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OP Lifesteal Invsee


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jul 5, 2021
Minecraft username:


Detailed description:
As we know The ultimate rank players in Oplifesteal are given the perks fo ./invsee players
When doing that command in oplifesteal it does not show the armor slots of the players inventory it just shows the 36 inventory slots
It should be showing all the slots of a players inventory 36 + 4 armor slots and 1 off hand​

The reason for this is being that many players before before fighting the players tend to see their inventory to know which set the player is using and know its perks
For eg Razon_1 and Dinosauraus are gona fight each other and both see each others inventory it will not show them the armor slots
If Dinosauraus has 25% damage set and Razon_1 have 18% vanguard set there are chances Razon_1 might win the duel against dino

If dino was able to see the armor of Razon_1 he would know its not worth fighting him as it might get him to die

If a player knows others inventory it will help them make proper decisions against them and make strategies to gain advantage over others​

As the other gamemodes on the network with ./invsee we can see the players armor slots as well​