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Helpful Forums Guide

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Staff Member
Sr Mod
Feb 5, 2022
Forums Guide - Marc.png

Forums serve as a central hub for the server. If you're looking for discussions between other members, announcements, payouts, events, or staff assistance, you can find them all here. It is essential to have a basic understanding before you dive into the world of PikaNetwork forums!

Table of Contents
  • Forum sections
  • Reactions
  • Ranks
  • Titles
  • Trophies
  • Prefixes
  • Helpful information
Forum Sections

Forum sections can be classified into the following.
  • Server Administration
    Sub-sections and threads under this category are official and are managed by the server. Only staff members start threads here.

  • Blog Posts
    Threads under this category showcases PikaNetwork's amazing playing experience.

  • Games
    The Games section contains a sub-section for every game mode on the server, members can post threads. Most gamemode sections will contain a guide. Members can enjoy discussions in their interested gamemodes.

  • Support & Suggestions
    Sub-sections under this category are primarily based on player support and feedback.

  • Applications & Reports
    Sub-sections under this category assist with reports such as player reports, and bug reports. This sub-section also contains applications that players can apply on such a staff applications.

  • Server Discussion
    Players can engage in discussions within this section. In-game trade offers can also be listed.


Players can express certain reactions by hovering over the "Like" Button (Example). Reaction scores are the net reactions you've received. Depending on the reaction you receive, your reaction score may increase or decrease. Below, a table has been provided regarding how different reactions manipulate your score.



PikaNetwork forums offers a variety of ranks, which can be classified as follows:

Staff ranksThese ranks can be obtained by applying for the staff team and climbing up. However, ranks beyond Admin are part of CraftiGames and are difficult to obtain. More information can be found HERE.Trial, Helper, Moderator, Sr Mod, Admin, Developer, Manager, Owner
ObtainableOnly (non-staff) rank that can be obtainable, requirements are 150 reports accepted and 80% acceptance rate. You can apply HERE.Great Reporter
UnobtainableThe first 3 ranks were obtainable by purchasing. And, the final rank is only given to PikaNetwork.Legendary, Forum Fantasiser, Legendary, PikaNetwork


Most titles can be obtained and are displayed next to your username. These titles do not have colors. There are two types of titles:
  • Manager/role titles
  • Message titles
Manager/role titles
Subrole managersThese titles are given to staff-members that manage subroles. More information can be found HERE.Media Manager, Event Manager, SS Manager
Team Events (heads)These titles are given to Event Coordinators.Event Coordinators
(Ex) System AdminGiven to the former system administrator Whitei520Ex-System Administrator
DeveloperThese titles are given to Developers. These titles specify their responsibility, you can refer to THIS thread for more information.Configurator, Lead Developer, Java Developer, Game Producer

Message titles
Range of messagesTitle
0-4New Member
40-79Pika Lover
80-99Rare Pika
100-199Epic Pika
200-499Legendary Pika
500-999Ultimate Legendary Pika
1000+The Pika

Note: Message titles will disappear once you have a forums rank, and forums rank will also display a title with their name.


You can earn trophies and receive points after completing certain requirements. Below, a table has been provided for different trophies.

First MessageMessage anywhere on forums1
Keeps Coming Back30 messages5
Somebody Likes YouReceive a positive reaction2
Can't Stop!100 messages10
I Like It a Lot25 reaction score10
Seriously Likeable!100 reaction score15
Can't Get Enough of Your Stuff250 reaction score20
Addicted1,000 messages30
I LOVE IT!500 reaction score30
Small Reporter25 accepted player reports5
Active Reporter100 accepted player reports10
Post Maniac5,000 messages25
Known25 followers5
Popular100 followers15
Forums Master10.000 messages40
First Follower1 follower5
Profile PosterPost a profile message3
Bug CaughtReport a bug7
Creative!1 suggestion accepted6
Mastermind5 suggestions accepted16
Beacon of Positivity1,000 reaction score50


Prefixes are usually next to the thread title. They provide additional information regarding the thread. Below, a table has been provided to showcase general prefixes.

AcceptedIndicates an accepted thread.
HelpfulIndicates a helpful thread.
ScannedIndicates that the thread is under review.
ImportantIndicates an important thread, usually info threads.
DeniedIndicates a denied thread.
ClosedIndicates that thread has been resolved/closed.

Helpful Information
  • Follow the rules. It's common for users to post farm, meaning, they assist threads that have already been resolved or post unvaluable posts. Do not spam reactions. The list of all (forum) rules can be found HERE.
  • Read the information threads before posting applications/appeals/payment support/tickets. They are very important.
  • Most thread sections will have a thread pinned (they appear above all threads), they can be very helpful.
  • You can view server punishments HERE.
  • Everything regarding your settings & forums account can be found HERE.
  • More information regarding the staff-team can be found HERE.
  • Full list of staff-members can be found HERE.
  • Post macros are helpful in quickly sharing pre-made messages, and can be created HERE. Users can create formatted messages, and quickly paste them using the lighting symbol in the tools bar (Example).
  • More information regarding forum ranks & titles can be found HERE and HERE.
If you have any questions, please create a support ticket HERE.
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