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Increase Your Appeal Acceptance Chance


Pika Member
Dec 11, 2020
Got slapped with a ban or mute and itching to get back on the server? Before you fire off a quick appeal, let's talk about how to craft a winning argument that will convince the PikaNetwork staff to reinstate your access.

Understanding Appeals: Who Decides Your Fate?
Appeals on PikaNetwork are handled by the moderation team, specifically by staff members with the appropriate permissions. These might be moderators, admins, or higher-ups. Their job is to review your case and determine if the punishment was justified or if there are grounds for leniency. An appeal is meant to be viewed and looked at from both perspectives - the issuer and the issued upon. While the majority of appeals

Keys to an Appealing Appeal: Building a Bridge of Understanding
Now, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of crafting an appeal that gets you unbanned. Here are some key elements that will form the foundation of your argument:
  • Own Up to Your Mistakes: Nobody likes a liar. Don't try to rewrite history or downplay your actions or sugarcoat them. Briefly explain what happened, but focus heavily on taking responsibility. Be transparent, even if it's uncomfortable.
  • Genuine Remorse & Understanding: Show the staff you regret your actions and understand how they impacted the server. Acknowledge the broken rule and explain why it's important. This demonstrates maturity and respect for the server's guidelines.
  • Change of Heart: Here's the clincher: convince the staff you won't repeat the offense. Explain what you've learned from this experience and how you'll ensure it doesn't happen again. Be specific! Maybe you'll educate yourself on the rules better, avoid certain situations, or use different tools or communication methods.

Crafting Your Message: Structure & Content are King
  • Respectful & Professional Opening: Start with a proper greeting like "Dear PikaNetwork Staff" and address them respectfully. This sets a positive tone.
  • Clear & Concise Structure: Structure your message logically. Explain the situation in a concise manner, using paragraphs for better readability.
  • Informative, Not Whiny: Don't waste words with excuses or emotional pleas. Instead, provide relevant details about the situation. Did you misunderstand a rule? Was it a one-time lapse in judgment? Demonstrate how you believe it was a falsely-applied punishment. Avoid rambling or accusatory language.
  • Brush Up on the Rules: Before crafting your appeal, take a moment to revisit the PikaNetwork server rules. Understanding the specific violation strengthens your case and shows you're taking the situation seriously.
  • Evidence is Your Ally: If you have proof to support your claim, like a screenshot of a misunderstanding or a chat log that clarifies the situation, include it. However, only include relevant evidence – irrelevant attachments will just clutter your appeal.
  • Avoid Spamming Appeals: Multiple appeals for the same punishment will only annoy the staff team and likely hurt your chances. Patience is key!
  • Respect the Process: Appeals take time to review. Don't badger the staff or ask for constant updates. This reflects poorly on you.

