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Epic Pika
Oct 30, 2021


Detailed description:
So first of i would like to tell the guild exp we get after willing a Duos match in bedwars

all the teams postioning from 8th to 2nd get 13 EXP while the winning team get 65 EXP,

as the guild exp doesnt increase on no of kills or bed destroyed ,it just only depends on getting a win

Then what does we get on coming 2nd =nothing like even a team get knocked out on 8th or it plays good and came 2nd get same exp ,, then what is the use of coming 2nd ,NO use its just the waste of time as on both the time you loose the game and get 13 EXP only which should be improved ,SOme times games took too long time and when you loose at that time you still get 13 exp and all your time get wasted and players get frustrated

Games will become more competetive and player would fight for every position

we can improve this by giving guild exp like (i am giving example for duos in bedwars)
LIke 8th pos = 0 exp
7th pos = 7exp
6th pos = 13 exp
5th pos = 18 exp
4th pos = 22 exp
3rd pos = 25 exp
2nd pos = 27 exp
1st pos = 65 exp
you guys can also give example of others game mode like solo tri or squads and in SKYWARS ALSO this should BE implemented
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Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 21, 2023
BUT, i think they do not what people to rank up in the lvl system so fast so they are done with the lvling pass. I 110% agree with you that they should change it


Epic Pika
Oct 30, 2021
BUT, i think they do not what people to rank up in the lvl system so fast so they are done with the lvling pass. I 110% agree with you that they should change it
sry i didnt write it full when you was replying now you can see the example also
and thanks for vote


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 21, 2023
sry i didnt write it full when you was replying now you can see the example also
and thanks for vote
I see now but I come back to my point. I think they do not want people to speed run the lvling pass and like I understand it, but when you are already playing for a long time and you are just a low lvl bc you did not win a lot of games it will help to balance the less skilled players to lvl up.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jun 26, 2020

1. How do you determine which team is which place? How long they survived, well one team can survive longer but have less finals than one who didn't last until first emerald upgrade.
2. Guild updates were never intended to be competitive (no idea why)
3. You gain a lot of guild exp of winning Bedwars games, while half of that for winning Skywars games because Bedwars is a longer gamemode
4. This isn't even major nor is it that much of an improvement


Epic Pika
Oct 30, 2021

1. How do you determine which team is which place? How long they survived, well one team can survive longer but have less finals than one who didn't last until first emerald upgrade.
2. Guild updates were never intended to be competitive (no idea why)
3. You gain a lot of guild exp of winning Bedwars games, while half of that for winning Skywars games because Bedwars is a longer gamemode
4. This isn't even major nor is it that much of an improvement
YOUR 1st point is too irreleveln i think you dont understand what i was trying to say,, as soon as you eliminated postion should be given in that way . your 2nd point is also irrelevent as it is not making guil update as compettaive it just make more sense if you get exp like this rather than all the 7 pos got equal exp 3rd point is also irrelevent as i think you dont understand what i was try to say , i was saying that giving proper exp like i given in example in skywars also as in skywars all 11 players get 8 exp and 1st pos get 40 ,,,,, AND 4th point, it is a major update and very much needed as exp should be given much more to the player who lasted till end not like getting died at 1st


