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im informator blacklisted on ( 17 ) acc


Pika Lover
Apr 8, 2023
It was a regular day on December 11, 2023. I had logged into the Pika Network as usual, looking forward to spending some time with my online friends and engaging in some fun gameplay. Little did I know, this day would mark a significant change in my online life.

At precisely 19:29, I received a notification that I had been blacklisted from the Pika Network. My immediate reaction was shock and confusion. I had no idea what I had done wrong or why I was being banned. I frantically searched through my messages from staff, looking for any explanation or warning that might have preceded this sudden unban, but found none.

The Pika Network wasn't just a gaming platform for me; it was a community where I felt a sense of belonging. I had spent countless hours spending money, Cheating, and collaborating with friends. Being blacklisted felt like being torn away from a close-knit community. It was as if a part of my daily routine and social life had been abruptly taken away.

I felt a mixture of emotions - sadness, frustration, and a bit of anger. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? I racked my brain trying to recall any incidents or actions that might have violated the server rules, but nothing came to mind. The lack of clarity was perhaps the most distressing part.

Over the next few days, I tried to reach out to the Pika Network support team. I sent emails, filled out appeal forms, and posted on forums, hoping for some sort of response. I explained my situation, asking for an explanation and expressing my willingness to make amends if I had unknowingly would get unblacklisted.

The waiting period was agonizing. Each day that passed without a response felt like an eternity. The uncertainty of not knowing whether I would ever be able to return to the network weighed heavily on me. My friends on the network reached out, expressing their support and hoping for my return, but I could sense their helplessness too.

In the meantime, I tried to fill the void with other activities. I joined new servers, tried out different games, and even spent more time on differnet servers I had neglected. But nothing quite matched the sense of community and joy I found on the Pika Network. It felt like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

As the days turned into weeks, I slowly came to terms with the situation. While I still hoped for a resolution, I began to accept that it might never come. I realized that, regardless of the outcome, I needed to find peace and move forward. I learned to cherish the memories and friendships I had made and to carry those positive experiences with me.

This experience has taught me the importance of resilience and patience. It reminded me that, while setbacks are inevitable, how we respond to them defines us. I still hold onto hope that one day I will be able to rejoin the Pika Network, but until then, I will continue to explore new horizons and build new connections.

I love my friends @JustThiemo @Axteroid @Arrly @Regretfull / all the staff team <3

Beginning of day 203 Being blacklisted


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