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Denied OP SkyBlock SkyDungeon

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Ultimate Legendary Pika
May 28, 2022


Detailed description:
This will be a event like outpost but it will biweekly (once in two weeks).
There will be an additional Opsky gamemode based island (Or rather Dungeon) that will be open when only the event starts. The Event will be for 3 days
(3 level based dungeon). It can extend up to 6 days and will close afterwards.

Level 1
This part of dungeon is a open mine with no lootchest.
There will be mobs stronger than normal mobs in mine (They will do extra damage &have bit more health) .
Dungeon Mobs will be of 3 types
1) Empowered dwellers. (Normal damage)​
2) Thrower dweller. (Uses arrows)​
3) Aura dweller. (Uses Potions lvl 1)​

© Their drops (corrupt souls) can be exchanged with Dungeon Trader (Event limited access)


To access Level 2 , the players will need to give 8000x drops (corrupt souls)of the mobs in level 1
To the Sacrifice altar at the entrance of the Dungeon .
This part of dungeon is the interior design and has several loot chest at various places guarded by Ancient Guard (15000 hp bosses) and the loot chest can be opened by the Monster core dropped by bosses.
The Ancient Guards cannot leave the area. They can summon mobs from level 1.
Level 2 will have a total of 8 Ancient Guards which needs to defeated before getting access to Final Level.

This is a big dungeon Entirely made of spooky environment.
Adventure level 10 is required.
This room has the Sky Apocalypse (Final boss).
The Sky Apocalypse has 100,000 base health.
It is capable doing Aoe, meele, ranged attacks.
This is like a hardcore level, once died you cannot enter again, Everytime a player is killed by it, it regain 1% health .

1) This room doesn't have any lootchest.​
2) The boss drops {Sky-Lootbag} contains very op-Loot such as (Level skip, 100b money, 20m exp,random 32x enchanted spawner, island shards, 10k souls, boss flame tamer x2, crate keys) - These rewards are given via mail delivery to top 10 gross damage dealers.​
The boss will have stages I.e
When it's health drops to​
1) 50k , it will enter berkser mode and gain speed 2 & haste 2 for 60 secs.​
2) 25k , it will spawn 3 random. Bosses from Minworld.​

This event affects the envoy, if the raid isn't completed within 3 days, The envoy drops will be delayed by 1 hours every time it spawns, it's loot rareity (less op loot)will be reduced.
Sky Apocalypse will gain 10,000 hp each 12 hours. The spawing of mobs in normal mines will be doubled.

New tags - <! SKY-CONQURER! >

This was a long one, Hope u like it.​

New things to explore, new things, more player attraction, new season updates etc etc.​


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022

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  • Unoriginal and unnecessary
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Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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