Epic Pika
- Joined
- Mar 26, 2021
- Messages
- 189
- Points
- 33
last season, lag was not a problem i had 80 mbps connection and went like 30-50 ms but now i got the same connection strength and go from 100 up to 400 most of the time.
Everything got nerfed, quests even last season were useless now they get just even more hatred for having like 10 non working ones. Even quests were worth it before giving some decent reward as big exp amounts and permanent ranks, treasures and specials by 5 times, spawners being unlockable, keys giving trash rewards. Boss loot bags nerfed second time in 2 seasons.
About boss loot bags, few seasons ago everyone was grinding them and they gave fair rewards ( 2 rewards per one ) and it gave spawners, money, & exp 30% of the time
and other things were sets, mobcoins, pets, boss sword and grappler 65% of the time, the left 5% it was seasonal ranks, mystery rank box & seasonal classes.
Only 2 seasons after 99% of the rewards are trash, leaving only boss tokens to have any worth. still needing 1.5 stack for one good reward.
Everything remained unfinished as the mayor new thing (Faction Points) are still not in the game, not working. the mayor new outpost ( Watchtower ) doesn't work leaving it completely useless,
Economy is ruined, if u dont buy any keys. you will be late because you will need to kill around 100k mobs to unlock the spawner someone got by paying 30e. leaving most optionless to thin out their wallets and buy some themselves.
Also I need to mention one more thing I don't like even tho i didn't get anything this season, 40% sale... that just left me wondering, what's the high staff even thinking, do that 2 owner of pika
really need that 20% more even tho everything is now pay2win leaving them getting money more than any other cracked server out there.
Only think i "like" about the new season is the map, great build interesting style and good details. and the lower staff that does what they can agreeing with most of the things i named up in the text.
If u have read this please post what you think about this and tell me if i'm wrong.
God NovakNajjace (OpFactions)
SkyLord NovakNajjace (SkyBlock)
SkyVip (OPSkyBlock)N
Everything got nerfed, quests even last season were useless now they get just even more hatred for having like 10 non working ones. Even quests were worth it before giving some decent reward as big exp amounts and permanent ranks, treasures and specials by 5 times, spawners being unlockable, keys giving trash rewards. Boss loot bags nerfed second time in 2 seasons.
About boss loot bags, few seasons ago everyone was grinding them and they gave fair rewards ( 2 rewards per one ) and it gave spawners, money, & exp 30% of the time
and other things were sets, mobcoins, pets, boss sword and grappler 65% of the time, the left 5% it was seasonal ranks, mystery rank box & seasonal classes.
Only 2 seasons after 99% of the rewards are trash, leaving only boss tokens to have any worth. still needing 1.5 stack for one good reward.
Everything remained unfinished as the mayor new thing (Faction Points) are still not in the game, not working. the mayor new outpost ( Watchtower ) doesn't work leaving it completely useless,
Economy is ruined, if u dont buy any keys. you will be late because you will need to kill around 100k mobs to unlock the spawner someone got by paying 30e. leaving most optionless to thin out their wallets and buy some themselves.
Also I need to mention one more thing I don't like even tho i didn't get anything this season, 40% sale... that just left me wondering, what's the high staff even thinking, do that 2 owner of pika
really need that 20% more even tho everything is now pay2win leaving them getting money more than any other cracked server out there.
Only think i "like" about the new season is the map, great build interesting style and good details. and the lower staff that does what they can agreeing with most of the things i named up in the text.
If u have read this please post what you think about this and tell me if i'm wrong.
God NovakNajjace (OpFactions)
SkyLord NovakNajjace (SkyBlock)
SkyVip (OPSkyBlock)N