you will not tell me what to say in my suggestion
I was only asking questions about your suggestions and at the end I was expressed my opinion.
When you made the suggestion, it looked like you'd just have pickaxe upgrades that no one knows about and some random tokens that you can't even get. (it needs more details...)
So I asked you questions about it.
After you answered, it looked like you'd be able to get the tokens and upgrade pickaxes with it or sell them to other players. (needs more details about upgrades)
So I asked questions about what upgrades could you do with them
And you answered that you could upgrade them with costume enchants and efficiency, and fortune. (Since not everyone knows the costume enchants, I asked what do they do... Because after all... They need to add it to the game, but how could they add it, if devs don't know what do they do...)
So I asked what do the costume enchants do and expressed my opinion about the fortune and efficiency with reasons why it shouldn't be added (because you can get good pickaxes from kits and you can get OP and Mythic pickaxes from crates. And if you added the efficiency and fortune upgrades, it'd make the kits useless as well as OP and Mythic pickaxes... So in my opinion it shouldn't be added.)
And then you got mad because I was asking questions and expressing my opinion with reasons why.
Good job.