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Denied OP Factions Rules are too sensitive change it

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Jun 13, 2020
Minecraft Username:

Rules are too sensitive

Detailed description:
When it comes to pika-network it has many d
owns. One of those downs is that the rules that are set out is too sensitive for players.

We're not allowed to say shit, fuck, dick, faggot etc.

The gamemode is faction and I think toxicity should be enabled for that gamemode specifically as it is a competitive game which evolves around allies, truces and enemies.

This is my personal opinion and I believe it is many others opinions too. The server is just doing this to make money off of us rich people and we don't like giving you money for stupid reasons (well I do, I do it all the time) but not many others do. It's time to stop being selfish and actually put the server first then your bank balance. Fix up pika you've lost many of the OGs of pika I'm one of the only ones left clearly. Players leave everyday because pika staff are too sensitive.​


"Marched is a faggot" should be allowed


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
First of all, this suggestion won't get accepted because players aren't allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
Second of all, there are so many wrong things with this thread. I'll address them one by one:
1. "It's bad that we're not allowed to swear"
Pika is a family-friendly server. There are lots of very young players on all gamemodes, even on (OP) Factions. They might get upset because of swearing, or, even worse, they might start adopting swear words into their own vocabulary, not even knowing that these words are swear words. As a family-friendly server Pika shouldn't encourage such behavior. That's why there are punishments for swearing on every gamemode. Factions aren't different.
2. "Competitivity justifies toxicity"
Ever heard of "fair play" or "respecting the opponent"? The fact that you're competitive has nothing to do with your toxicity. If you need a place to express your negative emotions, you can always do that in a Discord call or a factions chat. Making your opponents feel bad about themselves because you lost to them or something similar is just disrespectful and shouldn't be done.
Furthermore, following that logic, every competitive gamemode should allow toxic behavior. Let's see which gamemodes are competitive on Pika:
- (OP) Factions - factions top competition
- (OP) Skyblock - island top competition
- OP Prison - gangs top competition
- Practice - ranked ELO & leaderboards
Should toxicity really be allowed on all of these gamemodes? I don't think so. Again, there are lots of younger players on all of those gamemodes and some of the toxic behaviors might very negatively affect them, making them leave Pika forever. That's not something anyone should want to happen.
3. "Pika just wants money"
Ok, so, first of all, this has nothing to do with swearing being disallowed, but I'll answer it anyway.
Long story short, every server needs money to maintain itself. Also, most servers (Pika included) are businesses of its kind, meaning that the owners should benefit from it because of all the time and effort they put into making the server fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why Pika is a "pay to win" kind of server.
4. "A lot of players have quit Pika because of its rules"
The only people that will quit Pika because of its rules are the people who are breaking those same rules. Why are they breaking them? Because they: 1) don't know the rules, which is not an excuse since everyone can access the rules on the site; or 2) they know the rules but don't care about breaking them.
In the first case, it's their own responsibility for not checking the rules, and in the second case, it's clear that they're in the wrong since they decided to break the rules even tho they knew what the rules were.
All things considered, it's not hard to follow the rules and you can always ask a staff member about them, so there's really no reason to quit the server just because of its strict rules.

Everything aside, what do you even accomplish by swearing? You just try to make someone else feel bad by being toxic towards them and that's not a nice thing to do. Just don't swear and be calm while playing. After all, it's just a game. There's no need to be disrespectful towards others because of it.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of these statements.


The Pika
Dec 8, 2018
Luio (Currently Perm Banned 😞)
First of all, this suggestion won't get accepted because players aren't allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
Second of all, there are so many wrong things with this thread. I'll address them one by one:
1. "It's bad that we're not allowed to swear"
Pika is a family-friendly server. There are lots of very young players on all gamemodes, even on (OP) Factions. They might get upset because of swearing, or, even worse, they might start adopting swear words into their own vocabulary, not even knowing that these words are swear words. As a family-friendly server Pika shouldn't encourage such behavior. That's why there are punishments for swearing on every gamemode. Factions aren't different.
2. "Competitivity justifies toxicity"
Ever heard of "fair play" or "respecting the opponent"? The fact that you're competitive has nothing to do with your toxicity. If you need a place to express your negative emotions, you can always do that in a Discord call or a factions chat. Making your opponents feel bad about themselves because you lost to them or something similar is just disrespectful and shouldn't be done.
Furthermore, following that logic, every competitive gamemode should allow toxic behavior. Let's see which gamemodes are competitive on Pika:
- (OP) Factions - factions top competition
- (OP) Skyblock - island top competition
- OP Prison - gangs top competition
- Practice - ranked ELO & leaderboards
Should toxicity really be allowed on all of these gamemodes? I don't think so. Again, there are lots of younger players on all of those gamemodes and some of the toxic behaviors might very negatively affect them, making them leave Pika forever. That's not something anyone should want to happen.
3. "Pika just wants money"
Ok, so, first of all, this has nothing to do with swearing being disallowed, but I'll answer it anyway.
Long story short, every server needs money to maintain itself. Also, most servers (Pika included) are businesses of its kind, meaning that the owners should benefit from it because of all the time and effort they put into making the server fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why Pika is a "pay to win" kind of server.
4. "A lot of players have quit Pika because of its rules"
The only people that will quit Pika because of its rules are the people who are breaking those same rules. Why are they breaking them? Because they: 1) don't know the rules, which is not an excuse since everyone can access the rules on the site; or 2) they know the rules but don't care about breaking them.
In the first case, it's their own responsibility for not checking the rules, and in the second case, it's clear that they're in the wrong since they decided to break the rules even tho they knew what the rules were.
All things considered, it's not hard to follow the rules and you can always ask a staff member about them, so there's really no reason to quit the server just because of its strict rules.

