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OP Skyblock is big competitive mode on Pika Network. After a lot of years OP Skyblock is still having bunch on players, and competition is HUUGEEEE. Point of skyblock is to be /island top #1 / #2 / #3. You can increase your island value by placing spawners, adding ores into island crystal. In this guide will be explained all parts of the game that seems confusing. Competition will be easier with /kits and /gkits. Gkits are very worthy cause they are overpowered.
Custom Enchants:
Custom Enchants are an important part of OP Skyblock. With custom enchant you can increase your Health, Damage and Armor durability. Make mob grinding a lot easier. Give you better luck while opening them. Advantage against enemies in pvp. Why borrow potions with you when you can get them already by enchants?
How To Get Custom Enchants?
There is an NPC named "Enchanter" on spawn (NPC). But we won't be using him cause there is a command /enchanter why to go to spawn every time when you don't need to. When you type that command big window will pop up. The first thing that you will see are 5 blocks:
- Mystery common rune
- Mystery epic rune
- Mystery unique rune
- Mystery crazy rune
- Mystery godly rune
Enchants can be bought with Experience whose main source is by killing mobs. Enchants that you get are random and don't mean that you will get the desired enchant on first try.
► Common Rune (3.500 EXP)
Common runes are cheapest custom enchants but even if they are most affordable they have some important runes.Down below is list of enchants. After name there are levels of enchants. lowest level of enchantment is 1 the higher number the enchant is more efficient.
- Devour (1-5) - A chance to deal more damage to slowed enemies (Axe only)
- Beheading (1-5) - Your victim have a chance to drop their head after you kill them
- Nutrition (1-5) - A chance to regain hunger while damaging entities
- Perplexity (1-4) - A chance to confuse your victims by giving them nausea and mining fatigue
- Piercing (1-5) - A chance to double your arrow damage
- Headshot (1-5) - Your arrow deals more damage when you hit your enemies in head
- Insomnia (1-3) - Gives a chance to confuse your victims when you hit them
- Molten (1) - Become immune to fire
- Bubbles (1) - Gives the ability to breathe underwater (helmet only)
- Clarity (1) - Become immune to Blindness (helmet only)
- Triumph (1-5) - A chance to increase experience drops from ores (Pickaxe only)
- Magnetic (1) - Automatically send all items directly in your inventory
► Epic Rune (10.000 EXP)
Epic runes have the most enchants for weapons (great for pvp). Also they are not so expensiveDown below is list of enchants. After name, there are levels of enchants. Lowest level of enchantment is 1 the higher number the enchant is more efficient
- Silence (1-4) - A chance to silence your enemy weapon enchants for several seconds (sword only)
- Obstuse (1-3) - Gives a chance to blind your victims when you hit them (axe only)
- Enrage (1-5) - Has a chance to deal more damage if your health is low
- Golden (1-8) - Gives a chance to boost your earned mob coins from killing mobs
- Robust (1-5) - Deal more damage to mobs inside the realms world
- Life Steal (1-5) - A chance to steal health from your enemies
- Looter (1-8) - Gives you a chance to loot double the drops from realms world mobs
- Virus (1-4) - A chance to give weakness when your arrow hits
- Cursed (1-5) - Chance to gain strength, slowness and resistance on low health
► Unique rune (75.000 EXP)
Unique runes also have interesting pvp enchants that can help a lot. But they cost also a lot more than previous two type of enchants.Down below is list of enchants. After name there are levels of enchants. lowest level of enchant is 1 the higher number the enchant is more efficient.
- Guarding (1-3) - Enemies will deal less damage to you when you are blocking (right-click with sword in hand) with your sword. (sword only)
- Inflict (1-5) - Gives you a chance to inflict poison effect on your victim. (sword only)
- Poison (1-3) - Gives a chance to poison your victims when you hit them. (axe only)
- Furious (1-3) - Deal more damage when you have less than half of your health.
- Rebirth (1-2) - Give you regeneration V after killing your victim.
- Trap (1-3) - Gives a chance to make your victims stuck in their position
- Sturdy (1-8) - Take less damage from mobs inside the realms world
- Life Bloom (1-4) - A chance to burst into life when you are getting low on health
- Glass Breaker (1) - Breaks glass instantly (pickaxe only)
► Crazy runes (250.000 EXP)
Crazy runes are great against debuffs cause of 2 armor enchants, also weapon enchants are very OP for fighting.Down below is list of enchants. After name there are levels of enchants. Lowest level of enchant is 1 the higher number the enchantment is more efficient.