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jun 26, 2020
YOUR 1st point is too irreleveln i think you dont understand what i was trying to say,, as soon as you eliminated postion should be given in that way . your 2nd point is also irrelevent as it is not making guil update as compettaive it just make more sense if you get exp like this rather than all the 7 pos got equal exp 3rd point is also irrelevent as i think you dont understand what i was try to say , i was saying that giving proper exp like i given in example in skywars also as in skywars all 11 players get 8 exp and 1st pos get 40 ,,,,, AND 4th point, it is a major update and very much needed as exp should be given much more to the player who lasted till end not like getting died at 1st
You made an entire thing and none of it made sense, gg.
If you can't even make a single constructive criticism against my points then I don't think you should even reply to my messages or give it a negative reaction. Also Irrelevant*
1st point is too irreleveln i think you dont understand what i was trying to say,, as soon as you eliminated postion should be given in that way
Once again if I was playing duo and lets say I final killed every teams teammate I would have around 7 final kills and if I died then. I'd be 8th place and therefor get absolutely 0 EXP? Once again Irrelevant*
2nd point is also irrelevent as it is not making guil update as compettaive it just make more sense if you get exp like this rather than all the 7 pos got equal
Guilds Update do CTRL + F and search for "Competitive, Comp" you won't find anything about it being a competitive update. Not again, Irrelevant*
3rd point is also irrelevent as i think you dont understand what i was try to say , i was saying that giving proper exp like i given in example in skywars also as in skywars all 11 players get 8 exp and 1st pos get 40
I have no idea what your counter arguement here was so please put in a grammar checker and resend it for me. Irrelevant*
4th point, it is a major update and very much needed as exp should be given much more to the player who lasted till end not like getting died at 1st
If this is all you can say to my "Irrelevant" or should i say irrelevent points, then all you have done was prove that my points were correct and you can't handle constructive criticism, please actually read my points if you want to reply.
Also it's irrelevant IRRELEVANT not irrelevent. Try again, the only thing you did was prove my points, they are relevant I think you trying to be relevant is the problem here.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 21, 2023
You made an entire thing and none of it made sense, gg.
If you can't even make a single constructive criticism against my points then I don't think you should even reply to my messages or give it a negative reaction. Also Irrelevant*

Once again if I was playing duo and lets say I final killed every teams teammate I would have around 7 final kills and if I died then. I'd be 8th place and therefor get absolutely 0 EXP? Once again Irrelevant*

Guilds Update do CTRL + F and search for "Competitive, Comp" you won't find anything about it being a competitive update. Not again, Irrelevant*

I have no idea what your counter arguement here was so please put in a grammar checker and resend it for me. Irrelevant*

If this is all you can say to my "Irrelevant" or should i say irrelevent points, then all you have done was prove that my points were correct and you can't handle constructive criticism, please actually read my points if you want to reply.
Also it's irrelevant IRRELEVANT not irrelevent. Try again, the only thing you did was prove my points, they are relevant I think you trying to be relevant is the problem here.
i agree mostly


Epic Pika
Oct 30, 2021
You made an entire thing and none of it made sense, gg.
If you can't even make a single constructive criticism against my points then I don't think you should even reply to my messages or give it a negative reaction. Also Irrelevant*

Once again if I was playing duo and lets say I final killed every teams teammate I would have around 7 final kills and if I died then. I'd be 8th place and therefor get absolutely 0 EXP? Once again Irrelevant*

Guilds Update do CTRL + F and search for "Competitive, Comp" you won't find anything about it being a competitive update. Not again, Irrelevant*

I have no idea what your counter arguement here was so please put in a grammar checker and resend it for me. Irrelevant*

If this is all you can say to my "Irrelevant" or should i say irrelevent points, then all you have done was prove that my points were correct and you can't handle constructive criticism, please actually read my points if you want to reply.
Also it's irrelevant IRRELEVANT not irrelevent. Try again, the only thing you did was prove my points, they are relevant I think you trying to be relevant is the problem here.
when you get all final kills that means all team is finsihed then you will 1st postion and if you died at first time then you get 8th pos and 0 exp simple , i think you are a kid not understanding and just typing you dont like my suggestion just leave it to others simple bro,, AND IF you not understanding my thoughts PLS leave this thread for other players


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jun 26, 2020
when you get all final kills that means all team is finsihed then you will 1st postion and if you died at first time then you get 8th pos and 0 exp simple , i think you are a kid not understanding and just typing you dont like my suggestion just leave it to others simple bro,, AND IF you not understanding my thoughts PLS leave this thread for other players
bro r u stupid? "If I was playing duo and lets say I final killed every teams teammate" ??? If I am the kid, why can I read and you can't? Also respect your elders. Please get some braincells because you are making me lose some and I don't want to sue you for new braincells


Jun 17, 2022
Hello FuryDhruv,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • guilds are not meant to be competitive, and this would make gaining guild exp way too effortless, as you would be able to take out a team, leave, and still receive guild exp.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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