you get back your account well you were ip banned all the staff decided.
As for this? I was on banning hackers on another server and came onto Factions later that day (Today), go ask Jasper or Loller, or S1LENCE, or anyone else who pvp's in factions.
I am on TS 24/7 if you wanna check go ahead and ask Jasper who see's me on all the time.
I see skittlez on ts3 24/7 he is always on there and unlike lots of other people he isnt afk on there he actually replies very quickly.
But look Everyone i dont know the whole story therefore i have no say but what the staff do is neccesary and they do it for good intent.
Just dont swear Rayne your history is really bad 3 whole pages mainly swearing. And this goes to everyone even if your angry dont disrespect staff if you feel staff are doing something back dont make something public like this talk to an admin (or if its an admin ) a head admin because when people make it public and say hurtful stuff like this they make it worst.
Rayne staff dont have extreme prejudice you bad you get warned for it sometimes staff dont catch the bad people all the time but thats where they rely on players to make reports and send vids and screenshot. You have said a lot of bad stuff and they caught you alternatively anyone else who says this sort of stuff 99% of the time gets caught
And remember staff cant be on 1 server at a time or else (global helper+)theyd still be helpers if they only played on 1 server.
I request a lock
*(Dont hate me for this)
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