- Perfection (1-6) - A chance that your critical hits deal double the damage (sword only)
- Revival (1-4) - Regenerate health while blocking after regenerating this will go on a small cooldown (sword only)
- Muscular (1-4) - Deal more damage when you combo on player
- Snatcher (1-7) - Gives you a chance to snatch more souls when you obtain them
- Chained (1-3) - Damage multiplies after consecutive arrow hits
- Cheetah (1) - Become immune to slowness (Leggings only)
- Snake (1) - Become immune to poison (Leggings only)
► Godly rune (450.000 EXP)
Godly runes are really really expensive runes. But they contain some of the best enchants for weapons, armor, and tools.Down below is list of enchants. After name there are levels of enchants. lowest level of enchant is 1 the higher number the enchant is more efficient.
- Ice Aspect (1-3) - Gives a chance to slow your victims when you hit them (axe only)
- Inquisitive (1-5) - Gain you more experience while grinding
- Pocket (1-10) - Increase the amount of mob heads you obtain while grinding
- Sweeper (1-10) - A chance to kill more mobs in a stack upon killing
- Overload (1-2) - Increases your maximum health
- Endurance (1-2) - Adds extra durability to your armor pieces
- Buffed (1-2) - Obtain permanent strength boost when wearing
- Panzer (1-2) - Obtain a permanent resistance boost when put on.(chestplate only)
- Lucky (1-3) - Gives +2% success rate on runes per level (chestplate only)
- Runed (1-5) - Gives you a chance to obtain extra runes when opening one (chestplate only)
- Swiftness (1-2) - Obtain a permanent speed boost when wearing (boots only)
- Spread (1-10) - A chance to earn more drops from the ores you mine in the realms world (pickaxe only)
- Vacuum (1) - Will automatically send mined ores to your island crystal. (pickaxe only) (Cant be obtained by opening runes, only from crate keys)
Also there is command /enchants where you can see what enchants are for what item and what enchant is what rarity.
How To Apply Custom Enchant On Item?
As we talked before when you type /enchanter you will get big window and after you click on some block you will get emerald in inventory. That emerald is actually a rune which will be named "Mystery (rarity) rune". Rarity depends of what type of rune did you bought. Right click on that rune and after several seconds you will get enchanting rune into your inventory! Be careful cause runes have:
- XX% Success chance
- XX% Destroy chance
- XX% Failing chance
Its possible to get dust for every type of enchant (common, epic, unique, crazy, godly) and they can be:
- Angel - Depending how good rune was it can increase success rate from 1 - 7
- Fixing - Depends how good rune was it can decrease destroy rate from 1-7
- Ruined - that means that mystery dust failed and it don't have any use
After you made your rune worthy to apply on an item. Left-click on rune and click on a item that you want to apply the rune on.
What Can A Minion Do?
Minions are passive miners. Ever felt bored to mine, don't worry minion will do it for you.
Where I Can Get Minion?
Minions can be obtained by buying them in /shop and then click on minion shop, or just type /minion shop. After you entered that command you will see several options:
- Ore minions
- Crop minions
- Custom crop minions
- Wood minions
► Ore minions
Ore minions are most worthy type of minions. They make money, but also they mine ores that you can put in island crystal to increase island value. Next to the name is price of the minion in shop.- Silver minion (4 compact Silver = 1000 Silver) (Miner level 20 required to mine Silver)
- Topaz minion (6 compact Topaz = 1500 Topaz) (Miner level 30 required to mine Topaz)
- Sapphire minion (10 compact Sapphire = 2500 Sapphire) (Miner level 40 required to mine Sapphire)
- Ruby minion (15 compact Ruby = 3750 Ruby) (Miner level 50 required to mine Ruby)
- Aquamarine minion (20 compact Aquamarine = 5000 Aquamarine) (Miner level 60 required to mine Aquamarine)
- Jade minion (35 compact Jade = 8750 Jade) (Miner level 75 required to mine Jade)
- Opal minion (50 compact Opal = 12500 Opal) (Miner level 80 required to mine Opal)
► Crop minions
Crop minions are useful to increase farming level. Next to the name is price of the minion in shop.- Potato minion (3 compact Potato = 750 enchanted Potato)
- Carrot minion (5 compact Carrot = 1250 enchanted Carrot)
- Pumpkin minion (7 compact Pumpkin = 1750 enchanted Pumpkin)
- Melon minion (10 compact Melon = 2500 enchanted Melon)
- Netherwart minion (15 compact Netherwart = 3750 enchanted Netherwart)
► Custom crops minions
Custom crops minions also increase farming level. But you can sell them for some solid money. Next to the name is price of the minion in shop.- Pear minion (6 compact Pear = 1500 Pear) (Farmer level 20 required to farm it | Pear recipe required)
- Grapefruit minion (10 compact Grapefruit = 2500 Grapefruit) (Farmer level 40 required to farm it | Grapefruit recipe required)
- Papaya minion (15 compact Papaya = 3750 Papaya) (Farmer level 60 required to farm it | Papaya recipe required)
- Pineapple minion (20 compact Pineapple = 5000 Pineapple) (Farmer level 80 required to farm it | Pineapple recipe required)
►Wood minion
Wood minions can be helpful with increasing lumberjack skill level.- Birch minion (3 compact Birch Wood = 750 enchanted Birch Wood) (Lumberjack level 20 required to break it)
- Acacia minion (5 compact Acacia Wood = 1250 enchanted Acacia Wood) (Lumberjack level 40 required to break it)
- Jungle minion (7 compact Jungle Wood = 1750 enchanted Jungle Wood) (Lumberjack level 20 required to break it)
- Spruce minion (10 compact Spruce Wood = 2500 enchanted Spruce Wood) (Lumberjack level 30 required to break it)
- Dark Oak minion (15 compact Dark Oak Wood = 3750 enchanted Dark Oak Wood) (Lumberjack level 60 required to break it)
How To Upgrade Minion?
