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SkyMines Island Upgrades and Customization


Pika Lover
Jun 12, 2024
Minecraft username:

Island Enhancements and Customization​

Detailed description:
Introduce a system for enhancing and customizing islands within SkyMines. Currently, islands are limited in functionality with restrictions on farming, upgrades, and membership. The proposal aims to expand these capabilities to foster more creativity and engagement among players:

  1. Island Upgrades: Allow players to upgrade their islands beyond basic functionalities. This could include expanding island size, unlocking additional building space, and enhancing resource production.
  2. Customization Options: Introduce customization features such as themed islands (e.g., forest, desert, futuristic), allowing players to personalize their environments with unique aesthetics and structures.
  3. Enhanced Farming: Enable advanced farming mechanics, including automated farms, special crop growth conditions (like faster growth rates or unique crops), and the ability to produce rare resources not easily obtained elsewhere.
  4. Increased Membership Limits: Lift the current restriction on island membership to allow for larger communities.
    5. Island Levels and Leaderboards: Introduce an island leveling system based on achievements, upgrades, and activities. Higher levels unlock exclusive perks and bonuses. Implement leaderboards to showcase top islands based on various criteria such as island level, member activity, and achievements.

Enhancing islands will provide players with meaningful progression goals, encourage social interaction through larger communities, and stimulate creativity with customizable environments. It will also improve the overall player experience by offering more diverse gameplay opportunities beyond mining and PvP.
Islands are currently very limited and useless , even op-prison islands are better , imo we should lean towards the skyblock kind of islands without being too similar.​

  • Island Themes: Players can choose from various themes (e.g., medieval, futuristic, underwater) that affect the appearance and possibly functionality of their islands.
  • Expanded Membership: Allowing up to 10 or more members per island could facilitate collaborative projects and competitions among larger groups.
  • Advanced Farms: Implementing automated farms for efficient resource gathering, or introducing unique crops with special properties (e.g., enhanced potion ingredients, rare food items).
  • Island Levels: Islands gain experience and level up based on activities like mining, farming, and PvP participation. Higher levels unlock exclusive island upgrades and cosmetic enhancements.
  • Leaderboards: Display rankings of top islands based on criteria like island level, member activity, and achievements. This encourages healthy competition and recognition among players.


Staff Member
Apr 2, 2021
Like I mentioned in one of your previous suggestions I do agree indeed that the island system needs changes as it lacks a lot of key features that could improve them very well. Not even being able to level up your island to get more team member slots by itself seem like such a let down and thats just one of the many examples to back this suggestion up.