Everything aside, what do you even accomplish by swearing? You just try to make someone else feel bad by being toxic towards them and that's not a nice thing to do. Just don't swear and be calm while playing. After all, it's just a game. There's no need to be disrespectful towards others because of it.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of these statements.


Jun 13, 2020
First of all, this suggestion won't get accepted because players aren't allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
Second of all, there are so many wrong things with this thread. I'll address them one by one:
1. "It's bad that we're not allowed to swear"
Pika is a family-friendly server. There are lots of very young players on all gamemodes, even on (OP) Factions. They might get upset because of swearing, or, even worse, they might start adopting swear words into their own vocabulary, not even knowing that these words are swear words. As a family-friendly server Pika shouldn't encourage such behavior. That's why there are punishments for swearing on every gamemode. Factions aren't different.
2. "Competitivity justifies toxicity"
Ever heard of "fair play" or "respecting the opponent"? The fact that you're competitive has nothing to do with your toxicity. If you need a place to express your negative emotions, you can always do that in a Discord call or a factions chat. Making your opponents feel bad about themselves because you lost to them or something similar is just disrespectful and shouldn't be done.
Furthermore, following that logic, every competitive gamemode should allow toxic behavior. Let's see which gamemodes are competitive on Pika:
- (OP) Factions - factions top competition
- (OP) Skyblock - island top competition
- OP Prison - gangs top competition
- Practice - ranked ELO & leaderboards
Should toxicity really be allowed on all of these gamemodes? I don't think so. Again, there are lots of younger players on all of those gamemodes and some of the toxic behaviors might very negatively affect them, making them leave Pika forever. That's not something anyone should want to happen.
3. "Pika just wants money"
Ok, so, first of all, this has nothing to do with swearing being disallowed, but I'll answer it anyway.
Long story short, every server needs money to maintain itself. Also, most servers (Pika included) are businesses of its kind, meaning that the owners should benefit from it because of all the time and effort they put into making the server fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why Pika is a "pay to win" kind of server.
4. "A lot of players have quit Pika because of its rules"
The only people that will quit Pika because of its rules are the people who are breaking those same rules. Why are they breaking them? Because they: 1) don't know the rules, which is not an excuse since everyone can access the rules on the site; or 2) they know the rules but don't care about breaking them.
In the first case, it's their own responsibility for not checking the rules, and in the second case, it's clear that they're in the wrong since they decided to break the rules even tho they knew what the rules were.
All things considered, it's not hard to follow the rules and you can always ask a staff member about them, so there's really no reason to quit the server just because of its strict rules.

Everything aside, what do you even accomplish by swearing? You just try to make someone else feel bad by being toxic towards them and that's not a nice thing to do. Just don't swear and be calm while playing. After all, it's just a game. There's no need to be disrespectful towards others because of it.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of these statements.
Do me a favour and zupra in a good way pls
Last edited by a moderator:


Great Reporter
Aug 22, 2019
First of all, this suggestion won't get accepted because players aren't allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
Second of all, there are so many wrong things with this thread. I'll address them one by one:
1. "It's bad that we're not allowed to swear"
Pika is a family-friendly server. There are lots of very young players on all gamemodes, even on (OP) Factions. They might get upset because of swearing, or, even worse, they might start adopting swear words into their own vocabulary, not even knowing that these words are swear words. As a family-friendly server Pika shouldn't encourage such behavior. That's why there are punishments for swearing on every gamemode. Factions aren't different.
2. "Competitivity justifies toxicity"
Ever heard of "fair play" or "respecting the opponent"? The fact that you're competitive has nothing to do with your toxicity. If you need a place to express your negative emotions, you can always do that in a Discord call or a factions chat. Making your opponents feel bad about themselves because you lost to them or something similar is just disrespectful and shouldn't be done.
Furthermore, following that logic, every competitive gamemode should allow toxic behavior. Let's see which gamemodes are competitive on Pika:
- (OP) Factions - factions top competition
- (OP) Skyblock - island top competition
- OP Prison - gangs top competition
- Practice - ranked ELO & leaderboards
Should toxicity really be allowed on all of these gamemodes? I don't think so. Again, there are lots of younger players on all of those gamemodes and some of the toxic behaviors might very negatively affect them, making them leave Pika forever. That's not something anyone should want to happen.
3. "Pika just wants money"
Ok, so, first of all, this has nothing to do with swearing being disallowed, but I'll answer it anyway.
Long story short, every server needs money to maintain itself. Also, most servers (Pika included) are businesses of its kind, meaning that the owners should benefit from it because of all the time and effort they put into making the server fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why Pika is a "pay to win" kind of server.
4. "A lot of players have quit Pika because of its rules"
The only people that will quit Pika because of its rules are the people who are breaking those same rules. Why are they breaking them? Because they: 1) don't know the rules, which is not an excuse since everyone can access the rules on the site; or 2) they know the rules but don't care about breaking them.
In the first case, it's their own responsibility for not checking the rules, and in the second case, it's clear that they're in the wrong since they decided to break the rules even tho they knew what the rules were.
All things considered, it's not hard to follow the rules and you can always ask a staff member about them, so there's really no reason to quit the server just because of its strict rules.