Minion gets upgraded with its own ore Example: (Opal minion will be upgraded with compacted Opal). It may take some time but its worthy cause it makes minion work faster and break more ores in shorter time. Also minions can be faster if you give them Minion Fuel. Fuel can be obtained by buying it at /fuel shop.
Black Market:
At black market you can get special items which is really hard to obtain. Black market currency are Souls. Souls can be obtained by killing players or mobs (60% chance to get soul from killing player, 15% chance to get soul from killing mob). Black market have daily restock. Commands for black markets are /blackmarket or /bm.
Outposts are very useful for you but mostly for your island. They can increase your damage, money boost, spawner spawn rate. There are 5 outposts. There are outposts without cooldown (3), and ones that have cooldown (2).
Outposts that don't have cooldown means that you can capture them anytime u want:
- Haven Outpost
- Frostfire Outpost
- Meadow Outpost
- Royal Outpost
- Castle Outpost
Haven Outpost
If you capture it your island will get this rewards:
- Deal +25.0% extra damage to bosses
- Get a x3.0 extra souls boost
If you capture it your island will get this rewards:
- Get a x2.5 extra money boost
- Take -5.0 less damage from player
If you capture it your island will get this rewards:
- Deal +5.0% extra damage
- Boost Spawners by x2.0
If you capture it your island will get this rewards:
- x3 Ore Booster
Castle Outpost
If you capture it you will get 1 one those 2 rewards:
- Seasonal Crate Key (10%)
- Godly Crate key (90%)
If someone capture outpost that is yours, boosts are no longer working.
Bosses have their own spawn and their own drops. Boss drops have several uses: levels, /artifact shop. But they are not easy to kill alone, you will need allies to kill them! Of course with custom enchant Robust and Sturdy killing bosses will be a lot easier.
Ranks have a lot of benefits. With ranks you get your own kit, kit once, prefix in chat. More about ranks you can see HERE.
Top 3 valuable island will get rewards for their effort. During whole season there are total 6 payouts:
- First Payout
- Second Payout
- Third Payout
- Fourth Payout
- Fifth Payout
- Final Payout
► First Payout
- 1st place - 50€ worth of Pika Iron.
- 2nd place - 30€ worth of Pika Iron.
- 3rd place - 10 worth of Pika Iron.
► Second Payout
- 1st place - 60€ worth of Pika Iron
- 2nd place - 40€ worth of Pika Iron
- 3rd place - 15€ worth of Pika Iron
► Second Payout
- 1st place - 75€ worth of Pika Iron
- 2nd place - 50€ worth of Pika Iron
- 3rd place - 25€ worth of Pika Iron
► Fourth Payout
- 1st place - 90€ worth of Pika Iron
- 2nd place - 60€ worth of Pika Iron
- 3rd place - 35€ worth of Pika Iron
► Fifth Payout
- 1st place - 110€ worth of Pika Iron
- 2nd place - 75€ worth of Pika Iron
- 3rd place - 50€ worth of Pika Iron
► Final Payout
- 1st place - 500€ worth of Pika Iron
- 2nd place - 350€ worth of Pika Iron
- 3rd place - 200€ worth of Pika Iron
Special thanks to Team Skyblock for helping with realization of this guide.
I hope that this guide will help! Enjoy playing on Pika Network.
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