Staff Blacklist: The Road to Redemption
Being blacklisted from the PikaNetwork staff team is a severe consequence. It signifies a significant breach of trust and indicates actions that severely impacted the server and potentially the team itself. However, all is not lost. A blacklist on PikaNetwork is a permanent removal from the staff team, usually accompanied by a server ban. This action signifies a serious offense, potentially including:
  • Abuse of Power: Using staff privileges for personal gain, harassing players, or unfair punishments.
  • Hacking/Cheating: Utilizing unauthorized modifications or exploits that compromise server integrity.
  • Severe Rule Violations: Repeatedly breaking server rules, setting a negative example for the community, not abiding by the criteria that was set by the management to be followed, ignoring infractions or warnings issued, and/or (un)Intentionally breaching certain terms or rules that were agreed upon when joining the team.
  • Dishonesty & Deception: Lying to players or staff members, manipulating situations for personal benefit. Creating drama among the team for reasons of getting people demoted to increase the chances of getting promoted. Deceiving lower-ranks and only showing respect towards high ones.
  • Damaging Reputation: Publicly acting in a way that tarnishes the PikaNetwork image, or the team's reputation. Fighting or bickering publicly with colleagues, or tarnishing their image for personal grudge is a cheap ticket to demotion.
Appealing a blacklist is a long and challenging process. Due to the severity of the offense, the staff administration will be highly cautious regarding considering the removal of the blacklist. Here's a breakdown of some steps to consider when appealing for a blacklist:
  • Time for Reflection: Don't rush an appeal. Take significant time (weeks or months) to reflect on your actions and understand the impact they had. Time heals and can be of a great evidence to prove any behavioral improvement, maturity, a change for the better, and proper knowledge and recognition of the impact that was instilled by the actions that were made or taken prior to the blacklist.
  • Gather Evidence of Change: Demonstrate genuine reform. Have you had any past achievements or endeavors that were of a great and sensational effect on the team? Have you made a significant mentoring impact or led and supervised people within the team that were later proven to be of a great deal of appreciation? Has there been a situation where you sparked and delighted among your colleagues and was worthy enough to help you make up and compensate for the blacklist?
  • Crafting the Appeal: Write a well-structured and sincere apology. Acknowledge the severity of your actions, express remorse, and detail the steps you've taken to change.
  • Honesty & Humility: Don't make excuses or minimize your actions. Take full responsibility and focus on rebuilding trust.
  • Acceptance of Rejection: Be prepared for the possibility that your appeal might be denied, especially if the offense was egregious. There's nothing wrong with trying multiple times and giving it more shots for things to work. I've already had my first staff-application denied so far, and I'm willing to fight as much as possible for that to work, even if it takes me multiple rejections. And you should do the same!
While blacklist is a serious consequence, it doesn't have to be the end. Consistent and positive contributions to the community over a long period of time will be your most persuasive argument. As you demonstrate your reformed character, you may consider regaining the trust you've lost by making amends and using common sense at all times.

VPN Blockage
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can be a valuable tool for online privacy and security. However, on PikaNetwork, like many online communities, using a VPN for malicious purposes can lead to blocked access or even a ban. Let's delve into the reasons players might request VPN use, the potential for abuse, and how to navigate this situation responsibly.
Why Players Use VPNs: There are several legitimate reasons why players might want to use a VPN on PikaNetwork:
  • Geo-Restrictions: Some players might be located in regions with internet restrictions that prevent them from accessing PikaNetwork. A VPN can help bypass these restrictions and allow them to connect.
  • Privacy Concerns: VPNs can mask a user's IP address, potentially offering a layer of privacy while playing online.
  • Security on Public Wi-Fi: Using a VPN on public Wi-Fi networks can help encrypt your data and protect it from potential snooping.
The Dark Side of VPNs: Abusing the System
While VPNs have legitimate uses, some players exploit them for malicious purposes:
  • Evading Bans: Players who've been banned for violating server rules might try to use a VPN to create new accounts and bypass the ban.
  • Location Masking for Malicious Activity: A VPN can be used to mask a player's location, allowing them to engage in abusive behavior with less fear of identification. This could include harassment, bullying, or griefing other players.
  • Exploiting Loopholes: In some cases, players might use VPNs to exploit regional pricing differences or access content not available in their location, potentially disrupting the server's economy.
  • DDoS Attacks: In rare cases, a group of attackers might coordinate a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack using multiple VPN connections to overwhelm the server. This can render the server unplayable for everyone. While PikaNetwork - among other servers - has the architecture to encounter such attacks, it cannot be fully protected when an attack is planned.
Consequences of Abusive VPN Use:
PikaNetwork actively monitors for VPN usage and can identify patterns of abuse. If a VPN is being used for malicious purposes, the following actions might be taken:
  • Blocked VPN Access: PikaNetwork can block access from known VPN servers, preventing players from connecting while using a VPN.
  • Account Bans: If a player is caught using a VPN to evade a ban or engage in abusive behavior, their account could be permanently banned.


Aug 16, 2019
Half of what you wrote is useless. It doesn't matter if you show ''remorse''. Valid Punishment means Valid Punishment. The only thing someone needs to know about appeals is: sugarcoating doesn't work and just be straight to the point if you want a quick answer. Thats it.


SS Manager
Staff Member
Dec 2, 2022
we dont reverse punishemnts if its justified, no ones gonna pull on my heartstrings lol


Legendary Pika
Jan 25, 2022
Are you a Jartex staff? I'm pretty sure that's how it works in Jartex. They give you SUPER harsh punishments and you can appeal those even if they are valid by showing remorse.