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is there a automatic server rebooter bcz if is then make it reboot after a 5 hrs bcz if server is not rebooted for whole day we get a glitch target not found which makes annoying to join servers so yeah bye rishu out~~~~
Detailed description:
is there a automatic server rebooter bcz if is then make it reboot after a 5 hrs bcz if server is not rebooted for whole day we get a glitch target not found which makes annoying to join servers (like 5 hrs done srever reboot it repeats ok pls and maybe automatic reboot system will not crash or other thing bye ) dont be angry if i did mistake sry :(
bcz sometime bedwars can crash and other problem like glitches bcz of cpu getting high temp so yeah i am not forcing its on ur cpu irs powerful or not bye dont be angry if i did mistake sry :(