Everything aside, what do you even accomplish by swearing? You just try to make someone else feel bad by being toxic towards them and that's not a nice thing to do. Just don't swear and be calm while playing. After all, it's just a game. There's no need to be disrespectful towards others because of it.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of these statements.
nice :D
I dont even need to waste my time and write sth like this, you always save my time, but anyways, still wanna say sth about this.
1) are rules that strict? stricter rules is to prevent sth bad from happening, and to provide players a better playing experience. If there is a day that the WHOLE server agrees that "swearing should be allowed" then i have no concern about it.
2) competitive gamemode vs swearing. If you wanna say competitive gamemode should allow swearing, then as LT says, prison, skyblock, factions, skywars, bedwars, practice will allows swearing

But no matter what, these kind of suggestions wont be accepted

Silver Wing

The Pika
Mar 14, 2019
SilverWing_YT / Silverizz
First of all, this suggestion won't get accepted because players aren't allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
Second of all, there are so many wrong things with this thread. I'll address them one by one:
1. "It's bad that we're not allowed to swear"
Pika is a family-friendly server. There are lots of very young players on all gamemodes, even on (OP) Factions. They might get upset because of swearing, or, even worse, they might start adopting swear words into their own vocabulary, not even knowing that these words are swear words. As a family-friendly server Pika shouldn't encourage such behavior. That's why there are punishments for swearing on every gamemode. Factions aren't different.
2. "Competitivity justifies toxicity"
Ever heard of "fair play" or "respecting the opponent"? The fact that you're competitive has nothing to do with your toxicity. If you need a place to express your negative emotions, you can always do that in a Discord call or a factions chat. Making your opponents feel bad about themselves because you lost to them or something similar is just disrespectful and shouldn't be done.
Furthermore, following that logic, every competitive gamemode should allow toxic behavior. Let's see which gamemodes are competitive on Pika:
- (OP) Factions - factions top competition
- (OP) Skyblock - island top competition
- OP Prison - gangs top competition
- Practice - ranked ELO & leaderboards
Should toxicity really be allowed on all of these gamemodes? I don't think so. Again, there are lots of younger players on all of those gamemodes and some of the toxic behaviors might very negatively affect them, making them leave Pika forever. That's not something anyone should want to happen.
3. "Pika just wants money"
Ok, so, first of all, this has nothing to do with swearing being disallowed, but I'll answer it anyway.
Long story short, every server needs money to maintain itself. Also, most servers (Pika included) are businesses of its kind, meaning that the owners should benefit from it because of all the time and effort they put into making the server fun and enjoyable for everyone. That's why Pika is a "pay to win" kind of server.
4. "A lot of players have quit Pika because of its rules"
The only people that will quit Pika because of its rules are the people who are breaking those same rules. Why are they breaking them? Because they: 1) don't know the rules, which is not an excuse since everyone can access the rules on the site; or 2) they know the rules but don't care about breaking them.
In the first case, it's their own responsibility for not checking the rules, and in the second case, it's clear that they're in the wrong since they decided to break the rules even tho they knew what the rules were.
All things considered, it's not hard to follow the rules and you can always ask a staff member about them, so there's really no reason to quit the server just because of its strict rules.

Everything aside, what do you even accomplish by swearing? You just try to make someone else feel bad by being toxic towards them and that's not a nice thing to do. Just don't swear and be calm while playing. After all, it's just a game. There's no need to be disrespectful towards others because of it.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in any of these statements.
I agree
And damn that's long


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
Minecraft Username:

Rules are too sensitive

Detailed description:
When it comes to pika-network it has many d

owns. One of those downs is that the rules that are set out is too sensitive for players.

We're not allowed to say shit, fuck, dick, faggot etc.

The gamemode is faction and I think toxicity should be enabled for that gamemode specifically as it is a competitive game which evolves around allies, truces and enemies.

This is my personal opinion and I believe it is many others opinions too. The server is just doing this to make money off of us rich people and we don't like giving you money for stupid reasons (well I do, I do it all the time) but not many others do. It's time to stop being selfish and actually put the server first then your bank balance. Fix up pika you've lost many of the OGs of pika I'm one of the only ones left clearly. Players leave everyday because pika staff are too sensitive.


"Marched is a faggot" should be allowed
i definitely +1+1+1+1 100% agree


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
Hello LiquorHole,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • You are not allowed to suggest changes to the rules.
  • Other reasons already stated above.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.

Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!

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