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OP Prison Prison Suggestions


Rare Pika
Apr 14, 2022

Prison Suggestions​

Detailed description:
Gangs Overhaul

🏆 Introducing Special Rewards

Special rewards for gang top final winners, (cosmetic reward, no advantage) for the owner of each place. This could be a glow color, particles, or a tag for top 3.

🛒 Gang Shop Updated

Removing iron, gold, diamond, gem & star since the economy is too inflated for them to matter or be worth buying. Adding 5 new items:
  • Luminous Shard ( 200b value )
  • Crown of Radiance ( 400b value )
  • Celestial Essence ( 600b value )
  • Pristine Relic ( 800b value )
  • Stellar Scepter ( 1t value )
💵 Hassle-Free Buying

Introducing quicker buying, avoids spam and unwanted auto clicking. One click buys enough value for the balance you have.

View: https://i.imgur.com/vVc78KQ.png

⚒️ Minepoints Rework

Remove gang value from minepoint shop as it is not rewarding.

Currently minepoints are hard to get and almost impossible to max all /g minepoints upgrades. Now, 150 minepoints are enough to max out all upgrades. Since, 15m raw is required for a max prestige gang.

This would also mean /g prestige rewards are fixed since currently they do not work.

📝 Introduction Of Competing Rules

There are no competing rules at the moment and players have to assume what might not be allowed since we find out after payouts. Introducing a set of rules for boosting, cheating and more specifically for op prison would be beneficial to the community.

Quality Of Life Changes

⚒️ Stackable Items

Items need to be stackable; it takes more time for players to collect gifts and sort their inventory before they can start prestiging (~2 hours per 1000 gifts).

This would include prestige cost vouchers, autominer time, gkit containers.

It’s currently a dupe precaution but crates and keys can be duped either way since they don’t hold nbt values.


Since that would most likely not be taken into consideration, another alternative would be crate filtering, allowing players to filter items from crates. Automatically trashing items like autominer time, common & rare boxes and more.

🛒 Player Shop

Since shops are limited to long’s max value, which is almost nothing mid-season. This restriction stops players from controlling the market. Updating the plugin to allow bigger data types would be great.

Also, bring opskyblock’s sell all option here as there’s a lot of shiny diamonds sold and players have to spam sell, flooding both their own and shop owner’s chat.

🔑 Bulk Key Opening

This could be a perk for players with hitman above, or boss above, it’s up to the development team to decide. Since op prisons economy revolves around keys, backpacks being used only up to p600 as it’s nearly impossible to prestige after that by mining without x10 boosters.

✉️ Mail Delivery

Introducing a claim all, which would check the empty slots in the player’s inventory and claim gifts that would fill accordingly.

View: https://i.imgur.com/LCT5TRc.png

Claiming these manually takes hours, and also drops tps.


Current levels are frustrating and are just based on iterating commands. Increase seasonal keys to 12, 5 free, 7 premium.

❌ Removal Of Useless Requirements
  • Autosell enchant levels as these backpacks are usually trashed.
  • Specific raw blocks as they are buggy and don't count right.
  • Either sell items or list items on /ah as they’re practically the same.
📝 Add More Variety Of Requirements
  • Add beacon farming (Not broken beacons, but beacons on scoreboard, beacon finder & helmet boost should count).
  • Add broken lucky blocks.
  • Add treasure chests farming.
  • Add killing cave mobs.
  • Add pet leveling requirements.
  • Add placing blocks as players have a whole cell to build in.
⚒️ Changing Current Requirements
  • Prestige your pickaxe
    Instead of prestiging a whole new pickaxe, save the player's pickaxe prestige history and use that to check.
  • Reduce ridiculous amounts of coin flips, token flips, throw bombs and list items.
  • Increase sell amounts to match economy.
  • Replace some, not all, token flips with token gamblers at spawn.
📝 Rough Sketch Of Levels For Reference (Pastebin)



🔑 Dunes Crate Key

Completely changing how this crate works, since the mob drops are completely useless. Make mobs drop keys every once in a while.

Remove all mob drops, for fillers add gem enchant books for dune mobs (slayer and smither), mystery panda eggs, and a small chance at crystal cove ticket.

This would allow players to grind their sets and egaps, overall reduce begging and improve pvp.

⚒️ Mob Drops

Buff mobs, add custom enchants to give more drops, as currently they aren’t very rewarding. This would open another market to the player base. Should be added to inventory directly or gifted if full.
  • Corpse Cache
    Random drop rate from mobs in dunes, Should give the player 2 rewards.
    Gems (200-1,000)
    Tokens (1,000 – 10,000)
    Dungeon Key (8x – 16x)
    Shiny (64x)
    Illuminous (64x)
    Enchanted Golden Apples (4x – 8x)
    Withered Boosters (Random personal booster 10 – 60 minutes)
    Random rarity diamond backpack (Rare, Unique)
    Fillers (Money, Seasonal Vouchers (Fix, Fly), Etc)
  • Undead Loot Box
    Drops only in the illuminous layer. Should give the player 2 rewards.
    Rotten Boosters (Random gang booster for 10 – 30 minutes)
    Gems (500 – 1,000)
    Dungeon Key (16x – 32x)
    Random rarity diamond backpack (Godly, Legendary)
    Enchanted Golden Apples (8x – 16x)
    Fillers (Kits, Money, Perm Vouchers (Fix, Fly), Etc)
This is obviously a rough idea, after tweaking would possibly be balanced.

⚒️ Grace Barrier

Make a barrier in dunes for tagged players, disallowing them to enter in grace while tagged.​

Better experience at prison.​


Great Reporter
May 12, 2022
about rules of payouts has been already suggestioned
i should add more suggestions like color gang level in /g top which are aqua color for 1-7 should be like this 1 white color 2 gold color
and like this and same for g prestige why from 1-5 are all same color ( white ) should be every level custom color

Deleted member 214375

Agree, and about "Gang Shop" also need to be added to /g permissions so we can control who can spend since there's always a risk of "boosting" and most of time the gang recruit players for raw mining or just new members ( that can help balance the gang ).


Pika Member
Jun 17, 2022
Great Suggestion to be honest as it'll solve alot of issues in opp payouts like the one click value buying and claim all option in mail delivery will save a lot of time for the players also, the changes suggested in lvls will also be great as it will help players to explore different features of opp rather than just farming and mining raw blocks.
W suggestion as always!


Apr 10, 2020
Great suggestion, also about the pet skills that aren't working or bugged, kindly fix it.


Pika Member
Sep 25, 2021
Suggestion it good but it feels like it's revolving around ur own good rather than the whole community.


Pika Member
Sep 25, 2021
U r getting new gang items so that it will be convient for u to get to g top easily same goes with ur idea on 1 click and u can buy gang items according to ur balance it will make u put less effort on spam clicking the g items and the quality of life change (opening bulk keys at once) very few ppl open bulk keys at once and those few ppl come from top 2 gangs only so idk how u can't see that's this is rather for ur own good than others


Rare Pika
Apr 14, 2022
U r getting new gang items so that it will be convient for u to get to g top easily same goes with ur idea on 1 click and u can buy gang items according to ur balance it will make u put less effort on spam clicking the g items and the quality of life change (opening bulk keys at once) very few ppl open bulk keys at once and those few ppl come from top 2 gangs only so idk how u can't see that's this is rather for ur own good than others
funny it’s coming from someone who’s nuked thousands of keys, no need to be mad at a suggestion just cause you’d get banned if you compete.