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Denied Lobby PIKA 2.0

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May 30, 2020
Minecraft username:

PIKA 2.0​

Detailed description:
I think pikanetwork is one of the best minecraft servers ive ever known but some things should be changed so more new players will come and can still compete in /gang top, /is top, /F top. Now ill tell why i think pika network 2.0(new server) would be insanely good and unbeatable server
1. Biggest problem of this server are permanent gkits or unlimited alts ( i know many players with like 50+ alts and on every of them they got gkits and 49 of them they get free)
a) as example on prison-if prison get reseted everyone start thinking "ohh reset finally i can try to get on /gang top!" but when he/she join after like 5mins of reset he/she realise that someone has already 3k explo pick and millions of tokens and because of that he/she lose that hype for the game. Ofc he can keep playing but he will spend much less if he will realise that if he spend he cant win.
b) many players not spending their money just because they got everything already and they can get more perm gkits/ranks just from their gkits that they already own
c) I remember first season of prison when it gets added i was enjoying it so much even through many mistakes/bugs but A-Team was doing everything to fix that so everything was fixed really fast but my point is it was new with many many things and still everyone had chance for /g top and everyone was enjoying that competition.
1)My solution for this in "pika 2.0" would be forbid alts and let perm gkits be perm gkits or just add only seasonal gkits even from /goldshop /buy. Are you asking why would someone buy it if its seasonal? Easy answer-payouts, if payouts would be changed to paypal many new competitive players would come and spend so much money. Are you worried that these players wont come?99% of competitive servers was cancelled so every competitive player would come and they will keep playing it because every gamemode on pika network is fun to play and if it will be also with paypal payouts they will be playing 24/7 and that means also they will spend a lot. Are you worried that many players with 10s of gkits would be mad and leave? In my opinion they wont because many of them already left and the rest just claiming their gkits and selling it for pika gold they dont even playing this game already so if this chance come i think they will be again interesting in playing and that means also spending and as a refund they can get a lot of gold currency.
2. Lazy staff(no hate its hard i know)- i dont mean lazy staff like lazy but lack of staff because if someone make ticket about smthing important he will get answer in like 2 days which is so much in terms of seasons. i dont mean this somehow offensively i know that staff is trying as they can but huge server need huge admin team which should be easily be done in pika 2.0 because if that server get more competitive on prison/skyblock moore spenders will come so server will be making much more money so potentionally can afford get more admins/developers and so on
3. Even if paypal rewards was like 50bucks for 1st 20 for 2nd and 10 for 3rd every 2 weeks and than final week like 200 1st 100 2st 50 3rd still many competitive players would come because everyone would have same chance(ofc someone who pays have bigger chance but its always like that and server has to make money also) and also add that u can take gold currency like instead of 50bucks he would get 75e in gold currency and many players will prefer that for sure.
If i forgot to explain something/or write something important i can make up it
Im sorry for misspellings my english sucks xd
Thank you for your time

1. money
2. more fun for everyone and also bigger rotation of players so that means again more money
3. server slowly dying and this can prevent that it wont happen
4. more og and new players coming(og players will start coming because if u have everything like 50 gkits u are bored from playing when u know u can just wait 7 days to get gkit and sell all of them and be richest on server instantly)
I love pika network i was playing almost 24/7 few years ago and ive got so many good memories on this server but now i just cant enjoy it so much because someone that doesnt even play the game got 50times more items on reset than me and i got also like 10 alts with gkits.

Please show this to owner so he can think about that.​


Epic Pika
Oct 4, 2023
Your description reads like the reason.

Edit the suggestion to be more concise because right now I don't know what you are suggesting


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jul 8, 2021
This is a bad suggestion. ur just talking about one mini game. U can't just make a whole new server just cuz of one mini game. There are many more mini games like bedwars skywayrs skyblock survival that does not have this. Think about those who spend years coming on top of the lb for bedwars skywayrs or any other mini game just to end up being reseted cuz of a new server


May 30, 2020
This is a bad suggestion. ur just talking about one mini game. U can't just make a whole new server just cuz of one mini game. There are many more mini games like bedwars skywayrs skyblock survival that does not have this. Think about those who spend years coming on top of the lb for bedwars skywayrs or any other mini game just to end up being reseted cuz of a new server
it was about 5 minigames but yeah i wrote that bad i didnt realise that there are more minigames so i mean just whole reset sb,fac,prison and change there these things


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
Hello natag,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Negative community feedback
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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