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OP Lifesteal Improvements to Oplifesteal

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Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jul 5, 2021
Minecraft username:

Improvements to Oplifesteal​

Detailed description:
As we all know oplifesteal is a game base upon skill set of a player

There are many things which is needed and requested most in the community reguarding Oplifesteal

Here are some of the suggestions for upcomming oplifesteal reset

1) Bringing back Old Maps from season 1-3:-
The maps from season 1-3 are one of the best maps as they have a lot of memories of old days among the old player

2) Removal of Custom Potions :-
Custom pots have been an problem during the current 5th season of oplifesteal which made the playes getting chunk banned and being kicked off the server

3) Adding Pearl cooldown :-
Adding Pearl cooldown to the ender pearls is the best way to prevent player running away with spamming pearls to try to escape from fights adding a cooldown to them will 80% prevent the chances of players just running away from fights

4)Addition of Sowrd abbility:- adding back sword abbility to the swords from seasonal crates like season 3 like the thunder sword doing 10% more damage to players
And wallbreaker sword giving 5% damage to players but has chance 2% chance to blind them

5) Changes to boss:- the boss shards which are dropped by the boss can be used as a new token for getting the special boss sets
Changes of pvp from the boss area (the main reason is that once a player is stacked up and has good gear, they can just camp the area of bosses and dont let new players grind their way up ) when a player hits the boss they are put in combat as well as the stacked players just farm the new and innocent players who are severely undergeared and cant fight back

6) Improvement for Levels :- many people like me love to grind levels for some good rewards with the addition of levels till 155
I would like to suggest some changes
The basic motive of levels is that it gradually increases in difficulty
I would like to suggest that levels difficulty should work like this
Level 1-50 Easy tasks (not time consuming)
Level 50-90 Medium Tasks (avg time consuming)
Level 90-120 improved difficulty than 50-90
Level 120- 155 Hard levels (takes avg 2-5 hours to complete)
As the levels become harder the rewards will become better

7) Koth changes :- the koth changes i would like to suggest are addition of custom sets for non p2w players in the koth loot table ( like reaper set, divine sets from season 2-3

8) Addition of payouts :- Addition of payouts will be great to the players who like having competition
How it works :- the payouts canbe decided with the help of different category with the help of ./team top
1st how much money the team made
2nd how many kills they have as a team
3rd how many mobs have they killed
4th how many total custom crops they have farmed
Each category winners would get points for eg the #1 in each category will get 10 points #2 will get 7 points and #3 will get 4 points
Each team points can be added to a final leaderboard where total points can be used to get the final winners
This payouts can be of 4-6 biweeks where after each payout team leaders get a certain amout of iron payout like other modes with payouts

9) Addition of Rankup voucher bundles in the seasonal crate
With the recent resets for kit pvp and survival we have seen addition of rankup vouchers from the seasonal crates
The chance of a player getting this voucher can be set to 0.5% and the bundle includes rankups to Omega rank Only

10) Adding more gamemode options in /duel for eg addition of modes from Mctiers
Like Nethpot, Covp ,Sword, SMP , UHC

11) expansion of world borders the current season world borders are 40k 40k which can be expanded for better hiding of bases and prevent them from getting raided by hackers

12) bring back unscramble chat game
The unscramble chatgame was a fun addition to the chatgames as it required actual game knowledge tl play like knowing the item names
Addition of trivia games in as a new chatgame where 4 question can be asked related to minecraft knowledge and a player has only 1 chance to amswer
Removal of guess the number game
This chatgame is just spam of numbers in chat which makes u annoyed as many people dont use longer chat history mods and when this game begins everyone just spams in chat tk guess the number

13) Nerfing Damage class gkit :- this gkit is very buffed as it can provide the player 20-25% increase in damage which is very hard for a normal players and with sowrd ability this set will be completely broken doing 30% more dmage + the player can use strength 3 as well with the armor set
I suggest that this set shouls be nerfed making the players who are non p2w have some changes
I suggest that if a player has this set they should not be allowed to use strength

14) rework of sowrd killing with a renamed sowrd
Many people can use /rename on the sword which hides the playsr they killed making the players boost their hearts to 60 with alts
If the player kills were shown in chat with or without renamed sowrd will prevent alt boosting and give genuine players a fair chance​

The reason for the above suggestions is to improve the gamemode and making it much more accessible for players​


Rare Pika
May 3, 2024
I strongly disagree with all said above because these things add some excitement to the game removing them would make it boring
Custom enchant can be removed rest is good


Game Producer
Jul 3, 2023
Hello Razon_1,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):

1. No
2. No, a lot of players like this feature
3. No need for it, this is not factions.
4. This was too overpowered
5. No need
6. Not specific enough
7. We already have custom sets in the koth loottable
8. No
9. Can only be used in a very specific situation, but we will discuss it
10. Tried this, its not used at all
11. No, world is big enough
12. We can bring back chatgames, sure
13. No
14. No

For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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