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New Maps (And why some of them are questionable)


Pika Lover
Oct 1, 2020
I know I'm late to the party, but it took me a solid month to realize that new maps were a thing. So here's an unnecessary rant that's wasting your time more than it's wasting mine.
(Also I'm way too lazy to hop on Pika right now and take screenshots sooo)

1: The Nodebuff maps are fine, a bit big I think
2: That one combo map that's sandstone based - People just love getting you to hit you up the sandstone houses and camping there till you rage quit
3: The BUHC map with the messed up borders and the trees and stuff - just remove it its a camper's paradise cuz it's kinda impossible to navigate the corner borders on that map and by the time you do the server will restart.
That's basically it and I think everyone's opinion on SwordOnly is clear